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CONFIRMED: OC ReMixer Reuben Kee, 23, killed in boating accident (1984-2007)

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Oh man... I check on OC Remix for the newest stuff and this is what catches my eye...

I loved his music so much. I can barely listen to any of his music right now without being close to breaking into tears. I didn't even know him, but his music was so beautiful. I can't really type what I'm feeling right now. I'm just really saddened by this.


R.I.P. Reuben Kee , I saw a bright future in your talent as a musician . So it saddens me, that your life was taken away from you so quickly.

Rest In Peace.

My condolences goes out to the family, and the other who lost their life and their families .


It's rare that I ever type much outside the competition forums these days, but when Nario told me about the news, I got here as fast as I could.

I just can't believe what has happened here. Reuben had so much of his life ahead of him, and I never would have guessed that he could have ended up losing it all this way. From the mixes I've seen he adds a lot of feel to his work and it was so sweet to see it all that way. I just found it horrible that he ended up being a part of a significant tragedy.

There's only one time when I spoke with Reuben directly though, and that was when I was seeking for remixers for the Dragon Warrior project (which is still kind of stagnating, and still will be until I locate someone to take over my project management duties). He provided a complete finished work on the Zoma boss fight from the third game, and instantly blew me away with that. If there's any kind of musical example that we have to see around here, it was from this guy.

I may be a poster of very little words here right about now, but whichever, we as a whole at OCR will collectively miss him. :(


God... this is, truly tragic for those 5 men and there families. RIP, and Reuben you will forever live on in your music and in our hearts. His music was truly an inspiration... I can only cry and wish for nothing but the best for his family as well as the other men's families.


As might be expected, his personal site is running into bandwidth issues.

I'd like to download some of his original arrangements, if I can.

Does anyone know of another place they're hosted? KF


Its too sad, I remember his work for the Chrono Symphonic project, The Place We Knew will never leave me as one of the best songs I've ever heard.

Farewell Reuben, and graces to all those families through these hard times.


I can't say I knew this guy personally, it stinks that now I never will. I have enjoyed his music on many occasions. It's hard for me to hear about any disaster type situation, because I always feel as if there was something I could have done to prevent it for some reason. I'll keep him and his family in my thoughts and prayers.

As might be expected, his personal site is running into bandwidth issues.

I'd like to download some of his original arrangements, if I can.

Does anyone know of another place they're hosted? KF

How's this for a start? It's a particularly moving and uplifting piece I downloaded from his site a couple years ago (yep, longtime lurker).



Arek, I know how you feel. I can never seem to find those comforting words when something like this happens... but right now, I can't even find the words to express how I feel. I wish there were a word bigger than tragedy.


I know I don't come here that often anymore but it is truly sad when a fellow musician in a community like this passes away. It is hard but what's more is that he left behind parts of himself. Music has a way of touching us and sharing with us parts of the musician's being, if you don't mind my being philosophical for the moment. I think that this is especially true of Reuben Kee's music. He poured his soul into his work, and it shows. At least with that, he will always be with us in a way. Not to make this personal or about me, or detract from the sentimentality of the situation, but this is also a poke (maybe even an eye opener for some) from reality that, life is too short and precious to be taken for granted. I, too, am 23, and it always pains me to hear of people of young age leaving before their time, but it also reminds me, reminds us, that we should make the most of it.

Sorry to get mushy on all of you there, I just find death at such a young age in such vibrant youth as being unsettling to say the least, disheartening, and as you've already said, tragic.


Geez. That's sad. It's always surreal when someone from OCR dies; we're so young!

I'm sorry this happened. My condolences to everyone who knew him and his music.

Sadly, I hadn't checked out any of his submissions when he was alive, but now, just now, I have. He was a very talented pianist and arranger.


I think a tribute remix project would be a good idea. A collection of remixes that are soulful and poignant dedicated to his memory. It might be something he would've appreciated...


Man, seeing something like this isn't how I want to start my day... Reuben was multi-talented, and I've always loved his music. He brought an elegance to the remixing scene that's difficult to replicate.


As a newbie to your site, I never knew Reuben or his work. I visited his site through one of the postings before, and his music was very nice. Expressive, emotive and powerful. As a musician and a brother I share my symapthy with his entire family, all of you included. Rest In Peace young brother.

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