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From what I understand, the lack of these kinds of tags is to encourage people to listen to a variety of remixes instead of just those from one genre. Although I think that this is important, I also think that the addition of these tags would be beneficial for exactly the same reasons as neophytegod, and that people might actually be able to find more remixes in this way. I'm sure there are plenty of mixes that I'm missing out on because I don't have the time to wade through all of the ones that I don't particularly like. I also don't think that having the tags would necessarily limit people to only 1 genre. With the addition of the tags, you might see a genre that you don't know very well and decide to give it a try, or you might just not realize that there are mixes on the site in a particular genre.

Just some things to consider :)

  Kuolema said:
... I also don't think that having the tags would necessarily limit people to only 1 genre...

yeah, i dont see this limiting people, not on a regular basis anyway. one night might be a certain genre tag but a week later i may browse by game, or artist or any number of things. i like to think of my music in terms of cravings and consumption, sometimes ill eat just about anything but some days i NEED that cheeseburger!

and sweet, thanks for the link liontamer

  • 1 month later...

First of all this website is amazing already. I can't imagine that this has not been suggested before, however I haven't found anything about it.

It would be easy to add an option to search for music in categories like metal, rock, piano, symphony, harmonic etc. Then you can find all piano tracks in a few clicks.

Disadvantage would be now that all other oploaded mp3's have to be edited..

So I'm not sure if it's a good idea, however maybe there is a work around?

  • 5 months later...

Why, exactly, does the site not have this feature? Remixes could be tagged with genre tags, like rock, chiptune, orchestral, jazz, and people could search for a certain genre, and everything with that tag would pop up. It would be an incredible task to add genres to all the songs, but I think it would probably be worth it. And then, of course for future submissions, genre tags could be a requirement.


Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see that. The second reason is good, though the genre tagging system would fix the problem with the first. if a song has elements of multiple genres, it would be tagged with them. I still think searching by genre would be a great feature, but I understand the decision not to include it. There isn't much way around the second point, save for the fact that if someone who likes, say, dubstep, listens to a song that has jazz elements, and decides from there to check out songs that are more heavily influenced by jazz, and then discovers one with orchestral elements, and thing goes on to listen to more orchestral songs, then discovers orchestral rock, then regular rock, and blah blah blah, I'm sure you all get it.

  • 4 months later...

Hi there!

That's my first time using the forum of OCR! This page is just beyond epicness, but I don't have to tell you guys ;)

The whole website is great... Did David or who ever manages this page ever thought about adding genre information to all the remixes?

At the moment, I can search and list for game titles, artist names and album titles... But It would a very good tool if you could filter all remixes by genres for example: rock-, electro-, chip tune or orchestral-remixes.

For example my self, I'm a big instrumental rock and metal remixes fan and its VERY hard to find songs in this style because you have ten thousand of remixes all over and for me... it's to hard. so because of that I'm maybe not the best visitor of ocremix.org although the page is beyond epicness...

I know it is ALOT of work to add this additional information to all songs, but maybe you can add it just on the new incomings? and adding the information to the old songs, step by step...

Or I'm the only one who need this? :S

Greetings from Switzerland!



tl;dr: genre stuff wasn't used before because genre snobs would then not listen to the many cool mixes that weren't in their preferred genre.

You could try to use this off-site resource to create playlists and work out of those. I gave it a quick try with an artist-sorted iTunes library, which didn't work. They playlist can be drag-n-dropped or otherwise imported into iTunes, but ends up empty.

The playlist file is just a list of the filenames for the tracks. Dunno how up to date it is, at what stage the tagging project is, if iTunes or more recent naming conventions screw with the filenames, or it can be conveniently converted to something that takes different music library organization schemes into account.

Or perhaps importing the m3u from a directory full of shortcuts to the files works?

  Melbu Frahma said:
As I recall, this was discussed in the past... I'll see if I can find the thread and link it to you (although it might be somewhere in the Ask a Judge thread).

EDIT: Found it: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9889&highlight=genre

thank you for answering!

ouch, 18 pages :S I go throught the thread and the answer is their is no need for, you can ask the forum members? :S that is definitely not a good solution : /


Thanks for answering

I actually don't understand what you writting about :mrgreen: but sorting by artists is not very helpful i think :S


Thanks for answering

Are all remixes in this forum?? your just the discussed ones?

btw I do know a thread for searching of Genre, to test that solution...


Most of what I said makes sense if you're using the link I gave you to create m3u playlists and attempt to import them into iTunes. If not, ignore it. :)

While on this topic, iTunes seem to wanna sort ocr tracks with the new id3 tags into a single itunes media/music/compilations/http___ocremix.org (on mac). Once the entire ocr database is updated and ppl use files with the new tags, a script that does this could probably be added to Kieran's thing. Or ppl could just open the m3u files and search&replace all new lines with new line and whatever parts of the locator are needed.

idunno, Larry, Dave, Kieran, whoever.

  • 5 months later...

Sorry if this has been suggested before, but would it be possible to get a genre tag for the different ReMixes? It would probably be a lot of work to add them, and I bet it would be difficult to classify certain songs, be they unique, multi-genre, or what have you. Perhaps the ReMixers themselves could choose a genre(s) upon submission? Alternatively, perhaps mixes could be searched by features, like specific tempos, vocals, etc. But anyway, it would be cool to get a list of all piano covers, rap songs, metal mixes, etc.


If you click search along the bar above the forums (its in between "Calendar" and "New Posts") you can Search by Tag. The threads for remix reviews / comments are all tagged with various features, such as "metal" and "vocals" and the like. It would be cool if you could search in the top right for genre or tag and go straight to the song instead of the remix thread, but its at least possible to do on the forums.

*EDIT - Older remixes are not tagged however. I'm not sure what point they started adding in the tags.


You might look into this thread for further info. Or this one.

My understanding is - short version - they were avoiding doing anything of the sort for the longest time because they thought it would encourage people who might otherwise be unwilling to give dubsteb, or electronica, or orchestral, or whatever kinds of music a chance, to listen to everything. You know, if you can't search by "death metal" then you have to go through song by song, and might discover a chill techno piece, or cool spaghetti western, as you went that you otherwise would've never bothered to look for.

Dunno what the current staff thoughts on the matter are now, though.

EDIT: Whoops - looks like Amph beat me to it while I was finding the other two threads, and with more updated information than what I had. Go with what he said. :razz:

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