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  3. I would love the windy critical. Gonna power / prog metal (and probably borrow some from not critical)
  4. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  5. Yesterday
  6. I'm liking the Rush-vibes. Reminds me of their Power Windows phase.
  7. Another great MkVaff track that holds up over 20 years later. Great work adding to the source, and the technical skills still shine through. Makes me want to take another trip into that damn volcano!
  8. I heard Alex's work on youtube already, I had no idea he submitted something to OCR. This remix is absolutely fantastic, definitely one of the best versions of "Attack on Dollet" out there. The transition around the 1 minute mark was expertly done. This remix injects a substantial amount of epic into an already epic source. Great job on this!
  9. fwiw you're the reason i'm checking the WIP forums at all these days :] diggin the bass lines in this!
  10. Love the shaker textures, and LOVE the violin! And then the transition at 2:48, and that section after..... I love everything about this mix.
  11. Last week
  12. Really love the mix of instrumentation and the dynamics. Loved the waltz-y rhythm the piano comes in with near 0:47. So much variety. What a great ride! Also nostalgic--not because I've ever played SC2 (I haven't), but because one of the very earliest OCRemix tracks I ever listened to was a remix of this song... back in 2002!
  13. Really love the introduction on this one—builds in a nice way, super textural, and instantly catches my interest! Great track.
  14. Over two decades later and this track still holds up beautifully! It does stick close to the source (which is great on its own!), but this remix deserves to continue flying up in those icy peaks.
  15. Almost 24 years later and still a great track. Nice and moody, the sounds especially makes me think of Samus just hanging out in those deep bubbling caverns.
  16. Still a regular on my list after almost 20 years! Some of my favorite remixes are those that take the source in unexpected directions. With Pacman it's been "Glass Cage" and Sinergia, so far. Great dark take that holds up!
  17. hi guys, its 2024, the day i downloaded this album is now maybe more than 20 years ago, all my friends that i used to talk about this are now gone, im 34, today the name of this album simply snaped back to my memory, and i got here to search for this... i listened to this while i was a kid, i grown up listening to this, and now i don't have anyone in my life that understands how happy i am to find this music again. I hope that everyone that made this is still alive and well, and having a good and happy life, If anyone sees this comment, i hope you have someone in your life that you can talk to that understands what this could mean to you. And im really greatfull for listening to this again, thank you for whoever made it possible
  18. Still my personal favorite take on this particular source. As has been mentioned, it's simple, but still very effective and enjoyable over two decades later! Great chill
  19. The minor-key melodic line... THIS is where I heard it all this time. I used it in my Chrono Cross / Chrono Trigger mashup and couldn't remember where I pulled it from LMAO
  20. the highs/mid highs are just too much. hihats etc. this sonic mix works better though than the other more metal one. less compressed etc. yeah, my $100 backup speakers just aren't as good as i previously thought. thanks for the encouraging comments though!! and thanks hemo for the headsup regarding brass and breath; i think about that stuff too little. not that it HAS to be realistic that way necessarily, but it's a good thing to consider. now i only gotta make this project file work over here....because while my speakers are much better now, the PC i got here is a netbook with 4 GB RAM. i might be able to barely make this work.
  21. hi pixelseph! to spare you some work: listening to this on my good speakers (back home from vacation), i can see it's pretty jarring. i like this one for its creative choices, but the mix ain't there yet, and the arrangement is also gonna be some work. so don't worry, i don't need detailed feedback regarding mixing because i can hear it myself now. yeah but the potential is there. what an awesome source as well!
  22. i'm back home, and this sounds good on my KRK's. i think the judges should like the mixery. idk. not my forte but sounds good to me. the arrangement seems alright, but somewhat meandering. maybe what i call "meandering" after first listen is exactly what you wanted to achieve here. the crescendo in dissonance 3:30 onwards seems pretty cool, and maybe a vague nod to the generally adventurous spirit of yuzo's SOR music! from your comments it seems you're a big fan of the OST and a lotta thought went into the mix...probly lotsa stuff i cannot appreciate after first listen. i love the SoR stuff but i don't know it extremely well, and i'm no elektro musik expört either. i would have to listen to this atleast 10 times and see if your arrangement grows on me. lotsa good electro musik is what you'd call "meandering", but it does have to grow on ya don't it. maybe i will over the next week! cheerz! and thanks for reminding me of SoR! i'm looking for stuff to remiks, and especially SoR II has some bangers i might tackle someday if i feel very confident!
  23. For what it's worth, I think this is cool! I really like the bass starting around 1:45.
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