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  1. edit: we're done! =D PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me. similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even. here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible. UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with. black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks. [Disc 1] 1. "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~) 2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music 2. "Between Life and Death" (死線) 2:38 3. "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム) 3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished 4. "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド) 3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished 5. "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ) 2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished 6. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜) 3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2! 7. "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド) 2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished 8. "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー) 3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World" 9. "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い) 2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished 10. "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片) 3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time" 11. "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷) 2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 12. "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー) 2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished 13. "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども) 3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 14. "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森) 3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished 15. "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館) 2:54 16. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~) 0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished 17. "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子) 3:24 18. "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー) 3:26 19. "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼) 3:10 20. "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら) 1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel" 21. "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド) 2:32 22. "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船) 2:00 23. "Death Volcano" (死炎山) 3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished 24. "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦) 3:54 25. "Grief" (悲愴) 0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished [Disc 2] 1. "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり) 0:42 2. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間) 2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished 3. "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム) 3:38 4. "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士) 3:01 5. "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド) 3:22 6. "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム) 3:58 - taken by @OA, finished 7. "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム) 2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid 8. "Zelbess" (ゼルベス) 2:42 9. "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団) 1:31 10. "Nap" (まどろみ) 0:13 11. "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク) 3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World" 12. "Dilemma" (窮地) 2:47 13. "Optimism" (楽天) 2:19 14. "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島) 3:11 15. "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔) 3:10 16. "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち) 3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished 17. "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび) 0:32 18. "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島) 3:16 19. "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ) 2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 20. "Gale" (疾風) 2:00 21. "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~) 0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" 22. "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー) 3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 23. "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法) 0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 24. "Etude 1" (エチュード1) 0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 25. "Etude 2" (エチュード2) 0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves" 26. "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~) 2:02 [Disc 3] 1. "Garden of God" (神の庭) 2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished 2. "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス) 4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished 3. "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~) 3:10 4. "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海) 2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished 5. "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院) 2:44 6. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女) 3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished 7. "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢) 4:01 8. "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り) 5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished 9. "Terra Tower" (星の塔) 2:26 10. "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎) 2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished 11. "Dragon God" (龍神) 3:21 12. "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて) 0:42 <- Just noise 13. "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~) 6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished 14. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~) 1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" 15. "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~) 4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished 16. "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら) 2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise" things i'll still need: release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special. remix list (subject to change): disc 1: FROZEN (slow) 1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik] 2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop] 3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty] 4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik] 5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux] 6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris] 7. "Grief" [Ophanin] 8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin] 9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd] 10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik] 11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin] 12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito] 13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid] 14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik] disc 2: FLAME (fast) 1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo] 2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music] 3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music] 4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music] 5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin] 6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU] 7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy] 8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin] 9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik] 10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon] 11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley] 12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer] 13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time] 14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
    1 point
  2. Hi all! We're working on a Youtube video series combining heavy metal renditions of NES & SNES classics with animated story. I myself am working on the music and would not mind getting some guidance as well as critique. I'd love to have the songs available on OCR but I don't know if I should wait until the whole project is done and then request the whole album to be published at once or one song at a time. Is there any benefits having a whole album vs. one song at a time? Also if there's anything I should know since the music is also available on iTunes, Spotify etc. Here are the videos, we hope you like them! Any feedback is highly appreciated! - R0-z
    1 point
  3. So here's a thing brostep-y I started workin' on one day when I just had a lot of free time: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1RmRwKRXmElWHhyM0NKVjBqYnc/view?usp=sharing This is currently the running rough draft, but there's gonna be a bit more added to it soon, along with some mixing fixes (as far as I can tell, there seems to be a bit too of the highs like hi-hat and saw chords while the subbass is not loud enough under some synths). Also, I might add an atmospheric sort of orchestral part between the drops with violins and horns. Any other advice?
    1 point
  4. I'm not a maniacal fan of Chrono Cross, but it does have some fine tunes that need some remixing. You got my (completely non-musical) support!
    1 point
  5. Really liking your take on Metal Man!
    1 point
  6. Awesome concept! Can't wait to hear more !
    1 point
  7. @Jorito Aw sweet, thanks! Those short little explanations really helped a lot. Anything I can do to learn more is such a help. I'll be sure to check out that resource. I've got a long way to go before I master all this stuff. Heh. Master mastering. I'm not funny. But anyways, thanks!
    1 point
  8. Seriously digging these two tracks. That solo in The Trail of Tears too... just damn... Good luck with the album, i'll be definitely be nabbing it when it's done!
    1 point
  9. Hey, DS, is this the version you're doing for the album? If so, AWESOME!
    1 point
  10. Hope you all enjoy it. I started it so long ago and never got back around to refinishing it. I finally gave in an posted it or everyone to criticize. GO!
    1 point
  11. Well then, I guess I'm doing a voice-over. I'll post something to this thread in the next couple of days. Thanks to @TheChargingRhino for taking the first plunge! I'll also finish posting the Andross tracks this weekend so everyone can hear all the sources. Everyone can contribute something, whether you want to help by designing part of the root track or just clapping your hands into a mic. Don't worry, we'll find something for you, Star. This track is now yours, MB. Thank you! Personally, I was hoping to get the waltz from SF SNES on this album somehow, but the choice is yours which track you use (just let me know which one you decide on). No genre restrictions, interpretation is wide open; my only guideline is to try to 'tell a story with the sound.' Oh yeah, and the OCR submission guidelines. ___ 22 claims ... and since this Andross collaboration seems to be taking some sort of shape, that means... DISC 2 - VENOM HAS NOW OFFICIALLY REACHED ITS FIRST GOAL OF 12 TRACKS! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this so far. I really appreciate all the collaborators who have also stepped up this week and offered their services too - I am really happy with how this is all turning out and EXCITED to hear what comes of this! Now, just because disc 2 has reached its first goal does not mean claims are cut off. There are four more tracks for the second disc I have listed in the project overview that are open to claim and lots of character themes still open. Even boss themes! Also, only ONE TRACK LEFT for disc 1 to reach its first goal - which will also have some other tracks open to claims. This project is still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
    1 point
  12. I could use some more ears on this. Gimme your thoughts! Source: Zelda: Wand of Gamelon map theme (plus bits of the original Zelda theme) ReMix: Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk I was going to call it "Zelda Does the Duck Walk," but it turns out she doesn't use that term in her tutorial! It is written, only Link can do the duck walk.
    1 point
  13. This track entertains me in so many ways. I like the chiptune melodies with (as @Gario calls it and I LOVE this response) the 'absolute cheese factor' of the synths - it's a bright, bouncy, and humorous approach. I really enjoyed this - two thumbs up! I would also like to say that 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk' is the perfect name for this track.
    1 point
  14. Hmm...Zelda's quest to rescue Link for the sole purpose of keeping the duck walk alive, eh? That works.
    1 point
  15. I have to say this is actually pretty damn cool I am not going to lie! I wish there was more of the original melody but I can dig it! This is actually giving me some inspiration for my Brinstar remix but anyway good job!
    1 point
  16. "Only Link can do the Duck Walk" That is your new title, lol. I think this is a pretty slick arrangement. I'm loving the combination of FM synths and NES style chiptunes. The source is clear, and it blends spectacularly well with the Zelda title source. I know you asked for extra ears, and it doesn't help much when someone says they can't hear anything that they think would improve it, but there's not much I can say. It's beautiful ear candy, and it's a neat idea to blend the Wand of Gamelon with the original Zelda source like that. The absolute cheese factor of many of those synths just adds to the appeal, as well. Solid stuff, I hope to hear it on the panel.
    1 point
  17. Dubstep doesn't have to be that rigid. I write dubstep every now and then (mixed with other genres, but still), and I don't make myself have that kind of structure. So maybe you oughta broaden your interpretation of dubstep; don't you get tired of following set formulas for it?
    1 point
  18. So I sent the latest version to a very small music promotion just to see what the spectrum would look like on a DubstepGutter-type setup, and I'm pretty happy with it (aka I can't stop watching it XD)
    1 point
  19. (As a side note this sounds way more amazing on my nice headphones, I don't regret checking it on them) To be honest, I thought there might've been some production heat on it, but it was actually my piss-poor headphones at work. This sounds pretty darn good, actually, on my decent set-up.
    1 point
  20. Mmm hmm, I certainly do see your point, on the one hand - the builds and drops throughout are inherent to the genre. On the other hand (because I have two hands, see? Haha... ha... bad joke), your builds and drop aren't devoid of music - they're devoid of melody. There's no rule stating that source melodies and themes can't be textures and background elements instead of melodies and themes in an arrangement. You've got arpeggios and such in the background that could as easily be source themes transformed into background elements instead. It sounds great either way, so you don't have to do more to the track, but I do want to point out that putting source into something isn't impossible to get close or past the threshold I'm thinking about. Trickier, due to genre limitations, but not inherently impossible.
    1 point
  21. Heh, yeah putting the amount of source necessary for OCR would basically violate the laws of dubstep, as most songs are 25% melody, 25% build, and 50% drop (and that's being very liberal with the melody and build). Unless of course you wanted to go for melodic dubstep (which I did have some ideas for a melodic drop at one point), but that would necessitate a whole 'nother remix. Maybe if I have a lot of time again a while after this... Thanks anyway for constructive critiques and comments
    1 point
  22. As I tend to say, I am by no means an expert and do not profess to be a master mixer, so thank YOU both for teaching ME something. LOL
    1 point
  23. I'm not familiar with the source but this sounds promising. I like the orchestral part in the middle, works pretty good. For me, the ending was a bit abrupt, guess I like to be eased into it more. Overall I'd say the track flows well and kept me interested despite me not being a full on dubstep fan. My biggest remark would be that the snare sounds pretty dull and I'd appreciate some more snap in it.
    1 point
  24. While I still have the numbers up (and before I listen on my other headphones), I thought I'd point out those numbers, as far as source usage goes. I calculate 68 seconds of source in this bad boy. That puts it at about 36% source in the arrangement. I have no idea whether or not you planned on submitting the track (you very well could just be showing off in here, which is great, in my book), but IF you were, you'd definitely be called out for the track being too liberal. That doesn't take anything away from the track in its own right, as it still sounds pretty damn good, but I thought I'd point that out, in case you ever, maybe, possibly wanted to submit the track. I kind of hope you do, since real, raw dubstep is sorely misrepresented on the site, at the moment.
    1 point
  25. That's not necessarily a mistake - there are EDM styles that do this sort of cutting intentionally, which adds to the meat of the track. There are a few elements that I may or may not have comments on regardless, but I want to give this a listen on my better headphones at home before I give any comment on it. I do like this, though - it's definitely an improvement on the other version.
    1 point
  26. The bass is better, but every time that kick or tom hits, I'm still hearing it push the rest of the soundscape out of the way for a moment. It also interferes with some of the glitch effecting you have later on. You may want take another look at the EQ on the drums. I do like the new softer orchestral bit at 1:38. Nice touch.
    1 point
  27. Ooo, this is really neat. I'm loving the direction you're taking this so far - that orchestra caught me off guard. It's dirty, it's interesting and it does have some Star Wolf in it, lol. The thing that catches me the most off the top is how the lead gets lost behind all of the sound. I know the sidechaining is to give yourself some room, but that lead does need to come out ahead some of your other elements. I hear a lot of dubby sounds that just overwhelm the lead, when the lead should be the thing grounding the listener to the source (such as at 2:07). Having the sidechaining affect it a bit less and mixing the other elements a little behind the lead when it's present would help considerably. Very neat approach, I'll be listening to where you take this.
    1 point
  28. I don't really have a lot in the way of critique, but I just wanted to say you did an amazing job with this track! I love how clean the instruments sound, and I'm always a sucker for jazz arrangements. I can envision myself kicking back on a beach sipping on fruit smoothies to this track.
    1 point
  29. I dont think the game is that well known; it was semi-niche when it came out, and it was released around 25 years ago. I do think the music is great, and I am really excited about your versions of the songs. The first track sounds great!
    1 point
  30. Thanks everyone! I agree with you. I wish I could still edit this track, but unfortunately, I no longer have the files. Perhaps I will make another one in the future. Keep the honest opinions going. It can only make my compositions stronger.
    1 point
  31. Final Fantasy V had an amazing, yet underrated soundtrack. Normally, a Final Fantasy OCR album would consist of arrangements of the entire soundtrack. DarkeSword does things differently with Final Fantasy V. Instead of arranging the ENTIRE soundtrack, the album is split into five smaller parts, with each part representing a specific element and specific characters. Part 1, Fire, was released in 2010. Part 2 came out last month. Very long wait to hear these nine tracks. And the result of that wait is one of the most creative arrangement albums on OCR. Track 1: La Princesa de Taikun –Theme of Leena- By Sixto Sounds Source Track: Leena’s Theme It’s difficult to put into words how great this track is. What it boils down to is that it’s Final Fantasy V music remastered for a modern audience with mariachi and chiptune influences abound. Some of the chiptune pitch bends were a little off-putting for me, but that doesn’t ruin the experience of listening to the track for me. It’s one of the most unique music style combinations I’ve come across recently, and that alone makes this track worth a listen. Track 2: Micker Cripper Mime –Theme of Mime- By Mazedude Source Track: Moogles’ Theme This track is a weird one for me. I did not like the distorted guitar. Sounded way too MIDI for my tastes. Everything else was very unusual (but still tolerable) for my tastes, but perhaps that was the intent? DrakeSword stated in the directors notes how for a theme to represent someone that is known for copying others it sounds very unique. Yeah I can totally see that. It does a good job representing what the Mime is as him/herself, and not as someone else. It tells a good story, but it’s not something I’d want to listen to on its own. Track 3: The Observer –Theme of Time Mage- By halc Source Track: Cursed Lands I could not think of a better genre to suit a time mage more than dubstep. halc brilliantly uses dubstep to represent the time altering abilities of a time mage without going overboard or taking any clichéd production routes (like intentionally changing the tempo of the track just for the hell of it) to represent someone with the ability to control time. On its own, from a production standpoint, this is oddly one of the more chilling dubstep tracks I’ve heard on Overclocked. And I don’t know if halc intended for this to happen, but the endings somewhat abruptness perfectly captures the other ability of a time mage, the ability to stop time. Brilliant way to incorporate a character. Track 4: A Silver Light Shines –Theme of Mystic Knight- By DarkeSword Source: Dungeon This is a nice blend of a traverse through a mysterious dungeon, and the brave warrior who traverses that same dungeon. The dungeon theme was one of my favorites from the original soundtrack. What is achieved with this arrangement is that it doesn’t deviate from the mood of the original, while simultaneously adding a sort of excitement to the original. It’s almost comparable to Yasunori Mitsuda’s style of composing dungeon tracks. Track 5: Remembrance –Theme of Cid- By prophetic music Source: Sorrows of Parting The evolution of this track (IE the slow percussion to the fast paced percussion and beats) does a good job exemplifying the start of an invention from Cid, to the finished product, while the rest of the music does a good job emphasizing the curiosity Cid may have of how this invention he is making. Or it could represent him studying a subject, and by the end of the track, he has come to master the subject. Final Fantasy V’s Cid. Then we get to the latter half of the track, where everything slows down. Perhaps to signify the transition to another invention or subject? It’s a very complex, and almost thought provoking arrangement. Track 6: BZKR –Theme of Berserker- By Sixto Sounds feat. Jeff Ball Source: Battle 1 In an album where genres and music styles are meshed into very different and unique combinations, it seemed very contrasting to include a hard rock arrangement of a Final Fantasy battle theme, something I’ve heard many times before. Thankfully, a violin is incorporated into this track to keep it from being a pure hard rock arrangement. I do wish that the violin could have been balanced just slightly so that it wouldn’t sound like the guitars are trying to drown it out. It’s not a terrible track, I just wish there was a better emphasis on the violin parts. Track 7: Eternal –Theme of Red Mage- By Brandon Strader Source: Unknown Lands For this track, I’m not so sure how the red mage is incorporated into this track. Maybe it’s because the Red Mage is a hybrid warrior of sorts. And hybrid, would be the best way to describe this track. Also to match the “hybrid” theme, it seems like the first half of this track is very chill, while the second half of this track is more exciting. Very interesting, and enjoyable production work here. And to be expected from a Brandon Strader track, the guitar work here is excellent. Track 8: The Wander –Theme of Summoner- By RiverSound Source: A New World The world is merged. Alone stands the summoner as he/she sweeps the battlefield with great creatures of power. At least that’s the story I get, as everything sounds so isolated at first. But as the track progresses, the track sounds more and more hopeful. The sweeping effects do a great job capturing the summoners power of….well, summoning. But the bottom line is, the production work here portrays hope in an almost hopeless situation in a beautiful way. Track 9: See You Next Time –WATER- By DarkeSword Source: The Prelude Argh this track frustrates me. It’s so beautiful, but at the same time it’s so short (it’s still good though). There’s not a lot that can be said about this track. It’s simple, well produced, pretty, and leaves you wanting more. And more will come when the Fire album is released. Overall, this was a very fascinating album. These artists cleverly did things that are generally difficult to achieve, or they did things that I didn’t think would be possible in an arrangement. It’s so experimental, and definitely worth a listen at least once. All of it. Even the ones I kind of griped at. This album does an excellent job exemplifying the motto “try something at least once.” And besides, it’s short, if you love video game music and OCR albums, you can afford to listen to this album at least once.
    1 point
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