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As his popularity goees up, more and more people go to the site and download the flash files, making bandwidth needs go up. Bandwidth isn't exactly cheap, so The Escapist has to make ends meet by upping their advertising, even if it means advertising their own site.

By advertising their own site they get more hits in other areas and can start putting more third party advertising around the site in general and make ends meet. Hopefully this situation will resolve itself. It's just too bad that most of the other features on the escapist really suck = \

Yeah, this pretty much sums it up, I think. At least they're kind enough to leave the ads at the end. :|


I'm pretty sure that the world economy is starting to feel the effects. I just think there's a lot more cross promotion and money-centric website choices that are happening nowadays. Everything seems more expensive. Foreign or otherwise.


Ah, leave it Yahtzee to cheer me up as the tiger's take a harsh beating.. To the Indians...

Though in honestly, does anyone really look forward to new final fantasy releases anymore?


This week, Yahtzee advocates pessimistic cynicism. No surprise, since that's his viewpoint of choice. Also, while it does makes sense, he neglected to point out that it doesn't make you very appealing to your fellow man. I'd say a healthy balance between fanboy and negative nancy is best.

And now for a brief mention of "Gears of War 2"... that was it. :P

Yeah, this video had a lot of one-liners, almost all of which were pretty good. :<


At least he gave a textual mention to Sonic Unleashed, eh? If even the esteemed Yahtzee can pay any attention to a Sonic game, it must be the Blue Blur's second coming, huh? :<

"Drawn by Pain" looks like the worst thing forever and ever.
It... grows on you. I think there was a thread somewhere in here about it. The final episode is going to be out in a few weeks.

The "Oh wait" was what excelled this from great to a favorite of mine. The claps startled me at a point when my attention started to drift, but was one of the other parts that made this memorable.

I'd rather not voluntarily acquire a taste for emo weeaboo web series.
Yeah, it's a little emo and probably not for everyone. But they advertised it so much, I thought I'd give the first couple of episodes a shot.

Gave me something to watch in between Yahtzee videos.

Yeah, it's a little emo and probably not for everyone. But they advertised it so much, I thought I'd give the first couple of episodes a shot.

Gave me something to watch in between Yahtzee videos.

I watch past yahtzee videos in between wednesdays. Theyre actually so funny that I cant remember how funny they are, so i watch them again to remind myself.


The scouter says that Zero Punctuation's awesome levels are over nine-thousand. I always look forward to those things. I also don't get what you mean about 'emo' - I hardly find Zero Punctuation emo. Or is it one of Yahtzee's other shows?

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