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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2023 in all areas

  1. Consider shortening the length of the bass notes (or maybe it's a low pad) so that they aren't playing as much. Similar to how you have it at 1:28 and after. It will help give space to the other parts, and sounds much better. I'm not sure what it is, but the beat isn't gelling with me for some reason and i'm not sure why. Consider adding a hi-hat to it to help fill the space maybe? Changing the lead sound at 0:23 is a good call. Switching up the lead to other instruments is a good way to keep the listener interested.
    1 point
  2. Evaluation: Don't worry about the vocals sounding robotic. They fit in the genre that you're going for. Interesting source, haven't heard it before; thanks for sharing it! It doesn't feel fully developed yet even though the original is short. It feels like there is still space for more exploration and development with yours coming in at 1:49. Low end does feel muddy as the bass takes up a lot of space, make sure you're applying EQ on it to remove unnecessary frequencies on it and EQing any reverb that may be on the bass as well. After Measure 26, at 0:46 when everything comes back the track gets very full and looks like you really pushed the levels to be as loud as possible. Gotta keep some space in there for all elements to come through and have breathing space. You could achieve this with remixing the levels or through utilizing compression to duck certain elements out of the way. It's during this section that the percussion gets nearly buried completely and can barely make it out. You want to have the mix look more like the first half in the image above, you can see all of the peaks clearly and there's space for all of the elements. Does the vox have a lower harmony? It sounds like there's something maybe a 5th below the melody line, but I can barely make it out. Maybe try looking for another track that sounds similar to what you're going for here and reference it. Using comparison could help you clean up the mix if you really listen critically.
    1 point
  3. damnnnnn the last round?! this compo taught me so much about music making. i never even ended up being a posted remixer but this compo was a great one. kudos to you for keeping it going so long. Its been a long time, but i finally have ableton again and ill try to get a real gem in for this
    1 point
  4. We're getting the band back together
    1 point
  5. Can't say I've been very active, life going on, kids, work and stuff like that so I couldn't have enough time for this. But I'm quite glad I could participate a little to those rounds. I'm in. Down for a last one. Strap in guys. I'll make multiple entries I think. It's been fun making music here. It'll be a last goodbye for me too, my everyday duties take me way too much time to continue making music so I need to step down and this feels like the perfect way to end this.
    1 point
  6. *Staggering out of foggy internet cave with undone tie and pizza-stained-shirt* I'm in for the last hurrah! Composing for PRC was a great experience and I really appreciate the community for making little events like this, it was great to mingle with other artists, so thanks to Bundeslang and everyone else involved with running this!
    1 point
  7. Even if I've fallen off from them in recent times, I've good memories of remix compos and even produced some material I still look back on fondly. One more swan song, then!
    1 point
  8. i never got the chance to do PRC due to scheduling conflicts, but i'll try and make this last one!
    1 point
  9. Hi @Bundeslang. First, I want to sincerely thank you for keeping PRC going for as long as you did. PRC was a huge part of my development as an artist in the early days of OCR along other older competitions like IMC and I made a lot of collabs and friends in these competitions. I am no longer making music, nor I am around online much but when I saw the email about this PRC being the last I had to jump in to salute and thank you and the oher artists. I would say the absolute best part of being part of the community by far were PRC and other compos. The constraints of the competitions I felt really helped me break out of some walls, and some of the remixes I made here both as sir_nuts and as showroom dummy made the jump to the front page. Again thank you and all of those who participated over the years. Hope you are doing great and wish you nothing but the absolute best in the future.
    1 point
  10. Sad to see it end, but surprised it was around for so long. I checked, I even got 3 mixposts out of my contributions to PRC! If I don't forget I'll try to whip up an entry for the last round and give it a proper goodbye
    1 point
  11. Just hop on-board. Even if just for the experience. Both has a lot of music that is right up your alley tonally and soundscape-wise, IMHO.
    1 point
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