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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2015 in all areas

    2 points
  2. Semantics, schmemantics, if you just say "grow" in stead of "grow up" I think there would be less misunderstanding. Having said that, have fun on your travel learning more cool stuff. Orchestral music is only one of the great things on your path
    1 point
  3. Yeah. I found "growing up" to emphasize an expansion of skills more than progressing into a more difficult area of learning.
    1 point
  4. WHY ARE PEOPLE CONSTANTLY PUTTING QUOTATION MARKS AROUND MY NAME? I had it legally changed two years ago, and it's still happening! And I will take you up on that offer, timaeus222.
    1 point
  5. I didn't think the 0:47 harmonies were necessarily clashing in a bad way, per se. There could have been slightly better chord choices there, but what's there is fine by me; I got what you were going for. I don't really understand the violin in the breakdown at 2:02 and 3:04 though. It sounds too "pulsed", meaning that the attack envelope is consistently too slow. I think it could work better if you wrote it staccato for the first, third, and fourth notes in each repeated phrase, while the e. piano in the background could be sequenced a bit more quietly so that it doesn't take over. Right now I find the violin lagging, rather than being a tight "solo". The violin's really the only huge deal IMO. The arrangement is really transformative as usual.
    1 point
  6. Hmm, I personally feel like there are a few odd things harmonic wise, in the mix. At 00.47, when the bongo's come in, there's some clashing between the main lead and the II-V-I chord progression. It just doesn't sound very natural, the combination that is. Because later at the epic organ solo it sounds fine. The ending is pretty abrupt harmonic wise, too. And, this might be a personal thing, but I'd personally choose a different instrument than the violin to play the melody at the loungy bridge thingy. It fits the melodic vibe, but considering that you're using a double bass, organ, bongo's and synths I'd expect something more loungier, like a flute or a trumpet. But using a violin is interesting as well, so it isn't really that important. You should lower the volume of every last note of the musical sentences, though. It may be the most important note, but I think you're accentuating it a little too much right now. But, nonetheless, this is really good!!
    1 point
  7. "Never Gonna Give You Up" is definitely growing on me. It's a catchy little tune, and I found myself getting a little smile when it came up in "You Know the Game". I'm finding myself looking forward to it more than to some of the Mega Man X themes. I'll be sad to see it go.
    1 point
  8. I'm surprised this was looked at as an album project that should be finished "relatively fast.". I have no say on anything, since i'm no one important to OCRemix, but I believe a man who has shaped the VG industry, as much as he did, deserves the patience and dedication towards creating a perfect representation of his career achievements in our industry. I don't think waiting too long will affect the impact of this album. Just the fact that people like myself can see this located on the front page of OCremix shows that we know it's coming, and we are all ever so excited! Regardless if time is extended, I wish the best of luck to all remixers, and I'm hoping this album is as amazing as the legacy that this man left us. Thank you OCRemix for this project, and thanks to "The Damned" for the idea, execution, and bringing together the resources needed to create this.
    1 point
  9. If you get started on it, send me a sample and I'll let you know if you're on board. For the project status: Almost moving again, since I almost have a whole bunch of backlogged things finished + gaining more stable work. I'd like this one to be finished as much as anyone, and I'm really REALLY close to being in a position where I can dedicate my full attention to it again. I insist, keep an eye out on this one, and the wheels will start moving once again...
    1 point
  10. Just been crying and eating ice cream for the last two years. But really ive just been taking loads of pictures, Getting sucked into the Souls games, trying to straighten my life out (is that even a thing?) and putting game music on the back burner. If im being honest, i also got pretty discouraged by my lack of skill and inability to follow project deadlines so i left for a while out of shame. But, sometimes you just cant walk away, and the community just has so many wonderful people in it. Plus theres all the music, compos and the magfest festivities.
    1 point
  11. Good stuff... a little simple, at times, in a way that seems underdeveloped and not stylistically minimal... for example, at the end, I really wanted that harp to glissando, or at least strum, as that's one of the "neat things" that harps can do that helps define their sound & their relationship to other instruments. Simple plucks are nice, and can be very dramatic, but they work best when contrasted against the more elaborate playing styles the instrument is capable of. In gamer terms, it feels like the harpist was nerfed, in other words... My second observation is that, while attention HAS been played to dynamics, I think you could do even more. Right now the dynamic shifts are something like a 3 in magnitude/contrast, and they could easily be more like a 9... if that numerical abstraction doesn't help: velocity is one way of achieving dynamics, but with sustained woodwinds and strings, you need to think about each note and how its volume can (and should) change over time. Pull the strings way back for the solo/duet wind parts, for example, and within those parts, have melodic lines that flow from one note to the next with a volume curve that feels more natural, like a human being is breathing into a tube/pipe, not pressing a key on a keyboard. The mod wheel is generally your friend for stuff like this, but you can also draw in curves after the fact in your DAW of choice. A good mantra is: "Dynamics are not just between notes, they're within each note," especially for a genre/style like this. These two things, very specifically, are what can make a good ReMix like this one into a great ReMix, so I really hope the feedback is digested & considered for future arrangements. That being said, what's here is pleasant, well-constructed, and enjoyable... there's room for improvement with regard to the above two points, but I still think this passes muster. YES
    1 point
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