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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2017 in all areas

  1. I've been thinking about remixing this for awhile and now I have an excuse to do so.
    3 points
  2. So we're in April already, and I'd like to remind y'all that we have a new deadline coming up. The next deadline is April 30! Also a reminder, if you don't check in with an updated WIP or neglect to tell us if you can't make the deadline, we'll unfortunately have to drop your claim. So don't let that happen and check in with us, ya hear? @Blake Inc. and @PabloComa are in the clear for this deadline, they already reached out to us with their status for this check-in. Really looking forward to seeing the first WIPs from @Sagnewshreds, @JonnyAtma, @Fishy, @dannthr, @HankTheSpankTankJankerson, @HeavyViper and @Kylok. Don't let us down and in stead amaze us with the coolness you'll bring! Also looking forward to updated WIPs from @zykO, @Rexy, @audio fidelity, @Harmony, @djpretzel, @Jorito, @Kylok. You're off to a great start, so keep it coming. And of course a shout out to @Hylian Lemon, @Chernabogue, @Sbeast, @Starphoenix, @Thirdkoopa. You guys are nearly there and it'd be awesome to see you bring your track to its completion. Lastly @Yami and @RebeccaETripp expressed interest in claiming a track. If you're still interested, don't forget to stake your claim There's 3 weeks left to that next deadline, so plenty of time to bring the goodness!
    3 points
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog fans! So I did a vocal remix to the music from Security Hall from Sonic Adventure 2 which I call "Treasure Hunter." The track is groovy and for those familiar with the game its about Rouge the Bat. Enjoy! Hope you like this one!
    2 points
  4. I have another mix I'm working on, but I hope to have some time left to enter! EDIT: Looks like I'm sitting this one out again... Hope to be able to participate next time.
    2 points
  5. Cody Wedel

    Ink pen artwork

    Hi guys, I wanted to share some of my improv ink pen art with one of my favorite communities on the 'net: Aquarium Universe: Rocket Duck Takes a Trip: Midnight City:
    1 point
  6. Hey, everyone. Finally I got around to posting one of works on here. I'm pretty satisfied with how this came out, but I'm always striving to get better. Let me know what you all think!
    1 point
  7. I'm planning on doing a remix of "Felicia Theme" soon and mixing it with "Continue" (DarkStalkers) and some original music. I'm going to have to do the former by ear so yeah ...
    1 point
  8. This is definitely smooth for life. Real tight 'n swag vocal work man. Very nice production too. "Got good taste for a girl" LOL - nice lyrical stuff thar
    1 point
  9. The thing about it is that there is no answer to your question. On this website's database, the remixes of the theme are very conservative, not changing much from the original. Although I have heard other arrangements in other genres, there aren't many. Most of them are very conservative. There are several reasons why it could work and not work in other genres. For one, the rhythmic motives of the melody are pretty idiomatic to the commercial genres of music, rock, jazz and latin, so it works very well in those areas. Metal is a wildcard genre, as literally anything that doesn't swing works well in a metal setting. On the flip side of that, those rhythmic motives don't work well in many genres without sounding like a parody of that genre. This deals with idiomatic writing to various genres, and is the reason that things seem to work or not work in many genres. For example, take something from the swing era, particularly around 1940, and then arrange it in the style of Bach. Suddenly you can't have the swing, so the music loses quite a bit of the drive. You can't use a lot of the harmonic devices because they don't function in the same tonal aspect as they did during the common practice period. I was working on a smooth/acid jazz arrangement of the theme, but couldn't make it work. Part of that reason was the form of the original tune doesn't lend itself well to other genres outside of its original habitat; that is to say that it doesn't follow an AABA, AB, ABA, or any other form that is widely common in the genres you would want to go to. In order to make it work and sound idiomatic to the point that it could have been written in this new style just as well, there would be quite a bit of mangling of the form, and when you start doing things like that, the things that make Guile's theme what it is start to disappear. I have an argument that the joke that is Guile's Theme goes with everything is largely what it is because of the intro. Most of the time when I see one of those videos, I don't listen very far into the melody, I heard the intro, saw the joke, it was funny, I move on with my life. That intro is very distinct, and also falls into the pitfalls I mentioned above in regards to idiom. The rhythmic motif is basically exclusively idiomatic to the commercial genres, and it is very widely used in jazz and Latin music. When it comes to genre, there are expectations that are established when the genre becomes a definite entity. When you listen to rock, you expect a 4/4 time signature with a strong beat on the 2nd and 4th beats, and syncopation is not a key feature. Harmonic progressions are generally somewhat slow and not overly complicated, generally dealing with triads rather than extensions. Jazz is similar, where it has the strong off beats, however there is more syncopation and the beats are generally pushed by a half count in a lot of places, to give that forward feeling motion. Classical has none of these things, having emphasis on the down beats, generally little syncopation, and rhythmic figures that more evenly divide into subdivisions. To flatten out the rhythm of the intro causes weird things to happen, and it loses that distinct character. If you flatten out the rhythm of the whole tune, it loses the impact it has, and suddenly everything you do with it sounds like it isn't Guile's theme anymore. Essentially, you either have to be really conservative with the arrangement, or you suddenly end up being really liberal with it. When going from genre to genre, it is important to note that while a lot of things claim to be in a genre, the actually aren't. It isn't really apparent in genres that people generally deal with, such as rock, metal or EDM, for several reasons. For one, they have a strong familiarity with that genre because it's all they have ever dealt with for the most part, so it's kind of like speaking a native language. And since a lot of video game music that does genre hopping starts in a genre that is similar and shares a lot of genetic similarity, the work transitions well. For other things, like jazz or classical, there are many more stylistic nuances that aren't picked up by the arranger or performer, and although it "sounds" like that genre, an analysis of it ends up showing that it's basically gibberish, or more specifically like trying to write Japanese like this: あいらいくとぷらえだじゃずあんづろくむじく Ai raiku to purae da jazu andu roku mujiku. It "sounds" and "looks" like Japanese, but for somebody familiar to that language it doesn't mean anything. An example of this is the Godot theme from the Phoenix Wright series, everybody's like "AHH so jazzy so cool" but if you analyze it, it actually falls into a genre that is better described as anti-jazz. But it sounds jazzy, so people think it's jazz. Same thing when I see people do a "classical" remix of something where it ends up being an epic orchestral version. Yes, it uses an orchestra and no electronics, but it is in no way classical because it doesn't follow the conventions of the mid to late 18th century. In conclusion, while Guile's theme does go with everything for the reasons that have been mentioned above in regards to tempo, it does not go into every genre. That is to say that the theme as we know it does not retain its character when put into different genres, sometimes to the point that it is no longer recognizable. Unless there is a lot of work done to make the tune work in a new genre, it may end up sounding to somebody familiar with that genre like the Japanese comparison I made above. In a new genre with just an attempt to make it "sound" like it works: あいらいくとぷらえだじゃずあんづろくむじく In a new genre with an attempt to follow the stylistic nuances, but still trying to make it "sound" like it works 愛雷くとぷらえだ邪案緑麦く In a new genre following the conventions and nuances of the new style: 私はジャズやロックミュージックを好きです。 It may not sound like the original at the point, but at least it will be stylistically true.
    1 point
  10. I really enjoy the instrumentation and quality of the performances here. Like you said, it's a very conservative arrangement, but some changes you added here and there are very welcome. Perhaps the volume of the lead vocalist track starting at 1:11 goes a bit to loud -- especially at the end of each "sentence" -- but that might just be because I listened to it using crappy headphones ^^ I also feel like the choruses get a bit repetitive despite the effort of frequently bringing something new, though this effort helps not making the repetitiveness boring. However, in this end, it's a good cover that is very pleasant and relaxing to listen to -- like most of you mixes tend to be. Great job!
    1 point
  11. Voted. There was some nice variety in the submissions.
    1 point
  12. Agreed that there's some great entries! I voted as well. On... ThaSauce! *gasp* Finally made an account since I've competed quite a bit and plan on competing some more.
    1 point
  13. Voted. We got some good mixes this round! I wrote much more than I needed to in my reasoning for why I picked which because they were all pretty close for me.
    1 point
  14. For me it had to be the AT-ST fight on the second level of Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64. I've since beaten it, but as a kid, I could never do it. It was the hardest thing on the planet, coupled with the poor camera and looser controls.
    1 point
  15. Gario

    Arcadia Legends - History

    Sorry to hear about that. I hope things work out for you, Darkflamewolf. EDIT: Yeah, Modus, if there are new tracks that you're looking to QC, send them my way and I'll keep doing my part on here. The album has a lot of momentum behind it at the moment, it'd be a shame to see it slow down when there's a co-director capable of pushing it ever forward. No pressure, tho.
    1 point
  16. I don't think I can do "Duke Ellington-style jazz" but I think I'll give it a shot some time. I've got a very eccentric and somewhat mellow approach to electronic music (I'll provide an example). Do you know where I can find a midi for the piece (I can't find any at all and need a good starting point)? Felicia is a great character.
    1 point
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