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  1. I have to go to work and I don't want to delay things any further. I also want to look at my results and feedback so I need to post this now haha. Just consider me disqualified! Good job to everyone this round. You guys really put something special up 1st. Waiting for the Pounce - The Voudou Queen Haha, what a start to the track! I am always enamored by those who can sample quotes and lines from things and add them into music. It's not a skill I have or something currently used in my minds eye. I'm honestly not personally keen on the musicality of the opening part but that's really 100% a personal preference thing. I appreciate the heck out of it But once it gets into the groove of things. Yo... This is an actual Halloween party vibe. Like there is some real good melodic stuff going on and the chords are really effective. I think sometimes I want more. Like right before the last section there is some real fun and groovy chord progressions. Id love if it was expanded, had some like keyboard solos (like just runs and such) and maybe with some vibrato added in there just for funs sake. Like it's a whole groove and I think if it was dug into, I could dance all night long! The last section is very effective at what it does, like the first I think I am not one to comment too deeply because it's not my vibe but I do appreciate it and think it works. All and all, I really really think this was a great effort. You should be proud of what came out of it. I only wish the middle was expanded on, there were some more fun chord progressions, and maybe some more playful dynamics as well. Great job! 2nd. Aeterni Inferni - Wassup Thunder Oooh that low synth hits really well. I'm enjoying it. The effects are really interesting as well. There was a modulation in the middle of the song and I'm not familiar with the source so I'm unsure if you added it or not (edit: seems like it's there in the original too) but I actually dig it. Personally I think I would have gone for a major modulation or at least something brighter like a minor 7th but that's my taste. I enjoy the building of this overall. It's like I get to enjoy something new every few bars or so. It's always adding something. I think I wished for some more impact here and there but I think that's okay. Really I think what it needs was some shift in dynamics here and there. Something I struggle with when making music. The ending climax was very welcome though. That ending little effect there too! This really captured Halloween for me. I only wish that it had some more play with the sound field to really give the ears a treat (or a trick!) 3rd. Rites of Autumn - Colorado Weeks Oh what is this? Now that's some spooky crap. There is like some kind of odd polyphony going on here. Almost like two different keys are being played it. Like it seems consonant but there is also something highly dissonant about this. I cannot put my finger on it. I think it's a bit too short or not expansive enough but I do think it was effective at being both spooky but somehow... Celebratory? It is the rites of autumn I suppose so it should have that celebratory feel. However whatever they are celebrating is spooky as all hell! I'm creeped out and I think that's a good thing. Good job here haha. I only wish that there was some more variety or another section to explore these rites! Very curious indeed 4th. That Desolate Field - Souperion o___o;;; lord you guys are creeping me out haha. This is really reflective of something you'd hear in one of the Ghost in the Shell movies. Have you ever heard of any of them? I think you'd find some interesting inspiration there. The middle was a bit surprising with the shakuhachi. Like I knew there would be one but it caught me off guard. Here I think the problem for me is the song from a listening standpoint is a bit long. If this was for a scene for a movie I think this would fit but somehow for me it goes on a bit too long without offering much new as it continues to go. Overall though it is certainly interesting. You can send your sister this message from me! 俳句を読んでくれて、ありがとうございます!お兄さんの作曲に不思議な雰囲気を加えました! 5th. What Lurks Below - Kat I really wish I got to hear a more complete version of this.. It has a lot of interesting things that I'd like to get to know how to do personally or at the very least to identify the sound. I think it has this sort of clown or carnival kind of feel without being silly. Like it's not exactly scary but a bit unnerving. I'm unsure how to put it exactly. I think the guitars are really good here. The mixing seems to be a bit uhh chunky but I think it's because of how I'm listening to it and less so the mix itself. Still I think it could use some breath. Overall, this is good but I wish there was more! 6th. Austrian Spinal - General Grunt Oh lord. A polka? Hahaha, I can't say... It's my thing. But I think it does the polka well. It's a bit too little in terms of expansion is concerned and doesn't have enough to really keep my head in it, but I think what you went for you were successful in getting. Again, uhh, not a polka fan but it did right by the polka lol. I think though if it had more layers and some polyphony it could go beyond even polka lovers and into something even the polka haters would love. Darn those polka haters! 7th. The Mandela Effect - APZX Hm.. I think it's just too much here. I believe in your story and your vision. I think what you wanted to do was accomplished but it's a lot to ask for the listener and a lot to take in. That's not always a big deal to me. One of my favorite songs is a 50 minute mix of different tracks and vibes of 80s Japan. I think here however from a listening perspective it really wasn't effective for enjoying. However, I think as a piece of art, I'd disagree with myself. You really set it apart by not only length but the depth and effort for you to put in. For that, I have to applaud you. Still, I don't think it was... A great choice for the competition given the meat n potatoes aspect and from a personal listening perspective it isn't my thing. But, props to you for creating something special. Take a bow!
    2 points
  2. Nooo I forgot about the time difference. Uhh is there any way to get my vote in still? Edit: if not, I can just post my feedback here and disqualify myself this round. I think you were pretty generous with the deadlines and it's my fault for waiting to the last minute. It's all for fun and feedback anyway!
    2 points
  3. I feel that I need to provide a bit more explanation to my submission. At least some of the backstory. See, originally I had done some work with my chosen theme, and because I was a bit bored I threw up Ghosts n' Goblins and just tried to be silly with it. And at this point I was basically done with my take on Spinal's Theme. At this point I just decided to give a more thorough listen to the sources and listened to the Castlevania pick. Again purely for the funzies I opted to do a bit of a minor remix. Really, just a cover that I decided to make a bit silly. It was at this point, I thought that it would be fun to add some spoken word elements to these three to try and sort of thematically link them together. At least in a really loose sense. So, I went to the interwebs looking for Halloween appropriate poems or short stories. Then I remembered about creepypastas, and then went down that rabbit hole. At this point in time I ran into Candle Cove, and I thought to myself, "You know? This could actually be a lot of fun!". So, the next morning I sat down with my mic and recorded the entirety of my Candle Cove take. I tried to just take bits & pieces that initially worked, but it always felt like it was just missing something. It was at this point I made the terrible mistake to try and fit every source together in a loose framework based around creepypasta. To me there are a few outliers that I just could not make work, but without all the sources there was really no way to make to creepypasta work in a reasonably flowing manner. So, I do agree with you @The Vodoú Queen that Concrete Canyon is way out of place, but I really could not think of a decent place to put it nor could I think of a way to do a remix that would have really placed it well either. The best way I could think to do it was to try and loosely link it to the bit about the main villain and the skin. So, that is the reason for the sore thumb, but at the end of the day I like to think of that track as more of the calm before the storm as it were thematically. In the sense that you've got some werewolves going around having fun before things start getting too real. And really, I did this mainly, purely, and just because I can. It was meant to be something different. Something that you just put on and think to yourself, "What did I just listen to?"
    1 point
  4. Not intending to double poast, but I am dropping in to say that I have submitted my second Christmas track. Both are radically different from my 2019 tracks, btw
    1 point
  5. *Glances at headset's microphone* ? This is a professional piece of equipment, right?? I can just click "record" in FL studio and it'll magic my voice into the music, right? Can I even pronounce Japanese??? I may need to find a karaoke version...
    1 point
  6. Everyone has to sing ?? this will be fun!
    1 point
  7. I can't count. Thirteenth.
    1 point
  8. How do I put this... I would love to do a Christmas tune for a twelfth year in a row but that seems like an awfully big lift for me. ? We shall see.
    1 point
  9. Wtf no Rozovian yet? I may join this year too
    1 point
  10. So I decided as a bit of an experiment to listen to some of the older remixes on the site, and i've been going through them chronologically. As you can imagine, there's a lot of... variable quality tracks - much of it is amateurish and/or dated yet many of them have a charm to them, and there's some decent stuff, some novelty tracks, some have some cool humour to them... but then this one came on and I'm kinda shocked. This sounds like something that could have been posted to the site 10 years later. Sounds like a professional, well mixed, very ambitious remix that's executed incredibly. Yeah it almost shows it's age with some samples but it's so far ahead of everything else that you barely notice. Listening to this along side everything on the site today, I think it's easy to take this for granted because of how the quality of fan arrangements has improved over the years, but this was posted in june of 2000, which is absolutely bonkers. Virt really was showing everyone up even twenty years ago huh.
    1 point
  11. I got one finished so far. Sending it by PM, as I'm not uploading it anywhere public until late next month. Also, sorry about last year. A certain individual in my life really dragged me down without me even realizing it until it was too late.
    0 points
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