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Yeah considering how the story itself went I thought it was an ending to the zero series; A fitting one actually.

But yeah I'd love to see a revamped MM series

as for SF4

If on the Wii, they better make it so I can use the classic controller as well as the wiimote. The classic controller was perfect console wise...

I doubt they will. It will most likely be on 360 and PS3. Wii usually just gets garbage disposal versions of games and half-ass shovelware games.

No one has said it's going to be 2D.

if it isnt i will personally skull fuck everyone at capcom

To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.

c'mon you got to have Zangiuf and guile, I wouldnt mind seeing blanka and E honda go

To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.

I need Cammy!

To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.

I'd like to see new characters too, but seeing how SFIII had many clone-types (some arguably very forgettable) of the original SFII characters I also wouldn't mind seeing the return of a few of the classic characters (E.Honda, Blanka, Sagat) to go along with Ryu, Ken, and Chun-li.


It's about time you all got your fix. I personally can't stand fighting games, so I may be the only person in the whole wide internet that doesn't give a shit. I'd rather they erase Megaman X 4 through 8 and fix that series. Street Fighter Lost me at Street Fighter 2: Ultimate Champion Sparkly Shiny Uber l33t Insane Unbelievable Mega Huge Armageddon Sweet Ass Apocolyptic Regurgitated Edition. There were quite a few more after that as I understand... So thinking technically, this SHOULD be Street Fighter 287.

It's about time you all got your fix. I personally can't stand fighting games, so I may be the only person in the whole wide internet that doesn't give a shit. I'd rather they erase Megaman X 4 through 8 and fix that series. Street Fighter Lost me at Street Fighter 2: Ultimate Champion Sparkly Shiny Uber l33t Insane Unbelievable Mega Huge Armageddon Sweet Ass Apocolyptic Regurgitated Edition. There were quite a few more after that as I understand... So thinking technically, this SHOULD be Street Fighter 287.

Wow what an original joke that has never been done before.


Man, I must be some kind of prophet or something. I'm not a fighting game fan, and I was just writing something for Creative Writing last night. I only decided to bring it in at the end:

I swung the stick solidly, with confidence. But, as usual, it wasn’t enough. Thok. Our sticks connected, and swish, my weapon was gone in a flawless disarm. Quickly, I made a swipe for the stomach with my other stick, but a quick sidestep left me swinging air, with plenty of time for him to move in and tag me.

“Match point!” our instructor declared. “Ken, be sure to feint. You’re telegraphing all over the place.” Didn’t I know it. My partner tossed me my stick back. Wordless, as always. Alright, focus… I got the left stick in the defensive position and held the right one out at a little less than arm’s length. There, that seemed to cover me. Always moving, always alert, I watched him. But he was as stoic as I’d ever known him; like a mountain, completely at ease. Impossible to read. I didn’t get it… I’d always been told to move around, never keeping myself in one place. It seemed to work for my previous instructors when they were tagging the hell out of me. Suddenly I lunged. The stomach. But a quick redirect of my shot was followed by one of his own, and it was only by bringing my left arm up awkwardly that I managed to block it. We both returned to our default positions. Experimentally, I jabbed at him with my stick, as though I were tenderizing him. Maybe this would work. Sensei had said to feint. I tried again, jabbing with the left but suddenly bringing in the right. Thok. Was it at all possible to catch this guy off guard?

Apparently he was tired of waiting. He zoomed forward, first coming to my upper body, then my lower. Redirect, then reinforce. He was coming at the wrong angles for a disarm. I jumped backwards, but that was all the time he needed. “Hadoken!” His arms came forward even quicker then they’d gone back, sending the bright blue light straight into my midair dodge. “Ryu is the winner!” Sensei announced. Again.

Without a word my perpetual better offered his hand, helping me up. While this was certainly a step up from fighting green-skinned Brazillian natives, it was also a painful reminder of how far I needed to go before I could call myself a true Street Fighter.

To be honest, I hope that the majority of the cast is NEW characters, with notable legacy ones. Ken and Ryu are mandatory, Chunli is the First Lady of Fighters, and Makoto needs to be in there (to prevent the aforementioned destruction of the Earth). Other than that, I'm good with a brand new cast.

I agree, though I would like to see Sagat and/or Dan in it as well.

Wait, what? I wasn't joking.

The part where you mockingly add adjectives to the title of the game. That's got to be the first time I've ever seen anyone point out Capcom's naming conventions in such an insightful, satiric manner. Nice work.


Seriously, nobody's found that joke funny in like, 10 years.


I really hope they they realize that they are creating something truly epic and capitalize on it. Take all the time in the world to TRY NEW THINGS. People will be as rabid for this in 6 years as they are now.


Damn that trailer was cool. I wonder if gameplay will look anything close to that.

On the topic of characters, I'm happy as long as Akuma is in the game which I'm like 99.5% sure he will be. If the game has Alex and Cammy then I would be all set.

Man this is still pretty unbelieveable. I was really beginning to lose hope of capcom ever making a "new" Street Fighter.

I really hope they they realize that they are creating something truly epic and capitalize on it. Take all the time in the world to TRY NEW THINGS.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people forget all about Street Fighter III. 3rd Strike in particular was really refined and brought some fun ideas to the table.

Hopefully Capcom continues the series in the tradition of SF3; a refined, technical fighter with an even pace. I don't care too much for the hectic flashiness that characterized their MvC games.

Sometimes I get the feeling that people forget all about Street Fighter III. 3rd Strike in particular was really refined and brought some fun ideas to the table.

Hopefully Capcom continues the series in the tradition of SF3; a refined, technical fighter with an even pace. I don't care too much for the hectic flashiness that characterized their MvC games.

Yeah thats really true, in fact I believe that every new street entry has changed quite a bit. SF II and Alpha and III are completely different. Thats probably why each iteration is still played quite often. I know thats why I still play SSF II Turbo, SFA 3, and SF3 TS quite often. They just play completely different for the most part.

This probably gets over shadowed by the fact the each iteration has seen numerous tweaked re-releases. I don't need to explain, I'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about.


My Ph.D. in sarcasm is obviously wasted here. I know it's not funny. It became so true that it ceased being funny.

What is funny though is that the responses made me think of that episode of Family Guy where Olivia calls Stewie the weakest link.

"I love how you took that culturally relevant bit that we all knew... "You ARE the weakest link!" and you changed the context... and you used it to refer to me! Like, what I just did there! You're funny! Do you wanna crack any Titanic jokes while we're talking about recent developments in entertainment? You're funny. Do you write your own stuff? Because you're funny. Ha! Aha ha! Ooooh.... my.


The return of Ryu and Ken. They most likely will be joined by Chun-Li, and Akuma. My bet is that Alex and maybe Hugo (Zangief would be to damn old, and he wasn't in SF3) from SF3 will join them. Maybe one or two from SF2 and SFA?

Don't think many of the SFA characters will be joining Street Fighter again. Most of them are dead, or were imported from Final Fight.

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