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    • Thanks for responding. I appreciate the feedback! 1) You said, "I wanted to hear some more of the melodic material from the original besides the A section, as after the 2 minute mark it started to feel stale." I didn't want to sound too stale, which is why I kept it fairly short. I tend to make techno tracks that are 8 to 10 minutes. As for the melodic material beyond beginning of the track. LOLOL! I knew it! I knew I'd hear someone complain about that. I honestly thought about it, but I really didn't like the other portion of the song, because it felt very VERY Nintendo-ish. Nintendo music always seems to follow along Koji Kondo and his style of music. This particular track, after the beginning, definitely does that. Nothing wrong with it! I love Koji Kondo's music! But I like techno more! ROFLMAO!   2) You asked, "I am curious about the pauses between your transitions being shortened from presumably an older version of the piece. Were you feeling like they were dragging?" Nope. There isn't an "older" version of the piece. This is the original remix. The transitions are shortened to keep the length of the track manageable. Like I said earlier, I tend to make longer techno tracks. At the same time, I wanted to keep the adrenaline pumping. Long transitions, when playing at a dance club, slows or even stops the dancing. But if you make the transitions short, people keep dancing!   I was trying my hardest to NOT deviate from the source. I love variation too, but I was afraid that if I did that, it wouldn't keep the same spirit of the original song. I really wanted to keep that original sound and stretch is as far as possible without making it too stale.   I hear ya! At the same time, I wanted to keep the track short. To accomplish this, I had to shorten the transitions. As you know, in techno, people love their drops, and they want those drops to last foreveeeeeeer! I had to resist that urge to stretch this baby to 10 minutes (like I wanted).
    • Wow...i didnt know DW sounded so....Italian. Sounds Like accordion composition on NES. Wanna include an accordion?? 
    • Ok, pretty liberal. Yeah i think this can be remixed lotsa ways Like almost any Song, But If you stay Close to the structure of the OG It can be very hard to give It the same Impact Like the original. (0:38 esp ) I Just think It works so well in 8bit and some workarounds are needed to make It awesome in faithful But modern clothing.  
    • Such an unexpected approach... but fits super well! Really well done!
    • I'm not super familiar with either series and I've got a few events happening in July, but I'm happy to fill in for either team. Let's get mashin'!
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