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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2015 in all areas

  1. I'm having a lot more trouble working with my Maverick theme than I had initially thought. At least I've got some decent instrumentation and production down while I'm stalled on combining the themes. I'm going for a very Glitch Mob-inspired remix this week.
    2 points
  2. I could postpone it, my schedule is very flexible There are more USA people in this compo than EU ones anyway. New listening party time! 8PM EDT (2AM CET), today, #ocrcompo IRC channel on esper.net! Download the songs before you join!
    2 points
  3. Oh men! It's been AGES since I don't post in OCRemix, sorry about that Thank you to all of you for your support with my Route 27 arrangement. I'll be very happy to participate in the album, so count me in And thanks for those contact advices, I'll fix that from now on. Best regards from Chile, South America!
    2 points
  4. Lol poor Dusk. Pretty good songs this week, I'll try to write some reviews later but I enjoyed most of them. WillRock's is my favourite. I was also very surprised by timaeus' track since the style is very unique and it was pulled off greatly IMO.
    2 points
  5. If you're into UIlleann Pipes you should listen to Nightwish's most recent album 'Endless Forms Most Beautiful'. It's got pipes coming out of it's (metaphorical) ears!
    2 points
  6. Introduction You've just completed your archaeology degree. You're about to take your experience into the field, where your daily life will include whipping living mummies, breaking ancient pottery, jumping out of airplanes, dodging spikes, and stealing priceless golden artifacts from Nazis before they can use them to take over the world. It's a dangerous job, but you live for thrills, fame, and riches (and, to a lesser extent, the study of past human civilization). Regardless, you're going to need some background music. Sources Definitely approved: La-Mulana, Tomb Raider, 1001 Spikes, Uncharted, Indiana Jones (no tunes from the movies). If you have a different idea, we’re open to other sources. The protagonist of the game needs to be an archaeologist or archaeology-related adventurer primarily; if the character often fills various other roles, their games are not currently eligible (i.e. Mario, who only occasionally appears as an archaeologist). If you’re wondering whether a certain game will be an appropriate choice, listen to the soundtracks listed above and see how well your idea fits in thematically. Check the tracklist or ask one of us for specific recommendations. Style Mysterious temples, heart-pounding action, and everything in between. World instruments and/or influences are highly recommended, but not required. You can be totally serious, you can be a little silly, just keep it in the theme of adventure, exploration, danger, wonder, etc... Deadlines On an individual basis, we'd like to hear from people once a month until they're done. That could mean an extra minute of arrangement, a tweaked snare, or an occasional "my whole family fell to the mummy's curse and I didn't get a chance to work on it." If you don't show any progress or cannot be contacted for three months in a row, we'll remove you from the claims list, though you can come back if your source is still open. We'll work out final deadlines once the project is well on its way; it's possible you'll never have to worry about it. Claims To claim a source, send Hylian Lemon or Mr. Bottle Rocket a private message describing how you plan to approach the arrangement. If you aren't a posted remixer, we'll need some recent examples of your work first. Make sure you're ready to get started on your track at the time of your claim. Goal Official OCR status Other Notes This project is headed by myself and Hylian Lemon, don't hesitate to contact us about any doubts or updates you may have! Tracklist View it through our Google Document.
    1 point
  7. 10 minutes until the listening party. #ocrcompo IRC channel on esper.net Download mixes before you get in there.
    1 point
  8. I was using it to try and smooth the transients out before the limiter because if you just throw everything in the limiter you end up getting an incredible amount of disgusting distortion trying to reach the same level of loudness. I should check to see how much GR its actually doing though. I dunno this has been a problem that has plagued me for literally 3 years now and doing things the "proper way" and trying to be minimalistic on the master hasn't really given me the right sound, so right now I'm trying to use things perhaps too liberally trying to see if I can find that happy medium. I really appreciate your feedback Timaeus, I'll look into my limiting settings more closely.
    1 point
  9. Pieter seems quite. Maybe I could get the feedback as well and get in touch quickly with the artists? (I'm assistant director)
    1 point
  10. Pieter seems quite. Maybe I could get the feedback as well and get in touch quickly with the artists? (I'm assistant director)
    1 point
  11. Coming Summer-time this Fall.
    1 point
  12. Seriously great stuff this round... amazing job everybody!!! Yeah man, my third vote was basically a toss up between every other track hah.
    1 point
  13. Hmm, I get you. We'll see how it goes. More than two weeks seems a little long to me, but extension could be a possibility down the line if necessary.
    1 point
  14. Summer is relative to the hemisphere you're in. Summer in Australia is from December to February. December could still technically be Summer 2015 >_>
    1 point
  15. I WANT THIS SONG ON THE ALBUM. Sadly, getting a hold of him is hard, as I don't speak Spanish (thanks to Google for pointing out that it was Spanish and not French) and he seems to have little in the way of contact information.
    1 point
  16. Still listening. Btw, screw you tuberz. You know what you did.
    1 point
  17. Just a note, not that it changes anything, but there will be no update on this due to the source files being lost. (And Chimpa's now a MAN, BABY!) Could you possibly tweak the volume of the vocals relative to the instrumental? If you send me a link, I'll make sure we vote on a tweaked version. If you don't want to touch it, that's OK too. Larry, Thanks for the update. You might've noticed I haven't sent in any mixes lately. I actually lost my laptop and was too lazy to build another one for music production. With that, I lost all my music files as well (although still recoverable from the HDD but I haven't done that yet). Short story, unfortunately, I can't update this mix anymore. Second thing is, quite honestly, I'm shocked to see a NO on this one. Not meaning to sound like an arrogant jerk but I strongly believe in this mix and made it with a lot of heart. Plus, Mr. Chimpazilla himself says so, loves everything about the mix and yet gives it a NO because the vocal levels are not in line with his liking. The judges I know on OCR would never do that I have huge, huge respect for you Larry. If you also think this is a NO, then I will accept it with no objection. But I really can't do anything about it anymore. I wanted to change the snare myself actually Have a great day
    1 point
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