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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2017 in all areas

  1. And here... we... GO! With Dyne having officially stepped down from this project, we're starting a new chapter in this long-running album series' life. No, it's not going all death polka or grunge barbershop quartet, it's simply been put under my watchful eye. And what that watchful eye saw was that we kept having one of two things happen. Either 1) it was started two months before the deadline and people had to cram work in for it, or 2) they had so much time that they kind of forgot about it. So, we're trying a middle ground this year. And what better middle ground than July, the month that retailers love to have a second Christmas in? Yes, while 2 months was awfully short notice and a full year made it slip peoples' minds, I figure a good five months might be about the right amount of time. Guess we'll see, huh? This project is open to any and all OCR members, regardless of whether you're a posted remixer or not. And now, a few details... When's The Project Deadline?- December 20th, 2017 at 11:59 P.M. EST. This is now a REALLY hard, non-negotiable deadline, since it's very close to Christmas. We've had lots of last-minute entries and updates over the years and, to be perfectly honest, it shouldn't be that way. With months of time, having to hold off as long as possible for people made things pretty hectic for myself and Dyne in the past, between updating the artwork and getting everything uploaded. Treating this project like a college paper that doesn't get worked on until the last minute got annoying rather quickly when it kept adding up to lots of hurrying year after year. As such, you have until one minute before midnight EST on December 20th to get me the final WAV or MP3 of your song. After that, you're shit outta luck until next year. I need time to do everything, including possibly make a little website to host this one if Dyne isn't online for one reason or another. So this deadline's set in stone... PERIOD. What Information Does The Coop Need?- When you send me your final versions, I'll need what name you want to use (real or remixer handle), the name of your remix and the name of the song you're remixing (in case someone asks what this or that remix is from). Plus, if you have a website you'd like to pimp, supply that as well and I can add it to the MP3 tags. What Can Be Remixed?- Any song, really. Traditional Christmas carols, video game music, published music by a signed artist, music from TV/cartoons/anime... whatever gets your heart racing and into that Christmas spirit. This isn't an official OCR album, so you can draw from more sources than just VGM. Plus, you can take a non-Christmas tune, like the Main Theme from Space Harrier, Stage 6 Mission 2 from Metal Head, or I Defend STM from Truxton II, and turn it into a Christmasy one. So know that it's not limited only to songs that are Christmas-like to begin with. All that said, do keep in mind that if you want to submit your song to OCR later, you'll need to keep this site's guidelines in the back of your mind. But for this album, you can take it in just about any direction you want and get as crazy as you'd like (but please, no "Silver Bells" done in farts or something). How Long Can My Song Be?- As long as you want it to be. There are no restrictions on this, so whether it's 1:30, or 9:51 with a five minute guitar solo ala Metallica, it's all good. But again, if you want to submit your song to OCR later, keep their guidelines in mind. What Genres Can I Remix In?- Again, the door's wide open here. Rap, Metal, Pop, Piano-solo, Orchestral, Jazz, 8/16-bit, Barber Shop Quartet, A capella... it's up to you where you want to take it. What Format Should I Submit My Song In?- WAV and/or an MP3 of at least 192KB/s quality. I'll be tagging the MP3s and making MP3s from any submitted wavs, so you don't have to worry about that. But, if you'd like your website to be in the MP3 comments section, be sure to give it to me when you submit your song. How About A Little Music To Get Us In The Mood?- To help everyone along, here's a YouTube list of Christmasy tunes made by Ocre a number of years ago... http://ocremix.org/f...72&postcount=19 But remember, not all famous Christmas tunes are upbeat and cheerful. There are some that are more somber or haunting in tone, so you have more moods to play with than happy happy joy joy. What's The Website's Address Again?- It's got a new home at... http://williammichael.info/aocc/ This album will still be download there as well, as Dyne will continue to host the albums on his site. How Do We Contact This The Coop Person?- If you've got questions, comments, concerns, or your track is done and ready to be sent to me, you can PM me here on OCR, or send me an E-mail at thecoopscorner@gmail.com. So yeah, there we go. You've got over five months to get something done for the lovely people of OverClocked Remix and the millions of listeners around the world who've become followers of our project. Good luck, have fun and make everyone some Nice Work™! Artists involved thus far... The Coop (director, cover artist and remixer) JohnStacy (remixer) wildfire (remixer) Ronald Poe (remixer) HoboKa (remixer) Ridiculously Garrett (remixer) Skull (remixer) PlanarianHugger (remixer) TheChargingRhino (remixer) Yannic Geerts (remixer) Earth Kid (remixer) CelestialSonata (remixer)
    2 points
  2. The People's Remix Competition 353 PRCv14-15 Hello everyone and Welcome to the People's Remix Competition! GCJ was the winner of PRC351. HoboKa got a second place. Sggod89 returned after a long time without posting songs. It was a nice song but it was too short to not get the last place woorden spoon. Unfortunately GCJ wasn't able to submit a song to me before I left on vacation so HoboKa picked a source. GCJ still may pick a source which I will use for a later round (don't know which one yet). Source: Remembrance - Vagrant Story (PS1) MIDI Source Information ThaSauce link: Click here to submit To submit a song at the compo page you can use the ThaSauce page. If you use this, an account is required. If you don't want to use ThaSauce, please upload the song somewhere else and post a download link in this thread. I recommend Soundcloud, don't forget to allow downloads to enable me to upload the song at ThaSauce. I will keep using ThaSauce as the place where all songs are located. If you want to use ThaSauce, the following steps should be done. Click the ThaSauce Link. Click the 'You are not logged in' button in the upper right. Click on 'register' (at the bottom). Read the terms and click 'I agree to these terms'. If you don't agree with them, upload the song somewhere else and post a download link as mentioned above (by doing that, you allow me to upload the song at ThaSauce. Continue the process by filling in your information. You will get a question to confirm that you're not a robot. Here are some possible answers: Name a compo: PRC Who organizes One Hour Compo: Starla Name a ThaSauce subdomain: compo.thasauce.net Who created Mega Mans: Capcom A confirmation mail will be send. There might be some issues with it (meaning that you don't get it), if that is the case, upload the song somewhere else as described above. Once registered, login with your username and password, go to the mentioned page and submit the song. If you want submit two or more songs you can create multiple ThaSauce accounts or upload the song somewhere else and post the download link. After uploading your song, please check if your song plays and can be downloaded and played without problems. Only upload MP3 files. PRC instructions The deadline is Tuesday August 1st 2017 at 10:59 pm ThaSauce time (18:00 UTC, 19:00 GMT), check the ThaSauce page for the exact time left. Make sure that the song is uploaded to ThaSauce or that there’s a download link posted in this thread. Two days extra. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix. You are free to create a second ThaSauce account for that if you use ThaSauce, it's needed to be able to upload a second remix if you use ThaSauce. Of course you can also upload it somewhere else and put a download link in this thread. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted in this thread. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score. The winner of this round may select the source for PRC355. The winner of PRC351, GCJ, can participate in this round since he didn't select the source. HoboKa is also allowed to enter the round in a regular way. They also may post the song as a bonus. You can find the full rules list at this page as well. Note that the rules for deadlines are a bit different this time. GOOD LUCK! PRC ThaSauce Home Page!
    2 points
  3. Update: I love the general excitement for this album everyone !!!! We have yet another finalized WAV in for the Album!!!! We're making fantastic process as well!! If anyone still wants to join in on the album then you're more then welcome too !!! But the final wav would have to be done on the Finalized Wav Deadline [which has been pushed to October 3rd, 2017]. I'll post this update in the Album's Closed FB Group as well .
    2 points
  4. Someone said it well: "It's flawed but entertaining" and despite a few jokes that weren't terrible, I'm happy with it. Looking forward to season 2.
    1 point
  5. Maybe it's getting as much praise as it is because of how incredibly difficult it is to translate video games to movies or TV series. It's not just "good for a video game adaptation." It's good on its own. You don't have to have knowledge of the source material to enjoy watching the series, although such knowledge certainly deepens one's appreciation of the series. This type of adaptation should be used as the model for any future video game adaptations. They integrated major (and minor) plot points of the game and the series' lore in general without making it appear shoehorned in. Sypha is freed from stone by the defeat of the cyclops that imprisoned her, just like in the game. Trevor fights with Alucard before the latter joins, just like in the game. They also made reference to Sypha's appearing to be male and confusion about her gender, echoing the confusion about her gender in the early years of the series. The series also managed to include elements such as salt and holy water as weapons (and included references to throwing knives and axes) without it feeling over-the-top, non sequitur fan service. And turning the church hierarchy into villains was an incredibly smart (and historically accurate, since the church was such a politically powerful, yet often corrupt organization throughout that period) move. Dracula is at his most compelling as a villain when he's a sympathetic character. Symphony of the Night had such a great story because of the family drama between Alucard and Dracula, and Dracula is a far more engaging villain when you understand his motivations for why he's doing what he's doing. Finally, the inclusion of advanced technology as a defining aspect of Dracula's Castle was a great move by the show's creators to explain the presence of such technology in the original game. Had they not addressed this early on, they would have been either forced to deal with it when the characters were actually progressing through the castle, at which point it would have been much harder to explain and would have seemed a lot more forced as an inclusion in the show or just exclude the element from the castle entirely, thereby making the visual elements of the series more disconnected from the game. At the same time, while Dracula clearly has this otherworldly technology (otherworldly to humans at the time, anyhow), he's also capable of magic (as if Sypha) and there are clearly references to his powers coming from "Hell," so the ties to the video game lore remain intact. In short, the fact that the entire series wasn't composed of non sequiturs is an amazing achievement, mostly because of how many elements of the original game and game series would appear as such if directly translated into a story-telling medium intended for mass consumption (for reference, see the 1993 Super Mario Bros. film). The creators of the show did a masterful job translating the series to TV, and I can't wait to see what else they come up with.
    1 point
  6. Both Cubase and Logic (and maybe some others) support sheet music and I believe can export as sheet music (you can also load MIDI into Finale and Sibelius). However, DAW capabilities with notation are not nearly as robust as dedicated software for notation like Finale and Sibelius. It is also input as MIDI data, but it will be ultra-rigid, inhuman sounding MIDI, so you'd be better off to do what most people do with DAWS: Play the parts in live with a MIDI-keyboard controller for the most realistic results and edit the MIDI data after if need be. You could still compose the tune in Finale first if you want, of course — but a truly synergistic system between the two doesn't really exist, sadly.
    1 point
  7. Well, Finale is not a "DAW". It is a notation program that can support MIDI and playback via proprietary samples. In the case of orchestral music, Cubase if you're on a PC and Logic if you're on Mac are the way to go for DAWs. Load this up with 3rd-party orchestral sample libraries like East West's Hollywood or Symphonic Orchestras, Cinesamples, Spitfire, Orchestral Tools' "Berlin" series, 8Dio, etc. and you're good to go. Be warned that this is an expensive endeavor with a steep learning curve, but it is absolutely worth it.
    1 point
  8. Pipez

    New DuckTales in 2017!

    Even more shorts...
    1 point
  9. We're not doing this for every artist's approval. We're just doing this for the ones who're concerned and available. PMs to everyone here, emails if we have them. And they have whatever time it takes to get the other things in order, minus whatever Usa needs for any revisions.
    1 point
  10. BIG NEWS! The mastered tracks are finished and have been delivered to Ocremix staff! Now the staff, who as we've seen with this week's release of the 62nd OCR project album are extremely efficient about releases and have it down to a science by now, have all the finished and mastered audio! At this moment I'm unsure if we still lack enough artwork, but I don't think that should be a huge hurdle to complete. Any other hurdles from here should be minor. I know I've said that before, but now that the top brass has the full mastered content, it's extraordinarily unlikely anything should mess it up now. Thank you for your patience and hanging on with us (or at least restraining yourselves from REALLY dramatic acting out on it). We hit a MAJOR finish line FINALLY and things should go quite good from here to release. Look forward to it! It may come up sooner than you think (a first for this project!)
    1 point
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