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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

A VERY well done song and extremely solid in every respect, this song is one of my favorite "chill out" songs found on the site.

The song is split into two sections, one having the main "Guardia Forest" theme with a light main theme done in piano, and the second with a more upbeat and faster Chrono Main Theme with some synth flute or something (shakuhachi?) of that sort.

There's not much that challenges the listener in this song, which is nice and what really makes up the line between the techno/dance stuff and the relaxing stuff for me. I don't feel a need to dance, to sing, or to do much other than relax in the musical flow.

Speaking of the flow, this song makes great ambiance music to a room. I live in a dorm right now and I like to keep some nice background music flowing to keep it relaxed. This song gets quite a bit of playtime for me...

Excellent job.


  • 4 months later...
  • 2 months later...

What? A DD remix without any sample/tune/melody/touch of disco? OK, WHAT´S GOING ON HERE?!! :x

Ok, I´m more calm now, seems like Dan also can do some stylechanges. As for the remix, very smoothing and soothing, has a relaxing mood and a slight touch of some jazzy tunes in the beginning. First after a minute the melody gets on rolling with some real good piano, that´s the way it should and always be.

Very impressive of you Dandude, but please don´t abandon your discostyle, that´s your best thing to do ya´know?

i've said it before and i'll say it again.

this is still the very best vg arrangement ever made and arguably one of the finest pieces of music i've ever heard.

I agree wholeheartedly. Aside from the sound quality (which is eventually going to become outdated with any electronic piece anyway) there is not a single section of this piece that I can criticize. At no point does this become repetitive, nor does it use any gimmicks. It's fantastic.


8O:puppyeyes: This song is AMAZING! Everytime the main part kicks in at 1:01 and thereafter, I think of flying through clouds.

The production value is awesome, what gear did you use? Simply amazing...DOWNLOAD TODAY!

  • 2 weeks later...

Im in love with this Remix...literally.

It feels like im floating in the air...especially the last seconds where they key transcends [for want of a better word] and the bg instuments fades. xlnt ambience...simply brilliant.

I even took it to sound forge and raised the initial key using the vibrato effect *3.65 semitones upwards*...and i cant stop listening ever since!

  • 8 months later...

I just love this song! Best Chrono Trigger remix ever bever and whatsoever! Ever since the 2nd time (when I actually realized how amazing this remix is) i listened to this song, I've never played through my iTunes "My Top Rated" playlist, without listening to this song. It can't be done... have to listen to before im satisfied... :roll:


Uh...amazing. when I heard this and the other disco dan songs I became desperate to get Fruity loops or something to remix songs. Excellent. WE WANT MORE DISCO DAN!!!


ok. so i've come to the conclusion that i'm bias because i have a very special relationship with this song due to various mind-altering experiences involving it... hence distorting my judgement into absolutism.

but this really has got to be my favorite music. ever.

shit. i think i said it again.

  • 2 months later...

This defines mellow. Three years later and it hasn't gotten stale or lost its five-star rating in my iTunes collection. While I've never been totally sold on the harmon mute intro, I can focus my attention on the meditative bass line and super-chill melody that take over at 1:14. Ah... bliss. Disco Dan, Nobuo Uematsu, thank you both. This is one for the ages.

  • 2 months later...

I've been listening to a lot of remixes on this site for a while, and this remix is the one that finally made me register to the forums so I could do a quick comment.

This is the best remix on this site. It's in my Ipod and has been burned onto a CD for the soul purpose of relaxing me on my way to and from classes (finals anyone?). There isn't much I can say that anyone else already hasn't already been said, so I will just say thank you so much for recreating this exquisite piece of music. Perfect for the dreary drive home at night :lol:

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I was already in love with OCRemix before this song came out. This remix just made me renew my vows with the site and apply new levels of love and affection both for Chrono Trigger's music, and for DD. Thanks, man.

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Definitely a classic. This song is so incredibly chill that it's on my nighttime playlist--which is a good thing, as it's hard to find music that's so relaxing. I always liked this theme, and I think this may be one of the best renditions I've ever heard of it. KF

  • 2 months later...

Wow. When that piano starts, you can just tell. This mix is super quality. Such a great moment. I rarely get chills, and frankly find it quite cliche, but that moment was as close as I get.

The true impressiveness in this for me comes from the fact that this tune has been wrung totally dry over the years and interests me nil. Lucky I don't judge a mix by its source, otherwise I would have missed out on an original, slow-burning beacon of hope for the music of CT. If someone can squeeze this much blood out of the CT stone, then it is an exciting prospect for all music sources. Beautiful choices in arrangement, the fleeting piano tangents to the more subtle variations. It's exactly how to treat such a well-known, strong melody.

Disco Dan may not be reknowned for this sort of music, but he damn well should be. Excellent job.

  • 8 months later...
My sentiments exactly Blue - in fact I did fall asleep to this last night.

Disco Dan, WHERE ARE YOU. The peoples of the world/OCR demand more Disco Dan. Seriously though, the next time I see Disco Dan on the front page of OCR, I will probably cream my pants.

As for this song? One of the best OCR songs... in the history of OCR.

I have to quote the above. Where are you, Disco Dan? This is one of my most prized OCRemixes that I have on my computer. It goes from Chill to UltraChill.

Its splendid. A near perfect mix that takes a source theme and layers a soundscape the likes of which most of us only dream to attain at some point. This mix isn't repetitive at all (it could be), and brings a unique feeling every time you listen to it.

Fantastic Job, wherever you are, Disco Dan! :nicework:

  • 2 weeks later...

Right from the start I thought this was gonna burst out into a rendition of The Final Countdown, but thankfully Dan decided to go with a different approach :<

The opening strings are really breezy, and I couldn't think of a better instrument combo to follow up on that intro with than piano, guitar, and the mellowest drums EVER! :-D I can totally chill out to this!

Just when this could have ended with a synth outro, but instead things picked up again with a more fluid drumline that carried the tune nicely for a while before eventually breaking out into trance-mode... kinda :-P I'm writing this stream of consciousness style and honestly I can't pigeonhole this onto one particular genre. That's the beauty of Disco Dan's music - it's multifaceted, hard to pin down, but always AWESOME :-D

This is my first time listening to this and I'm really floored by the sounds employed here. Nice, nice work!

  • 2 months later...

Wow, I am new to this site, and I am not a remix guru, just a big fan of Chrono Trigger and Square in general, and I am blown away by this track. It brought back special memories for me. This was my favorite music piece in the game, and I find myself replaying it in my head often. Disco Dan, somehow you dove into the souls of the people that truly loved this game and applied the passion that they felt to your mix. I am a new fan of yours. Can't wait to check out what else this site has to offer. This is definitely going on my IPod! Keep up the good work.

Thank You,


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