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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2016 in all areas

  1. Man, this is so unique! I feel like I'm wandering through a fun house mirror version of both themes at night, and I mean that as a compliment. Really original and fun - this is definitely worth a full listen! Great effort here.
    2 points
  2. *EDIT* Just seen that I should have PM'd Odai instead. My bad!
    1 point
  3. Now usually mario 64 mixes just aren't my thing till i heard this. one word, amazing
    1 point
  4. That's awesome! I'm also excited that this isn't happening during the DoD listening party. Interesting that it isn't a bunch of 80's tunes this time too. I'll be there
    1 point
  5. That's good to hear. It just sounded out of place to me, but that could be because the previous mix had a very prominent sax presence. I tried out a couple other instruments - A solo trumpet fit in just perfect, but I lack a solid trumpet lead that can be as lively as I'd like. I also gave the violin a shot, but it didn't feel right at all no matter how alive I made it sound. This is probably because I'm used the violin solo leading into a sax solo. It's probably the reverb. I think I have a little bit more on the percussion than the rest of the orchestra. I'm not surprised that it's a bit too loud though. I'm still getting used to these monitors, and I'm starting to realize that certain elements(percussion being one of those, and the general bass range being another) sound a fair bit quieter than they actually are. The reverb isn't as pronounced either, so I've had a bad tendency to use too much. Regarding the volume, I'll probably back the rest of the orchestra down during that segment. One thing I've learned on the mixing front is that it's usually better to cut back when a certain element needs a volume boost.
    1 point
  6. If you're not going to revise it, why are you asking for feedback?
    1 point
  7. The top 10 takes in count both participations and victories. Rounds with many participants are rewarded with a higher score. And you're close to get in the top 10. If you win the next round, you are in the top 10 (you have 490 points, Chickenwarlord (the #10) has 500 (winners get a minimum of 20 points and a maximum of 100). But Esperado now has 470 points, so you may not lose from him.
    1 point
  8. I'll hit on your specific issues. Even though I'm still learning my way through mixing/mastering, I feel the overall tone of everything is slightly bland. Honestly, I would just ask to brighten up some things going on in the background to help them punch through more easily and be heard (but not overwhelmingly). Personally, the sax sounds good to me, but if that isn't satisfying for you, mess around with other woodwinds (specifically reed-based). Dunno, I just like the texture it adds to everything. Now, some other things I wanted to say (though someone step in if I'm just flat out wrong). The drum section at the beginning sounds overcompressed (but it could just be the type of reverb you have on it). It also sounds fairly prominent (when in a legit orchestral set-up, all percussion sits in the back. Again, I could be wrong, but I'm just remembering the setup from back in highschool), I would want to hear that fall back a bit to fit it's positioning. I also would like to hear the actual solo's come forward a little bit. That can range from making it play louder, or making the orchestra itself back down in volume a bit to help boost the solo itself. And yes, lol, the ending is a bit sour. But as a whole, I like the mix. As it was said by Rozovian, it's definitely conservative, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. All this really needs is some tlc and a slightly better ending. Keep up the good work yo, looking forward to the finished product.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Dont even know the source, but ill try to slap something together. Part of me wants to give it a serious go at competing in every PRC round, afterall, practice is how you improve.
    1 point
  11. Hell yeah!!!! This is mad exciting. I really hope everyone from OCR who's gonna be at magfest enters at the very least. Ideally I would really love to see a bigger OCRemix presence in DoD but that's just wishful thinking. Anyway, I can't wait to hear what my OCRemixer comrades come up with, and can't wait to see you all at magfest and at the DoD listening party. Love you! <3333333333
    1 point
  12. lol ya. I almost spilled the beans when I was sending out my first post of my gift from Anorax. Took me like 2-3 weeks to figure out what to give him since his description was empty. Then I noticed he was in a dorm and it instantly got me thinking to get him some dorm-ish stuff and be like, " look what you didn't get for christmas!" to his roomates XD
    1 point
  13. Rexy

    OCR Secret Santa 2015

    Mike and Anorax were each other's Santas?! That is always an interesting twist, though it doesn't happen often. I say for future Secret Santas we should have at least one match like that for a laugh.
    1 point
  14. Get your sigs here people: LINK -- And re-up the sigs elsewhere
    1 point
  15. omg. My bad Anorax, I completely forgot to make an update. Yes I did receive the package, It came on the 23rd of December so it was a fun after party when Christmas was done. I have always played this game but never actually had my own. Thx a bunch http://puu.sh/mmyoj/74547a8dc2.jpg
    1 point
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