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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2017 in all areas

  1. I'll see if I can put together some team banners. I'm still working out the look of the competition.
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone! I was recently sent this direction as a potential collaborator and wanted to see if anyone needed some of my instrumental services? I'm working on some tracks on the Star Fox anniversary album and am taking on some claims there so I am probably too busy to dedicate myself to whole track, but would happily lay some tracks down on arrangements made here! Electric/acoustic guitars, Tenor/alto saxophones, some brass, some folk instruments (tin whistle, harmonica), mandolin, and bass guitar You can check out some of my arrangements of other video game themes on my artist profile if interested. Thanks!
    2 points
  3. Yeah good to hear from everyone again. Been super busy with holiday stuff and now getting back to work and other projects has been eating up most of my time but I'm back to a somewhat normal schedule and will begin submitting WIPs more consistently. Thanks for the patience!
    2 points
  4. This thread is a general Q&A/detail thread for Final Fantasy V - The Fabled Warriors, OCR’s FF5 album series. About There are 5 albums in The Fabled Warriors: WIND, WATER, FIRE, EARTH, and DAWN. Each album is comprised of arrangements written as character themes of important characters in the game and the job classes made available by the respective crystals. The fifth album doesn’t correspond to a crystal, as there is no “Dawn” crystal in the game; instead it covers the additional job classes available in the Gameboy Advance re-release. Schedule WIND was released in September 2010. WATER was released in May 2016. FIRE is targeted for 2018. This is not a release date or a promise, just a goal. EARTH, and DAWN have no target dates. Tracklist Character Description Source Style Artist(s) Faris The reckless and courageous pirate captain. Pirates Ahoy! open Gilgamesh The eight-armed sword hunter. Battle on the Big Bridge An eight-member rock super-group called “The Eight Arms of Gilgamesh” collaborating to create a denser, more varied take on the source. Sixto Sounds, hakstok, OA Beastmaster “Trainers whose open hearts and strong wills allow them to capture and control enemy monsters.” aggressive Sir_NutS Geomancer “Harnessing the power of their surroundings, they easily avoid pits and floors with damaging effects.” Cursed Earth heavy and rhythmic anosou Ninja “Stealthy fighters who excel at surprising enemies and can wield two weapons at once.” Intention of the Earth fast and mysterious OA Bard “Musicians whose dulcet tones soothe savage beasts…or kill them.” melodic and lyrical RiverSound Ranger “Nature-loving archers who can call on local wildlife for aid.” adventurous open The Prelude The classic prelude theme from all Final Fantasy games. The Prelude relaxing DarkeSword Signups are open. The Fabled Warriors runs on an audition-enrollment system. To sign up for a track, please provide a sample of your work that illustrates you’re able to compose and produce in the style required. If you have a Final Fantasy V remix you’re already working on and want me to put on the project, chances are I won’t take it. The Fabled Warriors has a very specific concept, and I’m not looking for music that wasn’t written without the concept in mind. That said, I still encourage you to submit your remix to OCR, because there is always room for more FF5 remixes, whether they are on the project or not. Feel free to ask any questions you have about the project.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, I've gotten good door opening SFX from there. EDIT- IT IS UNBLOCKED ON MY LAPTOP YEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! EDIT EDIT: I am literally just downloading air raid SFX, jet stuff, found a cool "practice sample" one, but it's 8 minutes long, so. Need to find hangar stuff and good explosions -what the heck did DS use and where did he get his AWESOME SFX? I must know. TRIPLE EDIT: I found one that's called "alien invasion ambiance"... QUADRUPLE EDIT: I will go ahead and make the first part, will link here, I guess. I can't go any further than the first part until I get DS's midi, SO HELP ME, PEOPLE!
    1 point
  6. I see that @Jorito suggested freesound.org - if you didn't find anything there, I'll have a look around and see what I can find. @DS394 could you please get in touch with Rhino with this MIDI? If you don't have this or are having difficulties accessing it, I'll see if I can do something about this - but let us know what you can find. LOL Can't wait to hear it!
    1 point
  7. Hey, everyone. I need a good website that has bomb SFX/Explosions/hanger door stuff/hangar turn-tables/lights turning on/sirens/whatnot. Also, DS, I realize that life might be getting in your way, so trying to not sound rude or anything, but I have asked for the midi of the 2nd version of the SCRAMBLE intro twice (this will be the third time, now), once on here, a few posts up, and a PM. Please send the file via Drive, as I would like to tie both SCRAMBLE and Clipped Wings together with different variants of the intro (tom drums, snare, bassline, cut out a bit near the end and do other stuff.). Yes, Nika, I am ONCE AGAIN redoing Clipped Wings. Going to include "the SF theme that started in 64", go into the "2nd variation" of the SCRAMBLE intro, and then go from there. However, in order to make this work- I need the midi. So, I am requesting your help, everyone. Thank you all in advance. I would like the midi by 8:50 tonight, if it's at all possible.
    1 point
  8. The FluidR3 soundfont has a great sleigh bell sound. Add some reverb on it and it's great for atmospheric tracks. It also contains my favorite harp (I use it more than the one in EWQL Symphonic Orchestra...).
    1 point
  9. Okay, I feel really dumb asking this, but maybe it'll help other directors who are working on their own albums for OCR. There is this legal consent form remixers have to sign to give permission to have their tracks featured on the remix album once released on OCR, yes? How can we, as directors get access and view our specific project's list of mixers who have already signed the form? EDIT: This is also the best place I figured to ask this question.
    1 point
  10. All of the feedback has been greatly appreciated. Kind of hopping back-and-forth between my projects right now to keep myself from getting overwhelmed when I hit a roadblock with one.
    1 point
  11. Hey, Thomas ! How are you doing ? We're still waiting for you to claim your track
    1 point
  12. Hey Everyone! Just dropping by to say that this is looking great, keep up the good work!
    1 point
  13. I'll have something more substantial soon, just waiting for it to cool down a bit around here so I get less noise and feedback from my ceiling fan and a/c when recording
    1 point
  14. Man, when it really gets going (0:43) it sounds really good. The choice to slide that main theme really adds something unique to the track that's just... tasty. While it takes a while to get off the ground, it's easy to follow, and damn if it doesn't have a ton of meat to it. The production could use some work, as the instruments do fight for space, especially among the synths and drums (like at 1:01). The heavy reliance on reverb throughout in the synths and drums limits where you can take the track. Leave things wet, but not THAT wet, and you'll have more space to mix and balance the track. The drums have a lot of strength in the right places, but be aware that the toms are mixed pretty close to the front when they don't need to be. The guitar is well placed, and honestly it would serve you well to utilize it a bit more often throughout. It both would prep the listener for it better when it takes them tasty licks, and it would give the soundscape some more variety (as it IS a touch on the static side). The arrangement itself does suffer a little from sounding copy-pasted for the last portion. The guitar does some things differently, but it doesn't take that feeling away. Give some more variety in the synthwork and drums in these portions, it would help alleviate this issue. Love it, though, and I think it has potential to go from a good track to a really great track with some cleaning up. Best of luck!
    1 point
  15. Hello, all! Just a few quick updates: Sorry again for the delay on reviews. Life is still complicated these days but I'm working on it! I have been in touch with @DaMonz and he tells me he'll get to the reviews when he can, but he's even busier than I am these days. He's hoping to get started ASAP, but he figures it may be a while. Prominion has sent me a WIP! He's asked that I not post it yet, as he has lots of stuff he knows he can do better. He'll send me something I can post once he's more confident with what he has. No word yet on when he'll join the forum... I've also been in touch with @Trev regarding his claims and we've worked out an arrangement for his track progress moving forward. My own WIP has, admittedly, received little attention this month. I'll be prioritizing this on Thursday through the weekend, so regardless of what I actually get finished, I'll have something on Tuesday. Just a reminder, it will be the very first rough WIP of an un-posted remixer, so it certainly won't be stellar, but any advice would be appreciated - so long as it's constructive and not just heckling. Just because we haven't reviewed a track doesn't mean it can't be worked on in the meantime! Since I'm taking so long to get the reviews out, if anyone has an update to submit, go ahead and we'll review that. I certainly hope that everyone is continuing to work on their WIPs anyway; we have a goal of having 16 complete WIPs by April 1st, and I now have 5 with the addition of Cornerian Hall of Fame, so 11 more to go! We still have some claims left to be had! Check the front page of the thread for the unclaimed area themes - most boss themes and character themes are also open! Thanks to everyone for being patient with me. I am still available if anyone has any questions, concerns, or just want to chat a bit. Looking forward to more amazing music as the year goes on!
    1 point
  16. Your dedication to good metadata makes me cry tears of joy.
    1 point
  17. I understand where the complaints are coming from: it is rather lengthy without necessarily introducing enough variation to merit it, especially considering how short the source is. And there are moments when the chips and the orchestra don't jive very well. I'm also really don't like the timing used in 0:55-1:05. But other than those complaints, which are pretty minor, it's an excellent piece. I definitely don't think people should be discouraged from genre-bending like this on occasion. It would have been a real shame for this to get NO'd. OCR has passed more exotic efforts before. Heck, OCR should probably encourage this sort of mix. We're fans of video game music, after all, and a hell of a lot of that is chiptunes. Mixes like this help establish the legitimacy of chiptunes as instruments that belong right alongside live instruments and more "traditional" synths.
    1 point
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