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OCR00888 - Super Mario World "Super Mario's Sleigh Ride"


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Ahh, awesome Jazz medley that's pulled off excellently. One ever so slightly small problem: The parts were not always Exactly together, but i realize this was because it was all recorded....so actually it was integrated incredibly well. The arrangement is quite enjoyable, and has a great deal of variation. I love the way the Mario theme's are mixed in with Christmas music...makes me laugh. Great perfoming, the sax/trumpet/piano are wonderful. The tone of the trumpet is one thing however that coulve been improved. It sounded kinda bladdy (sp?) and didnt have a smooth clean sound. Although as Nex mentioned, this mightve been because of the mic distance. Im not sure, for i have never recorded my trumpet playing let alone any other playing. Anyway, great job, this is an amazingly fun Jazz piece that should be downloaded.

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  • 2 months later...

HOLY-FREAKIN'-COW! This is PERFECT! Perfection embodied in a song! Daaang, everyone around me is going to HATE me come Christmas time, when this is the only song I listen to and anything anyone sings or hums or whistles reminds me of this song. Hahaha! I can just see myself walking around in the grocery store, in the mall, in my house, humming this tune, wearing a santa hat and blue overalls. Amazing stuff. I give you all the thumbs-up sign.

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  • 1 month later...

When everyone is listening to the same old holiday songs, pop this bad boy out, and it'll be chaos. Heads flying everywhere, the bonus stage theme will body slam your christmas tree into a wall, immediately turning it into a mushroom of sorts. You'll be jumping on little kids in green and red pajamas just like they were koopas. And presents? Forget about it. They'll be popping out coins like a jackpot at the Trump Taj Mahal.

Great job, the inventiveness blows me away. I think I'll just run up to Canada, chop me down a tree, light some candles, bake some cookies, and listen to this. And crap, it's April.

Amazing, I can't believe that a classic song like Sleigh Ride is now morphed into Mario. Proof that the big man can crush all like a small child going up against a Russian mafia metal man. Could I possibly use any more similies? No.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I've been d/ling remixes from here for awhile but have yet to register and leave a comment (simply because I like everything I d/l so I thought I wasn't discerning enough :wink: ) but I simply had to leave a comment here after listening to this remix. As originally posted on the main page I also thought this was simply a "Sleigh Ride" remix from the way it started but the first time the SMW music kicked in I found a smile on my face that continued throughout. Great job guys, now I guess I need to start working on my "Christmas in June" cd :D .

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Wow...ok this got me too. :D I wasn't even going to start posting anything until my remix was up and running. But this is worthy of my first post. Very clever. I don't even like this kind of music but I couldn't help but smile when I heard how well each song was blended with each other. Amazing. Well done.


Edit: You should be proud of yourself. You just popped two cherries with one song. lol

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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I never really liked Christmas music. But I have liked OneUpMushrooms, at least from what i've heard on vgf and now with this mix. I now have something to listen to when Christmas rolls around. The most amazing aspect of the song is the surreal dance of the song between this fine line of SMW and Christmas, and such a blurred line, you have to listen several times to truly appreciate the points where they blend. This could be the overworld theme to a secret SMW level, and Santa is the boss! Great live work, stuff I wish my lazy h.s. jazz band were able to come close to playing. Great mix!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This mix is a real treat and fun to listen to. Amazing job. It not only incorporates multiple Mario themes but just about every major classic Christmas favorite as well. The only part I didn't like was at 0:52 where the Super Mario World theme started playing over Sleigh Ride. It just seemed like it didn't match up there. Everywhere else it was a pleasant and refreshing surprise to see how well Mario and Christmas music blended. A great remix that's stuffed with holiday goodies!

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