OverCoat Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 I hope one day we have a single console that will play all the fucking games like... the PC? though emulation has kind of stagnated recently hasn't it Quote
lazygecko Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 This is a stupid assumption. Why would they spend enormous amounts of money on a single system of their own when they they're already earning trillions from selling Madden on PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 without having to bother with hardware of their own? Quote
Neonlare Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 This is a stupid assumption. Why would they spend enormous amounts of money on a single system of their own when they they're already earning trillions from selling Madden on PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 without having to bother with hardware of their own? Capitalization. Quote
The Coop Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 This is a stupid assumption. Why would they spend enormous amounts of money on a single system of their own when they they're already earning trillions from selling Madden on PS2, PS3 and Xbox 360 without having to bother with hardware of their own? Stupid? I don't think so. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony have had their franchises on their own systems for years (and Sega once upon a time). They could make a lot more money going multi-system with their popular franchises, but for whatever reasons, they're one system only. Quote
PassivePretentiousness Posted October 21, 2007 Posted October 21, 2007 The current market structure of the industry makes sense to me. There is no reason to believe that a shift to consolidation of different systems is likely, let alone desirable. The only change I see possible in the next decade is room for smaller, specialized companies making consoles that cater to specific audiences as the size of the market continues to grow. I'm surprised that hasn't already happened more. Quote
Steben Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 EA wants just one vg remixing site. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/04/01/221247 Quote
Devyn Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 Competition is extremely important. That competition drives the games industry to make good software. Variation is also extremely important. EA are wrong on so many levels. They are the new world order threat of the games industry. Quote
sephfire Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 I'm not sure why some people assume this means EA wants to put their own console on the market. I am sure that the EA hate is a bit over-blown, though. Quote
Drack Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 If you read what the article really says, EA's platform will include everybody's hardware, but when you put a disc in, you don't know/care which console inside this mega-console is being used. Also some stuff about advanced networking, lie some of the games may be based around some sort of thin client. Sounds to me like they're pushing an uber-expensive omniconsole. Not a good idea in my opinion. And in the EA bashing, folks, I don't like em any more than you do, but this is a hardware idea. Really has nothing to do with software. Quote
sephfire Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 If you read what the article really says, EA's platform will include everybody's hardware, but when you put a disc in, you don't know/care which console inside this mega-console is being used. Also some stuff about advanced networking, lie some of the games may be based around some sort of thin client. I am not sure how long we will have dedicated consoles - but we could be talking up to 15 years," Mr Florin added.He predicted that server-based games streamed to PCs or set-top boxes, would become increasingly important. I don't see anything in there that suggests they want to enter the console ring, at least not now. Perhaps they will be working on such an "open console" themselves in the future, but for now, he seems to just be making predictions about the directions gaming hardware will take in the next fifteen years. Nothing in there seems to suggest an EA super-platform happening any time in the near future. Quote
shikigami Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 man who knew EA were such socialists on top of slave-driving nazis? Quote
Devyn Posted October 22, 2007 Posted October 22, 2007 man who knew EA were such socialists on top of slave-driving nazis? Yep, that's what I've heard too: http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html Quote
Guy In Rubber Suit Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 The idea of one console is nothing new. I read of several top industry heads wanting one console as well, or at least predicting that the future will go in that direction. I don't know off the top of my head but I imagine a simple Google search will yield some results. I like the idea of one console though I wouldn't want to see one company make it. A collaboration of companies and they license out the technology, kind of like the VCR, DVD player, the Blu-Ray player or HDDVD player. Granted going in this direction it probably would make it more PC like but then again the current crop of systems have very similar PC ideas such as downloadable content, mods, patches, harddrives and hell you even have to install some shit now to get somewhere. PCs are going the more console route by have a more plug and play kind of interface, example being the software will install in the background while you play the game. I imagine as we head towards more download only content, we'll see a one platform war, however there might be different service plans you might have to suscribe to in order to download them. So in that regard, we can have our console war only it'll be the subscription war. Quote
whatfruit Posted October 23, 2007 Author Posted October 23, 2007 Yep, that's what I've heard too:http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html i read this article and it made me sick to my stomach. I have started to think that EA has been killing the games industry for some years becasue every old software production house that they absorb loses all creatvivty and churns out half baked sequel after half baked sequel (FIFA games are the ideal mould to look at and is in some way why their populartiy has fallen and Pro Evo rise has been so prominet in the football game of choice) also the last Oddworld game strangers Wrath was poor and did not feel Oddworld at all but a genric shooter. The medal of Hounour games have also fallen in quality. yes they may have better graphics, but the innovation that is absent and so more prominet in smaller or independent houses not owned by EA. The problem horrible thing that EA has done is taken the Game making process out of the hands of the game lovers (programmers, artists)who actually love their art and want to push the barriers on game interaction and placed it in the hands of the suits. The suits dont give a flying fuck about game design and player interaction they simply want their money. The only way i can see a real change in EA is if the technical people striked for better conditions, better pay packets and to have more control over what they were producing. The problem there is that they would simply employ people who would be more than happy to work in the competitive industry. The only way it could work is if it was an industry wide strike. an EA CEO http://www.oddworld.com/universe/industrial/characters/glukkons/molluck_assets/cg_assets/scroll_cg06.jpg Quote
Citris Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Actually, as far as I know, I've been boycotting EA for years. I say "as far as I know" because business structure has always been confusing to me, so I may be buying from companies who are owned by EA. Basically if it says "EA" on it, I don't buy it. Quote
Devyn Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Less moaning about typing, and more EA hate please. My thirst for hating them is unquenchable. Quote
whatfruit Posted October 23, 2007 Author Posted October 23, 2007 another great independent studio succombs to the big EA machine. This makes me cry I love Bioware and Pandemic. Here it comes folks shit Knights of the Old republic games, shit Rpgs and shit new FPS http://www.bioware.com/bioware_info/press_releases/2007_10_11_EA_to_acquire_bioware_pandemic/EA_to_acquire_bioware_pandemic.pdf Quote
Katsurugi Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Electronic Arts™ is a superlative company whose corporate decisions are bold and pragmatic, ensuring fiscal responsibility for both the common weal and wealth of the company, employees, and its wholly owned subsidiaries. I agree with The wingless. Having a single platform would simply make it easier for EA to pick off smaller independent game developers. Really, it would just be favorable to EA rather than the console gaming industry. Though there would be less hardware competition, on the software side, this would grow exponentially. Smaller companies wouldn't really stand a chance unless they had a large budget or helped by a certain larger company. I think EA hasn't had enough of messing around with game development teams. Also, the grammar in the title really annoys me. I almost wish I didn't post so it could fall off of the first page. Quote
anosou Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 I hope they do. The videogame industry is one of the few tech industries that divides it's hardware so much and has so many different standars and media. I hope one day we have a single console that will play all the fucking games and there won't be any more console wars on teh winterwebs EVER.Not gonna happen but would be nice. It would send the prices skyrocketing though. so yeah, one platform is suckage Quote
Devyn Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 One console wouldn't be enough to satisfy the needs of all gamers. You can't have a console with the power of the Xbox 360 and PS3 and the accessibility and low cost of the Wii. It's impossible. You pick which one best suits you and go with it (if you're good with money, you can get all of them). What EA wants is basically just a PC, and that just isn't going to work. I mean, I want EA to die a horrible death, but it just isn't going to happen and there are people besides me who want different things. For instance, lets imagine a store - A really big store, that has everything that the consumer needs: Electronics, food, music, furniture, drugs, car repair, clothing, jewelry, gasoline - And lets make all of the prices unbelievably low. This store will buy out all of those other stores (well, as many as possible), and those stores won't be able to compete. Those other stores may make better products and offer a better service, but they won't have the chance because big store has more locations and has put various restrictions on the companies who make the products it carries. The experience will become grating. You will only have that one store to choose from, as the other places have been choked out. There will only be one company for employees to work. When you go in, the lines will be clogged and the employees will be so overworked and stressed that creativity will be very low on their list of priorities. The other customers will push, get in the way, and generally act like retards. But now you have no other choice. You shopped there, while you could have shopped somewhere else. You could have went to that little corner store and paid a little extra. But no. You bought the same product again and again, even though each one was just a simple rehash of its predecessor. The little corner store is closed now, and the family had to move into a smaller house and get on welfare for a while. This is what happens when you buy Madden NFL 06, 07, and 08 (well in the case of EA, any of their games). This is what happens when you dismiss a game because it's too "kiddy" or too "weird". This is what happens when you only play the big titles like Halo, Mario, and Final Fantasy and skip out on games like Viewtiful Joe. This is what happens when you say "There is only one console worth buying". EA and many other companies are hurting the game industry. But so is the consumer. You, the consumer, have to make smart decisions as a consumer and keep your industry healthy. Without you, none of these companies would be anything. Quote
anosou Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 This is what happens when you only play the big titles like Halo, Mario, and Final Fantasy and skip out on games like Viewtiful Joe. I like you. I try to do that, too bad Final Fantasy is a great series of game. Otherwise I would diss it. Actually nowadays I'm trying to find all the obscure-but-good titles for the PS 1 & PS2. Slow progress but I'm getting there: http://soundscape.escariot.net/games/ Quote
Fb=MC2 Posted October 23, 2007 Posted October 23, 2007 Yep, that's what I've heard too:http://ea-spouse.livejournal.com/274.html "EA's bright and shiny new corporate trademark is "Challenge Everything." Where this applies is not exactly clear. Churning out one licensed football game after another doesn't sound like challenging much of anything to me" Yeah....I never really liked EA. They don't really produce any that involves creativity if you ask me. All of their games are produced for Dumb Jocks for the most part. Quote
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