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I watched about 4 or 5 of these and was surprised that they were mostly unfunny. Are his reviews serious or no (does he actually like the games he slams)? Even if it is all a joke, I found his metaphors and insults that I'm sure he finds clever to be pretty juvenile. I mean, I like the AGVN who can be accused of the same, but at least I find his videos legitimately funny when he isn't spewing out nonsense about animal feces. If this guy's reviews are serious, he comes across as someone who can't handle a plot and not talented at being funny.

I didn't know you could be born without a sense of humor.

I watched about 4 or 5 of these and was surprised that they were mostly unfunny. Are his reviews serious or no (does he actually like the games he slams)? Even if it is all a joke, I found his metaphors and insults that I'm sure he finds clever to be pretty juvenile. I mean, I like the AGVN who can be accused of the same, but at least I find his videos legitimately funny when he isn't spewing out nonsense about animal feces. If this guy's reviews are serious, he comes across as someone who can't handle a plot and not talented at being funny.

ZP! is not meant to be taken seriously, as much like AVGN he gives his thoughts and reviews in his own way and style. Perhaps you find his remarks and reviews juvenile because you don't like seeing your favorite game getiing critizied by one person & exposed to the masses in fears that he becomes charismatic and others begin to join him in like-mindedness? He doesn't like JRPG and that's fine, especially since I enjoy them. He hates SMB:Brawl for his own reasons despite many others still playing the hell out of it.

Or has his remarks brought about a little gremlin that now ruins your gaming enjoyment that tells you that you don't really like a game as you first thought..?

Take a look at his mailbag clip...


He posts every so often on SA, and has posted a few emails he has actually recieved from some of the game designers of the games he's reviewed. Even reviews that he is negative as hell about, they commend him on his humor and laugh about it. So everyone pretty much knows it's not a serious deal.

ZP! is not meant to be taken seriously, as much like AVGN he gives his thoughts and reviews in his own way and style. Perhaps you find his remarks and reviews juvenile because you don't like seeing your favorite game getiing critizied by one person & exposed to the masses in fears that he becomes charismatic and others begin to join him in like-mindedness? He doesn't like JRPG and that's fine, especially since I enjoy them. He hates SMB:Brawl for his own reasons despite many others still playing the hell out of it.

Or has his remarks brought about a little gremlin that now ruins your gaming enjoyment that tells you that you don't really like a game as you first thought..?

Take a look at his mailbag clip...

Nah he hasn't pointed out anything in any games I like that I didn't already know. I hate Brawl (Brawl is to Guilty Gear like checkers is to chess) too so maybe he and I can be friends. I think the main reason that I find him unfunny is his delivery. He just sounds like he really is a jerk. I guess that delivery doesn't appeal to me.

Nah he hasn't pointed out anything in any games I like that I didn't already know. I hate Brawl (Brawl is to Guilty Gear like checkers is to chess) too so maybe he and I can be friends. I think the main reason that I find him unfunny is his delivery. He just sounds like he really is a jerk. I guess that delivery doesn't appeal to me.

He's British. That automatically makes him superior in all kinds of humor to anything we dirty Colonials can think of.

I'd like to see those threads, but the SA forums are all "sign up for this forum, bitch. It only costs money to do so."

I was gonna copy and paste it here, but apparently either the thread got moved into archives, which I don't have access to, or its way off in the middle of all the other games threads. I would do a search, but their search feature is down as well, as always. Last time I saw the thread I linked to it from another one.

I don't think he's gonna be "eating his own ass."

Too bad, eh? I wonder which bad ending he got. Hopefully the one where his dad drowns him in the bathtub

(Brawl is to Guilty Gear like checkers is to chess)

I get what you're trying to say here, but the two experiences are meant to be entirely different, so the analogy doesn't fit, really. Brawl doesn't *try* to be a traditional fighting game, nor is it really meant to be seen as one. Some people try to make it one, but that's not its intent to begin with. It's meant to be seen as a party game that's supposed to be chaotic and goofy and fun.

That's not to argue that your opinion on Brawl is invalid. If you like fighting games, which you clearly do, Brawl is really *not* the kind of game you'd really enjoy, I'd think.

As for this week's review, I enjoyed it, mostly for it skewering so many tropes in American drama writing. A lot of the points he brings up irks me as well. Romantic subplots in anything like the horror genre are generally a waste of space and distract from the point of the film/game/book/television program. Some of it may be a result of executive meddling (which is always a problem), but still...


Wow. Yahtzee is a man of many talents. He can write poetic lines in description of a videogame (unless those were stolen from a source I'm unaware of). He can be humorous (duh). And the man can act! I'm not sure what the point of that last part was, but he was pretty good at being a secretary nonetheless!


...Y'all know he acted in the post-review zinger of "The Witcher," right? I mean, the voices WERE him, right?

He DOES have vocal talent. I wouldn't expect anything less for someone who is literally hired for making videos like this where the voice is half of the talent.


GTA4 is obviously the better made game, but Yahtzee nailed it on the head. GTA4, while impressive in its own right, is overhyped. Not in the "FF7 snubbing FF6 fanboyism way", but in that it got too much praise when in the end, there just weren't enough of a GAME in there. Saints Row 2 is a game through and through. It's a hodgepodge, but it's way more fun than GTA4 to me. I just wish the online mode wasn't so broken that I'd have to wait 10 minutes to join a room..

I like GTA4 better because I like my games to have a plot

Isn't that a backward priority to games like sandbox games? You'd think they should have sandbox stuff down pat before getting to the story. I really wonder why they took all the fun stuff they HAD in San Andreas and re-did it. Everybody said downloadable content would put the fun back in and yet 2008 is almost over and DLC isn't coming out yet.


I have never considered Grand Theft Auto a sandbox game. While you always have been able to simply walk around and blow stuff up (which, when you think about it, isn't really sandbox-y at all), the point of the games has always been the story. I still think that Vice City had one of the most entertaining stories of any video game.


I think it's a sandbox game if its own creators admit it as much. Yeah, GTA stories are nice and well written, but if it was a straight-edge action-adventure title, then I don't think it'd be as well received or be considered revolutionary. Imagine if GTA games were made up of levels. That'd be unthinkable.

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