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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2016 in all areas

  1. Hey, sorry. Stuff is busy on my end. I think we're going to get this started in January after MAGFest.
    4 points
  2. Rearrangement - Original Track -
    2 points
  3. Didn't get the chance to say it sooner, but I'm excited to be on board the project! Thanks to the trio of directors for taking me on and looking forward to hearing all of the awesome tracks once this project comes to fruition. The Secret of Mana soundtrack is one of the all time bests, and these songs deserve the spotlight.
    2 points
  4. Hey there, beautiful OCR people! OverChoral ReMix! It's an idea that I've been juggling for many years, and yet I've either never had the time or got too distracted with other projects and such to get it off the ground. Since I've been in pretty solid shape over the last year, though, I've decided to give this a real shot. There is a LOT of talent on here, and this is something that I can see coming together and really creating some spectacular music that no one in the community has ever heard before, but it's also something that no one can do alone, either. We need an OCR community choir, and I'm here to offer direction to this group. I will likely be messaging a few people that have shown some form of interest in this effort in the past, but I'm also inviting anyone and everyone to give this a chance, if they have any inclination to do so. If you've ever sung in anything in the past, you will most certainly help. If you can read sheet music to any degree, you will be an absolute asset to this initiative (though I'll work with you if you can't read sheet music). If you can compose and want to supply the group with a VG arrangement, I absolutely insist you send it our way (once we've become established, of course!). To give you an idea of how this will work: If someone produces a solid choral VG arrangement (score, lyrics, etc.), we will sing it, and I will mix it to make it sound like we're singing in a choir. If needed, I will figure out a way to conduct for everyone (brushin' up on my conducting skills!), and I will help with diction (pronunciation), as necessary. To make something like this work, we need to have a solid mix of voices. This includes: - Sopranos (Presumptive range: Middle "C" to "A" two octaves above) - Altos (Presumptive range: "F" below middle C to middle "C" an octave above) - Tenors (Presumptive range: "C" below middle C to "G" above middle C) - Bass (Presumptive range: "E" an octave and a half below middle C to Middle "C") This will not work without at least two people per range, though we can use more than that if others decide to participate (and I hope that they do). This sort of thing has been done before (think FF4 album's Fabul's Men's Choir), and I won't lie that this idea was inspired by this, in some sense. It has also been done on a far larger scale by Eric Whitacre (which turned out beautifully, by the way). This will hopefully be somewhere in between those two examples in terms of scope. I absolutely look forward to working with anyone and everyone that is willing to be involved in this. Currently, I have one arrangement that we can work through, in order to see how well this works in practice (and, let's face it, to make a kick-ass choral VG arrangement, to boot), and I'm hoping that in time we can make more music like it if it works out well. Post in here or PM me if you're at all interested! Be sure to provide your vocal range that you can work comfortably in. Let's make this happen. Members so far: Sopranos: Peíorele* Altos: Rexy* Wildfire* Final Kingdom* Tenors: Gario* Flexstyle* Bowlerhat* Wiesty* Basses: DS394* The Nikanoru* Anorax(?)* Note: Those marked with * have confirmed that they can read sheet music.
    1 point
  5. This is wonderful. What's interesting is that the only other PM:TTYD mix on the site also incorporates material from other sources. This is not a bad thing - I just find that to be an interesting tidbit. Also, we need more Paper Mario mixes. That is all.
    1 point
  6. djpretzel

    Question RE: PM's

    @Odai vBulletin had a PM export feature, which was nice, but IPS4 does not appear to. The next best solution, to address clutter, is to use the messaging system's support for folders - create a couple folders and bulk move messages there. There's a gear icon next to the "Inbox" header that should let you do this, but let us know if need help! Moving topic to help forum.
    1 point
  7. Funky. I recognised the source straight away even though it's one of the more forgettable tracks from the game. I think this has a bit of a Richard Joseph (RIP) sound to it, perhaps what he might've made if he was alive today. That's a huge compliment. The music is harmoniously satisfying, even accounting for all the effects added to the melody. Even though I think dubstep is a bit overdone now, it works nicely in this track. Good job.
    1 point
  8. I'm just going to point out that the bass range listed (E3 to C4) is smaller than, and is even inside of the given tenor range (C3 to G4). I assume you meant the E below the C of the bass clef (E2-C4)? And if I were to join I'd be a bass singer (on bad days the E2 won't happen), although I can also hit the Tenor range.
    1 point
  9. hey all ive got a good one for a remix request how bout pinball dreams beatbox theme
    1 point
  10. I'm interested! Should be able to find enough time to do some vocal takes at least, esp if there's sheet music to make things simpler.
    1 point
  11. Thanks, Thirdkoopa! Anyone else need some horn from @JohnStacy for their tracks? ---- @Starphoenix has given me an update of Cyber Attack using the feedback he got. Sounding better all the time! @Thirdkoopa has given me permission to post his WIP, Contemplating the End (working title). This is a very interesting slow jazz take on Area 6 ... brimming with performer potential! @classic_gamer_76 and @TheChargingRhino have sent me another WIP of Records 1 including some work by @Pichu's Dad. Sounds great, love the variety of instrument leads here! Check them out, let us know what you think!
    1 point
  12. Overkillius - you must enter!! Get into the chopper!! DO IT NAOW!! Remix that shiz!!
    1 point
  13. I'm mad late with the reply as well, lol. I appreciate the feedback on this man. I got caught up with moving and the whole "new home owner" thing, so I put this on the backburner for a minute. But I'm still thinking about getting Vegas. Adobe seems kinda expensive for a beginner like me, but I might look into it later. If you don't mind, I might bug you a little bit once I grab Vegas. I know you have the skills.
    1 point
  14. I'm uo for providing you with an Alto voice and can also read sheet music at a reasonable level. I have been in school choirs when growing up, so this feels like a great callback to that. It also sounds like a neat project that can definitely provide a solid community effort
    1 point
  15. Sounds like an awesome idea! If time allows in the future I'd be up for writing something or perhaps singing. I sang in the fabul choir way back in the day though I don't have a credit so maybe @OA never used my files?! Either way, was a lot of fun to collab like that!
    1 point
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