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I realize it's just a teaser vid and not the official art style for the game, but which do you guys prefer?

3S Ryu looks better, but I thought that Ken looked pretty good in the teaser.

Uh seriously dude, if you're not going to contribute anything to the forums, quit posting. :roll:

Ah good; so I'm not the only one who wishes he'd swallow his mouse.

I don't know how well this game is going to do; as I've previously stated, the arcade is dying.

Ah good; so I'm not the only one who wishes he'd swallow his mouse.

that would be inhumane to my sweet furry rodent freinds

I was just showing my enthuasim for the arrival for a new street Fighter.

  • 1 month later...

The graphics looks awesome, but I don't like how Ryu's face looks now. I think they had it just right on SF3, but now he looks more like Akuma. A bit too mean. Yet, he still looks cool. Maybe it's because he's older or something. I guess I should go ahead and pony up for a 360.


It looks like an American comic book style, which is what's weird about it. After seeing it in a distinct anime style since Alpha, it is a bit weird. Then again, the new HD Street Fighter for Xbox Live Arcade/ Playstation Market will use designs made by comic book artists.

If she's in this game, and you follow the scale from II, to III:TS, each of her thighs should be about three feet across.

Yeah, I never quite understood some people's attraction to muscular women. Chun-Li was OK looking though. Probably one of my favorite fighters in SF2 Turbo.


Damn this game looks nice. The is the most 2D looking cel-shading I have ever seen. Also Ken, Ryu, Chun-Li, and Dhalism are confirmed for the game.

Still no platforms though.


If Dan or Sakura don't come back in this one, the game will instantly be ruined for me. At least we got Dhalsim back, so that's a good sign. But why the hell is this gonna take place between II and III when it's IV? Oh well, wouldn't be the first time Capcom did something like this (RE3).

Chun Li would still be hot if she was 80.

Have you ever held down, then pressed up and paused the game really fast?

I'm not saying that I ever did it, but have you?


What do you guys thing about these rumors so far?

You know like the Ultra Combo thing, no parrying, and it takes place before 3 but after 2.

There just rumors right now but it would really suck if they took out parrying.


I read a bunch of stuff about how they're trying to make this the Second Coming of Street Fighter II, and that they're going to try to get as many SFII characters into the game as possible.

If there's any truth to these rumors, I'm just gonna skip this. I want to play Street Fighter 4, not Street Fighter 2.5 in 3D. I'm really annoyed that we're gonna be stuck with pretty much the same roster that we've been stuck with for years.

Part of the reason I liked SF3 so much was because it had almost an entirely new roster, and they weren't clones of the old ones; sure there were similarities and shared move-sets, but they were still different enough to feel fresh.

I'm sick of M.Bison's grin, I'm sick of Guile's hair, and I'm sick of Yoga Flame. I'll pass.


I love the parry system, but I doubt it will be in SF4. Maybe something similar, like DOA- or KI-type reversals. Everything is speculation at this point. But I trust that Capcom will handle with care. This is their flagship series, it would be a monumental error if they screwed up the gameplay.

Those screens are preliminary (I hope), but they need to spend a lot more time on the general art style. Ryu and Ken are fugly. I fear for Chun Li.

Also, heavier cel shading. Similar to that wispy feeling of the trailer.

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