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This is a few months old, but I never saw a thread about it here and Yahtzee's reviews are just too great to miss.

A british-born, Australia-based guy by the name of Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw has been releasing short, hilarious game reviews for the last few months. The Escapist picked him up a while back and he's been making a new video every week. I'd try describing the videos to you, but you really have to see them for yourself.

Zero Punctuation Reviews by "Yahtzee" (in chronological order)

Heavenly Sword (demo) and Resident Evil 5 (teaser)


Next-Gen Console Rundown


Tomb Raider Anniversary



Halo 3

Tabula Rasa (beta)

The Orange Box

Super Paper Mario

Medal of Honor: Airborne

Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

Clive Barker's Jericho

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate

Assassin's Creed

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock

Mass Effect

Super Mario Galaxy

Silent Hill: Origins


The Witcher

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Sim City Societies

Yahtzee Goes to GDC

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Devil May Cry 4

Burnout: Paradise


Zack & Wiki

Army of Two

No More Heroes

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Mailbag Showdown

Grand Theft Auto IV


The World Ends With You

I eagerly await every wednesday now. Enjoy. :<



soc actually showed me his youtube videos first, then I found out about zero punctuation via his trailer. I believe I was there when there was manhunt.

Either way, this guy is my fucking hero, and he needs to put more 'twing-twang' in his videos.

This guy's also made some pretty decent adventure games.

The 5 Days a Stranger series is particularly good.

O. M. G. THE ZERO PUNCTUATION REVIEWER DUDE IS THE GUY WHO MADE THE John DeFoe '5 Days A Stranger' SERIES!?!?#?!$?!@%$!#@^@#?&$#@*&?@!!


Yeah, pimping up the thread with this cool game (the first in the series), but, I think that link is a pretty good summary for a great game that the guy made. I can't believe that it's the same person...

And it's also very much worth checking out, along with his ZERO PUNCT. reviews.

WOW. This is like realising that two internet celebrities are actually the same person. Except that one internet celebrity isn't as popular as the other one.

Which is still cool.

And, agreed. His Adventure freeware games are amazing. Not to mention scary, as crazy as that sounds.


OMG I'm laughing so hard I fell off my chair! I'm actually having truoble typing this. I can't stop laughing....oh man....phew. How have I not heard about this guy before? Great stuff.


I absolutely LOVE Zero Punctuation; Yahtzee's absolutely mind-blowingly hilarious, and he manages to do it while giving really fair reviews.

And yes, as mentioned earlier, he makes some ridiculously great adventure games. I'm playing through the x Days series right now (currently on 7 Days a Skeptic, the second of four).

Also, for fans of 5 Days, there's actually a Source mod adaptation of it currently under development (and Yahtzee's involved with it, so it probably won't be totally bastardized). According to their FAQ, they're hoping to have it out before the end of 2008 (and for the artistically inclined, they're currently looking for a concept artist, character modeller/animator, item modeller, and texture artist)

Also, for fans of 5 Days, there's actually a Source mod adaptation of it currently under development (and Yahtzee's involved with it, so it probably won't be totally bastardized). According to their FAQ, they're hoping to have it out before the end of 2008 (and for the artistically inclined, they're currently looking for a concept artist, character modeller/animator, item modeller, and texture artist)

Wow, that front page is more exciting that Fallout 3's ever was. And that game is a cult classic.

What's so cool is that Yahtzee's so popular now that he could pimp his own projects -- and they'd be very well worth the pimpage. I mean, if they managed to convert the game's to 3D, then oh ho ho. That'd be mindblowing.

Lol, the Bioshock review was brilliantly accurate in a twisted kind of way. I loved it, although I had to quit it when he started talking about the endings. Spoilers or not, I don't want to know anything about them.

I can't watch the video's. Do you need to register first? Sounds like i'm missing out here....

Try a different browser maybe? At the very least, these videos should be all over youtube. Just try keywords like "zero punctuation" and "fully ramblomatic"


I've watched about half of 'em. It's excellent writing and usually spot-on, but I haven't found it laugh-out-loud funny except for once or twice.

He endorses Portal, too. So there you go. He's a man's man.

EDIT: Okay, the side-by-side screenshots of the RE4 and RE5 gun-pointing got a hearty laugh.


Haha, those reviews are hellaaa funny. But I'm not sure whether this guy is truly a pessimist or just being that way cuz it's in his character to do so. Almost all those reviews have barely any positive things in them, then again, I didn't watch the Psychonauts one which he refers to in another one, and says that because of his review of that game he's not allowed to post anything good about games (yes that was a run-on sentence). Hope there was more!

You know, aside from being fucking hilarious, these are among the best and most accurate reviews I've ever heard. They're all dead-on.

Bookmarked. How often does he post new ones?

Ditto. He had me at his review of Bioshock. That is one of my favorite games ever. Seeing as how System Shock 2 is also one of my favorite games ever, this isn't a surprise. That was one of my main problems with Bioshock though.

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