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I think he intends to keep his word, short of The Escapist leveling pressure on him to do so. And he's just going to go on about rubberbanding AI and the items and such anyway. You know, legitimate complaints about the game, but ones we've heard a thousand times already. And it'll boil down to the same thing as the Brawl review: If you already like this sort of thing, you'll still like it, and if you don't, you won't. An MKWii review would basically be an exercise in futility as it is, considering it's the posterboy of Mario "selling out", like he continually goes on and on about.

So, let's pass on that and actually get a game reviewed that he may actually enjoy.

That said, the GTA4 review wasn't bad. Not bust-a-gut hilarious, but still solid. I really liked when he referenced the original GTA and how silly it was. That's pretty much why I played it at all. Mayhem and destruction. *Shrugs*


I remember in his toruk (however you spell it) review he gave a positive mention of Metroid Prime, which got me to thinking: Aside from psychonaughts, do you think he ever will review a game he likes? If he liked MP, he would probably like MP3, but he still might complain about the controls in some way.

Mind you, I enjoy seeing him destroy games I love. I think my favorite review is Mario galaxy even though I love the game.

I remember in his toruk (however you spell it) review he gave a positive mention of Metroid Prime, which got me to thinking: Aside from psychonaughts, do you think he ever will review a game he likes? If he liked MP, he would probably like MP3, but he still might complain about the controls in some way.

Mind you, I enjoy seeing him destroy games I love. I think my favorite review is Mario galaxy even though I love the game.

Well, to be fair, he's reviewed a number of titles he does like. It's his job to rip into all the games he's played and it's been proven that if he's universally positive about a game he reviews, a lot of his feedback is negative. Considering his popularity is built around being negative, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, he is often forced to rail games he enjoys.

Take, for example, Call of Duty 4. His review of it was largely positive, and he clearly enjoyed it, though he went after the game's faults pretty aggressively. Or Super Paper Mario, where he said he had fun with it and found some of it brilliant, but he shot at the game's attempt to drag out gameplay length. You mentioned Galaxy, and that was clearly another game he genuinely appreciated, save for a few quibbles. And I mean, he genuinely had a few quibbles with Psychonauts too, it's just he didn't detail them at great length like he has with other games he's enjoyed.

Also? Watch the Orange Box review. He has pretty much almost universally positive things to say about it, especially Portal. I think he's already reviewed a number of games he's genuinely liked, but it's not his job to be nice about things. And while it's good to have that change of pace, it's not what he gets paid for. *Shrugs*


*Sees that Yahtzee won't review MK Wii*

Thank goodness. I didn't need to see Yahtzee do nothing but complain...I doubt he'd have a single positive thing to say about it. It'd probably be twice the travesty his Brawl review was...

This week's review wasn't funny, pretty much. He made great points, and it was an interesting review, but I didn't even chuckle.

Thank goodness. I didn't need to see Yahtzee do nothing but complain...I doubt he'd have a single positive thing to say about it. It'd probably be twice the travesty his Brawl review was...

There wasn't anything wrong with Yahtzee's Brawl review. All of his points were valid, but they were faults that fans of the series (like us) can easily ignore. But since it isn't the type of game he likes anyway, the issues were all the more obvious.

He's kind of already reviewed Mario Kart by association anyway by covering other Nintendo franchises. Looking at his Mario Galaxy, Phantom Hourglass, Brawl and Paper Mario reviews, it's easy to assume what he'd say.

Yahtzee's take on Nintendo franchises: "They're polished and usually pretty fun, but they definitely aren't flawless and I wish Nintendo would use all that talent and money to branch out and try some new things."


The new AVGN is the hardest I have laughed since Friday the 13th. I guess it helps if you have played the games beforehand (I seriously couldn't stop laughing for 20 minutes during the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde video when watching it the first time.)

But seriously, go watch it.

Just how long ago was Painkiller anyway?....

Released april 2004.

Should be fine graphics-wise, just look at other games that came out around then, like UT2004.

EDIT: I'm playing this. It's awesome. I think Yahtzee should have spent a little more time on the Painkiller (your infinite ammo weapon) rather than the Shurikans+Lightning gun. It's the coolest infinite ammo weapon I've EVER used in a game. Primary fire has a spinning "fan" of blades in front of you. The game sends a huge mob of monsters at you. Plow through with this. Secondary fire shoots the blades forward, all of them pointing forward. If they hit an enemy, they yank it back if it kills. If you MISS, you can still hit them with it because there's a beam of pain between the blades you shot and the gun if you aim at it. Secondary fire again to get the blade to magically return to the gun. If you use secondary fire while the blades are spinning from primary fire, it shoots them forward, still spinning. No beam, but much more powerful. I use this way more than the other weapons.

Actually I find that the newest version of their player is now finally working with Firefox. I could never get it to work with any Firefox on any computer, and now it's right there. Niiiice.

Same. It was mostly Ad-Block that was doing it, though. Something about the address that the flash files was coming from... now it's fine. Eitehr they changed the source address, or the recent ad-block update included a proper filter.

Whatever. I can't wait until he does MGS4. Yeah, it won't be for a lon time, but such a big game and all the hype about it... It will be fun to see how it turns out.


This week's review shows us why I prefer not to take Yahtzee's reviews seriously and more for their comedic value. I'd probably say the same about his review for SSBB but I haven't played it yet. Though I couldn't help but nod throughout his talk on The World Ends With You's battle system.

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