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  2. hope it don't offend no one ;) sf1_122722_6trak.mp3 1130kopop1.1.mp3 protX.mp3 1128.mp3 sf2_mezzel_1228.mp3 brab1.mp3 epep1.mp3 sure!_2.mp3 yogo.mp3 fasuch.mp3 i picked 10 tunes from the trashpile that's accumulated over the last year. some are a year old, some a week. i find these fun or funny. couldn't finish shit but hey it's *something*. ohey track 6 is finished kinda. i did that one week ago as a daily challenge thing. my soundcloud is nearly full so ty djp for da bandwidth!
  3. Today
  4. I keep trying to write something here, but the words are not able to say what I am feeling. This song hit hard and its awesome.
  5. so i've been back to northern italy for 3 weeks, and these two bits are about as much as i've been able to cook up here regarding remixes. (feeling pretty lethargic here lol) darkworld1.mp3 smwjank1.mp3 it's not so much, but i did finally incorporate my hardware synths into something. i've had these for years and never used em much. a behringer deep mind 6, microfreak and behringer WASP. all three in use in the zelda bit, only the DM6 in the SMW credits theme. hey i know it's not much. but maybe someone digs the kondage. tomorrow i'll be off to berlin, and chill there a few months. my 2nd netbook is waiting there, and i hope to get some more musicking done (more than here anyway) so i'll have like an axis of evil of studios. southern italy/northern italy/berlin. sounds about right. the CPU power is in the south, the hardware stuff is in the center, and...i'll see what the berlin studio is gonna be. probably only 15 year old plugins and shabby soundfontz!! stay tuned lol
  6. https://www.xlnaudio.com/ the demo of addictive keys is 4 octaves of the grand piano; i don't have it installed but i think most of your arrangement would fit into the 4 provided octaves. maybe not the lowest notes later on. but their keys sound great, i picked up the upright piano for free with something ages ago. you just gotta download their online installer thingy and get the grand demo. find a good patch in there and tinker with the velocities a bit to get rid of unwanted mechanical sounding repetitions. just one idea. there's lotsa better free pianos out there as well, kontakt stock is iffy for piano i think. not using NI stuff anymore, but i think the grand included with the orchestral stuff was a bit better.
  7. hey, that's a bunch of very sudden great feedback all at once! ha. this one is gonna be a lotta work for me to get it as good as can be. unless i get a stronger laptop over here, i'll have to finish it next winter because i started it on that pc in southern italy where i've been for jan-may. i have the project file here in case i wanna get another good studio pc. the ample sound guitars and waves keyboards and stuff are just crushing my crappy netbook. i *might* try a rework with 10-15 year old vsts. but probly just do new mixes with them in the meantimes. it's a great tune right dj mokram? i really think that for some reason it's not ez to arrange with modern instruments at all...like it was written to perfectly fit the PSG chip. i think Boss Battle is a far fourth or fifth looking at the whole soundtrack, BUT when Boss Battle first hits after underground, i agree that it's totally badass. the experience of first playing Sonic 2 on GG/MS as a young one is something to behold! that little nasty crab thing down the ravine on the right with bouncing cannon balls incoming from the left, and no rings in the stage for safety....fucking horror show for a kid!! maybe one could do a medley of the first 10 minutes of play of sonic 2 that culminates in the boss battle. incorporating the stage intro and stage won jingles. i think there's too few remixes that directly incorporate the real time experience of intense gameplay sequences! and sonic 2 was really intense. stage 2 is very unique as well...very chill vibes for sonic. the music as well as the hang glider prop. that damn hang glider took everyone a lotta tries i think. totally untypical for sonic as well, but it worked! and that's sonic 2 for GG/MS kinda...very untypical, sort of the most interesting sonic game. ymmv.
  8. A perfect take on a perfect track. Loved the little background FX samples too. Made the atmosphere all-encompassing. Great stuff.
  9. Oh I'm sure I will at some point. For now, this is more of a side project that came about from a rabbit trail and landed way off base for the kind of music I set out to actually practice composing (lol) so it probably won't happen for this remix. This piano is actually the Grand Piano that came with Kontakt Factory, and sounds much better--at least to my ear--than what I was using before. I don't even remember the name of that plugin anymore, haha. Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I'll be sure to look it up in the future.
  10. Yesterday
  11. I may come to regret what this will do to the crumbs of my remaining spare time, but I want to join in. I see this as a great opportunity to explore Koshiro's music, which I'm not exactly familiar with and thus is a good "neutral" ground for me, and also to work on my own production and arrangement skills.
  12. When I went into Serious Monkey Business, I was really looking forward to my favourite tunes for one of my favourite VGM soundtracks and how they got treated, and expected that I would go out with a pin in something like Stickerbush Symphony or Bayou Boogie or Krook's March as my favourite ReMix on the album. I did not expect it to be this, an electro-pop children's song sung in Mandarin to Snow-Bound Land. Despite not being able to understand the words, the fact that it has a treatment like a children's song captures the nostalgia I have for this game, and especially thinking of the nature of those words. The song makes me ache viscerally for those days parked in front of my my portable CRT at the end of my bed, trying to find every last bonus barrel and DK Coin, washing myself aurally with the amazing soundtrack and exploring the world Rare had crafted. Music transcends language, and this proves it.
  13. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. I entered the PRC as AlexSmith. I just want to say thank you to Rexy for hosting the competition. And thank you Bundeslang for the dedication to continue to host it. Although I haven't entered in recent years, I had a lot of fun making music for this competition and appreciate everyone who entered.
  16. I'm afraid I have to agree with all the criticisms above. The flute is painfully loud and bright, the clarinet performance is squeaky, the soundscape is thin and lacking in character, and the overall arrangement is short and underdeveloped. That's not to say I dislike everything here! The non-clarinet performances are solid, the concept is very good, and the arrangement that is there is well-done. The flute riffing is a highlight. But the issues mentioned above are critical ones. NO
  17. Welcome to Game Set Mash!!, a team-based, long-form competition format for the OC ReMix community! Current Status I'm gathering interest here on the forums and in our Discord and I'd like to start in July depending on if we can get some sizable teams. I would love to have around 6-7 people on each team to really get the spirit of collaboration going. What are the games we're remixing? The time around we're celebrating the music of Yuzo Koshiro! This legendary composer has such a wide breadth of work, and for GSM3 we're going to mix the pulsing beat 'em up beats of Streets of Rage with the sweeping JRPG scores from Etrian Odyssey. Streets of Rage - Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, and Streets of Rage 3 Etrian Odyssey - Etrian Odyssey, Etrian Odyssey 2, Etrian Odyssey 3 Each franchise features more games than just the initial three, but for the purposes of this competition we're going to limit to those first games. What are the rules about teams? I want to make things easy and accessible for people to participate, so there's no maximum on team size, but I'll be asking people to do their best to even out the teams once we have all of our participants signed up. There are no rules about who has to be a primary arranger for a track from week to week. Teams will be free to organize and determine how each of the three remixes gets covered. Using your teammates for collaboration and feedback is highly encouraged. Game Set Mash!! is run primarily on OCR's Discord server, so you need to make sure you join up there. I'm new to GSM, how does the competition work? Participating remixers will form 2 teams of at least 3 members each. Each team will be assigned a set of 3 games. The competition lasts 6-7 weeks, with 10-day mixing rounds alternating with 4-day voting periods. At the start of the mixing round, each team will choose and reveal 1 source tune from each of their 3 games. Each source will be paired with another source from the opposing team, for a total of 3 pairs. Each team will be responsible for writing 3 remixes for the week that combine (or mash) both source tunes in each pair. At the end of the mixing round, we'll upload the remixes and have a community vote. Voters will vote on the 3 remixes that did the best job of mashing the two source tunes together. Teams will accumulate a score based on how many of the community votes they win. In the next mixing round, we'll rotate which games get paired up with opposing games.
  18. Hey everybody! Howz everybody doing? I've been working on some big projects as of late and haven't had much time to post here. One of them was my first original composition for Orchestra. I've been composing since 2001, but my music has only been for my own instrument (The Organ), Piano, Choir, or Chamber ensembles (not counting my videogame music arrangements). I decided to compose this piece in November, and completed it in late April. The Moon, and/or Moonlight has often been an inspiration for music: Beethoven's Moonlight Piano Sonata, Debussy's Clair de Lune, Dvorak's Song to the Moon from his Opera Rusalka, to name but a few. So I decided to write something in that vein, and have since completed it and made the video for it. The piece is in three parts: After an ambiguous, ethereal opening, the Romance begins proper. An Oboe d'Amour plays a melody; the central piece of the whole composition, with Orchestral accompaniment. After a brief Horn solo, the music melts into the second section: A Violin and Piano duet, again echoing the original melody, before building up to full orchestra. The Piano helps transition into the third and most active part of the work, culminating in a massive rendition of the Plainsong Chant Divinum Mysterium, before the Orchestra slowly warms down to a serene conclusion, punctuated by a descending melody which begins the piece in the introduction. The piece is going to be premiered on YouTube on June 30th at 21:00 UK time (16:00 EST), and the link to the premiere is below. See you all there! Premiere of A Moonlight Romance, Op.17
  19. Hello all! This video is by my group Ebb and Nova, and I welcome all feedback. A live in studio duo acoustic arrangement of "I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire" by The Ink Spots, featured in the Fallout video game and TV series. Wasn't sure if this qualified for video game music! YouTube video here
  20. Howdy, Seth! I had to dig up the source for your track; it's always a good idea to include a link to the source for your arrangement as it helps the listeners compare. I can for sure hear Act 1 in your mix; if you also added stuff from Act 2, that would be good to know as well. Slick transition from the original audio at 0:06. The synced slapback delay on the snare and cymbals is a nice touch. Interesting kick/sub fills like at 0:27 and again at 1:08. Good hi-hat work throughout. The lead at 1:16 is a refreshing change-up, though the sustained pitch-bend ending of that lead fell a bit flat for me. Speaking of endings, there's an audible pop at 2:08 and a hard cutoff of the reverb tail. Keep cookin' on this one and you'll have a banger for sure. :)
  21. I really like the trap approach to this remix and I feel the instrument selection works well in the track. I found the mix to be a little messy. For instance the closed hihat sounds a bit strong or machine gun like in some places. I found the sound selection to be very close to the source in many places, which may not be a bad thing, but I do think that additional development here could go a long way. I think there are some cool ideas here that would benefit from more development and possibly deviating from the source more.
  22. This goes hard! Direct sampling is gon' get ya the ire of judges, but I 100% get what you're going for. You flipped that mofo pretty gud, tho the sub is a bit outta control, accentuated by the machinegun triplet. Loving the Drill hats and lingering 808, grooving in sync with the source. It's a joint fo sho, but you already know it ain't gon' be to everyone's taste. Hope you keep working on this Seth. Peace.
  23. Hi, I know I'm not a fan of Trap nor an expert in it but I'll give an opinion. It's a competent sample flip but unfortunately OCR usually expects a bit more personalization. Currently I can still hear the source's samples in it but I feel changing the samples/instruments to something else (even a different soundfont) would help both distinguish the arrangement from the source and highlight the personal embellishments (such as the Trap beat itself). Sorry if I sound harsh, I just think it's too conservative at the moment (both in arrangement and instrumentation). That being said, I'd prefer that you keep at it because the idea behind the mix (a Trap remix of a classic Sonic theme) and the general groove are quite good.
  24. The track is a lot of fun to listen to. I really like the trumpets and synths used within the track. The percussion overall sounds nice too. At 1:26 I found the tambourine a bit forward and overpowering to my ears; possibly a bit static or repetitive too. Overall I'm really liking the track and its direction.
  25. I'll need to check out Reworks That Matter, 'cuz I want to experience the orchestral elements you cut out. I love the electronic and orchestral elements you've blended with this arrangement. Those timpani rolls are *chef's kiss.*
  26. This is such a spicy track, and is super upbeat. The tempo change in the later half of the track is very enjoyable, and all of the different synth selections are dialed in well, evolves nicely, and is just super fun overall. The sources are great choices, but I'm not familiar with the source, either. There's really only two things I could maybe note: -The snare in the first half does feel a hair dry, and wonder if sending it to a reverb bus could maybe help with this? -The sub bass on your kick is coming in really thick/present (at least on my Yamaha HS-8's, with the subs on a -4db shelf @ ~500hz), and could maybe stand to help balance out the overall mix a little more if the sub region of the kick was dialed back a super little bit. This track definitely stands on it's own two legs, so admittedly, these are more nitpicks over anything else. Absolutely fabulous stuff here~
  27. The original was cheery, now this is bright and flamboyant! Brass samples are everyone's bane but they sound great here (tell me what you use plzkthx). Great groove in the strings around 0:40-1:13, and overall the track evolves very nicely. The breakdown works very well along with the shift to the synth sound, though I feel like I want something mid-wise there as bass and lead are quite far apart. But once the second synth comes in it's all good. Symphotronica ahoy. Speaking of which, I want to hear those trumpets again to bring closure to the mix as I feel that something upbeat like this needs a marriage between the symphonic and the electronic temporally. This will be something I hope to throw into my driving playlist once done.
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