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    • Ok so I had to listen to all of the original songs because I've never even heard of this game before  Akrillic remix is a fun one.  A little 1 to 1 in regards of similarities but the sounds you chose are some fun sounds.  Almost circus-like.  If the game was remade I could easily see this one being on an updated soundtrack for it.  Beach remix I hear a bit more liberties being taken with it which is nice!!  It's always a bonus when you take elements from the original song and make it your own.  I really like that organ with the LFO on it you have in there. Creepy Crag remix I feel like kinda goes back to more of a cover as its a separate construction of updated sounds but follows the original one so closely.  This one I really feel like has a lot of room for some creativity with it's double time and halftime switchups, which you executed well.  I guess my ears just want to hear a little bit more liberties taken.  As I'm going through the tracks I'm wondering did you import a midi file for these songs?  Nothing wrong AT ALL with that if so, this is just to kinda help me understand the creative process here.  I know when you import a midi vs manually recreating, it kinda can cut out some of the process where you might take a couple creative liberties or different routes with the composition.    The only other thing I notice in this tune specifically is that the kick and snare are a tad weak compared to the hats and onslaught of melodies.  Overall it's still really really well done! Venge Ticket is probably my favorite one out of the bunch just based on the original composition.  I really like how you included the harpsichord, the work with the rides is also very nice as well.  This tune is just a banger, both the original and your version too. Overall these are great honestly, and the only thing I'd be adding on is my personal opinion that I'd more classify these as covers rather than remixes at the end of the day, but others might disagree and that's totally fine.   Main thing is a lot of skill went into crafting these and you should be proud of them!  Just also dont forget to venture out and add a little bit of your own spin on stuff as well, if you feel inclined to :)  thats just my 2 cents but overall I really enjoyed listening.  I had never heard of this game but the music was very impressive for the SNES days, so thanks for educating me on this one! Cheers! -Alex  
    • This is well produced!!   I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to hear some of that oldschool G-Funk west coast like the original track has.  As a standalone tune It's well done but a bit hard for me personally to notice its a remix of GTA San Andreas.  That's just my personal opinion though!  Overall it's obvious you know how to produce so there's no question there.   Cheers! -Alex
    • Dopefish MazeDude lives! And still brings the jams. Instant transportation, great bass, loved it
    • Hope you Guys Enjoy it 😁   GTA San Andreas Theme [MAJIN BEATZ EDM REMIX]
    • Rubber-stamping with Prophetik and Chimpazilla here. They've already covered the key issues (disjointed and sudden transitions, low end muddiness, and other general production for a cleaner sound). There are absolutely some positives here and those should be applauded. The soloing (aside from a couple questionable notes) and interpretation of the melody was good, and that's the thing that really makes it your own. The timing of the guitars felt solid and wasn't hearing anything out of time. I'm not a fan of the fade out ending, especially with the melody playing over it. I'd recommend to either continue on the synth arp and textures without the melody to fade out, or come up with a more definitive and solid ending. I'd also like to suggest to include the some of the synth work in the middle of the track as well, it's a little strange to book-end a track with elements that don't show up at other points in the track. This is a solid start and something that has potential to be built around, but this is not ready and needs more work. NO (resubmit)
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