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Everything posted by friendlyHunter

  1. Sucks; now I'm going to have to ask you a bunch of questions, which were probably explained in that post =/ Is your aim to attract students from other disciplines, new (not yet in another discipline) students, or is it to get CS students to take more CS-related courses? Or, do you wish to attract more profs? The concept of non-major CS is a bit alien to me, but CS plus media/art is right up my alley. I've incorporated technology/media into first-year art courses, and used art/media in fourth-year CS courses, but I'm not sure I've taken any courses like you've described.
  2. With a second listen, I can see what you guys are saying about it syncing nicely... but I really have to concentrate to enjoy the added game sounds. If I start doing something else (like typing this post, watching the shells slide around, or wondering why Mario keeps flying around at ludicrous speed), it just sounds like a generic midi-ish dance song, with Mario sounds that have little relation to it. And I tend to enjoy mediocre dance music quite a bit - but to me this song was just bleh... BEYOND generic mediocrity, and it just keeps going and going.... =/ I mean, surely you've seen/heard creative "make music with unconventional sounds" things before, right? This one has to be the least enjoyable to listen to that I've seen =( If I wanted to be entertained by programmed music, I'd listen to NES soundtracks. And I think I just might do that I hope this guy (or team???) makes another level with more involved Mario-sound-music, and less giant 11-minute meme that I don't get.
  3. It has potential up the wazzoo, but I have to agree with Nekofrog, and I think it came off as boring and pointless after the first half a minute... Would've been a lot more impressive if the song was good, or if the Mario-sound-effect-song was any good. Had a giant "so what??" factor instead of a "WOW" factor. I'd be extremely impressed (rather than bored) if they just did just 20 seconds of something that wasn't so sparse and un-melodic. He's clearly got it down to a science - let's hear the Super Mario Bros. theme with full percussion!
  4. Santa Luigi! It was a complete fluke =p
  5. This has nothing to do with the current discussion, and is very late, but: http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/gamemode/etc/etc02.html Did anyone else here get one of their screenshots on the Dojo?? I feel special
  6. I might have said this before, but: I don't think games are getting worse on average, it's just that the more popular, hyped, and well-known new games are worse than most of the classics we remember. So what if Mario Galaxy is worse or better than Mario 64 or Super Mario Bros. 3 - that says NOTHING about "today's games", it just says that that particular game may not have lived up to some particular predecessors, and that it may not have lived up to the hype it received. There are so many bad games from back in the day; you've just never heard of them. I will agree though that today's bad games are DIFFERENT. You used to be able to play a game for 5 seconds and decide "Ok, this game just sucks" (e.g. Cheetamen). Nowadays, you have to play the game for an hour, and then think "Ok, this game MIGHT get good later on, or it might just stay crappy and easy and pointless" and then two weeks later "I just wasted THAT MANY HOURS playing Metroid Prime 3??!". In that way, I like the selection of "yesterday's" games better, especially with all the hordes of geeks to recommend the best ones to you, unclouded by hype about sequels and whatnot. (Note: those are NOT my exact sentiments of Metroid Prime 3.... that game was for the most part boring and stale to me, but WOW did it EVER have its moments!!)
  7. Boy, I sure don't like the recording/editing in that video; they just keep showing the same few instruments over and over again. Makes me wish I could see them live... but maybe that's the idea
  8. I kinda missed the point too.... most were unremarkable, but there were a few ok ones. A CPU once took my last stock when I taunted in the taunt minigame XD I think I still have the replay... [Edit] Maybe I'm just not entertained because more interesting KOs and stuff happens ALL THE TIME when I play Brawl, and watching a video is incomparable to watching yourself and people you know. About a third of the matches I play are replay-save worthy, but 95% of them are over 3 minutes >=(
  9. Not sure if Google Video has the 10-min time limit or not, but a few years back I uploaded something to youtube and the video/sound what out of sync... so I uploaded the same video to google video, and it worked fine. Nothing to do with time limits, but google has my recommendation I did once try to record stuff from a game though - after trying a whole bunch of video recording programs that didn't work very well (or at all), I believe I used a program called "Game Cam" and it worked beautifully. I can't remember if it can record sound or not though, since I didn't need to record sound and video at the same time.
  10. Loose ends tied up? Those loose ends - nay, edges - have been CRUSHED!! (I have no idea what that was supposed to mean)
  11. Talking/arguing about each others' post counts in this thread is just plain silly.... The thing is this guy probably isn't even reading this thread. Prove me wrong, Beatles guy! Hehe, maybe I'll watch some of the videos eventually.
  12. I honestly think that although Brawl might be easier to pick up than Melee, it's still a LOT harder to pick up than the original SSB64. I can see how someone who's never grown up with SSB64 would dislike Brawl - heck, I didn't ENJOY playing Brawl for the first couple hours, but after I finally got the hang of it and stopped missing 90% of my attacks, it was pretty fun. Most "party games" are easy to just pick up and play for complete newbs. While SSB64 might fall into this category of games that can be picked up with no prior experience, I think Melee and Brawl certainly do not. To enjoy Brawl, you need at least SOME prior Smash Bros. experience - which means it might be inaccurate to call it a "party game". 4 experienced Goldeneye players can have a ton of fun playing multiplayer Goldeneye together, but does that make it a party game?? One thing that Brawl, and Smash Bros. in general certainly is NOT is a button-mashing fighter - which is why I particularly disagree with his view of the game. Yeah, I'm being a whiner and looking waaaay too deep into this but... it's not a button-mashing fighter!!! Which may be exactly WHY it's tough to pick up for complete newbies, and exactly WHY you need to be one of "them" to truly enjoy it. I'd argue that it only takes a few days to "become" one of "them" (either a few multiplayer outings, or a couple days of owning the game), but... whatever, if Yahtzee doesn't want to give some amazing games a chance, that's his problem. Although, if he doesn't have any Smash-playing friends or relatives, I can't blame him. Nostalgia?? Bah- the gameplay has nothing to do with nostalgia or retro Nintendo characters... at least for me.
  13. Add a third cloud for "this game is eating shit waffles". His review/rant was kind of... meh...... "You made me waste time playing and reviewing this game and now I'm bitter and I'm wasted your time by making you watch this not-very-funny review, and I know that if you love the game and have already played it then this isn't going to change your opinion one bit and so the only bit of new information you're going to get out of this review is Gametraders Robina."
  14. ANOTHER TV series... and... feature film??? oo V I hope they make a Sockbaby feature film eventually too =D (Since I don't want to post 3 massive video boxes, and I can't post links to youtube because the forum is stupid, here's just part 1 of 3. Parts 2 and 3 are even better!!)
  15. Heheh, who moves threads out of "Off Topic"? Maybe "this guy" knows (or is) a moderator here
  16. Woo! You can't kill it, silly! Hope the scrolling isn't "complete", because it's royally broken... it can scroll forever, scrolling seems to affect only the background (i.e. the screen moves, but OCR-tan and the enemy stay in the same place!!), and sliding/dashing makes you hit the edge with no scrolling. But I guess as a proof of concept, the background scrolling animation technically IS complete One last gripe: charged shot is near impossible to aim - you should have to release the button to shoot. But that means a "you have a fully charged shot" animation (or sound??) is required.... Yeah, I know the charge shot programming isn't complete, but it's good discuss this stuff beforehand. [Edit] BTW I like the guitar for regular shot =D Keeps it all consistent, I guess.
  17. Bump! Not sure if this poll thing is still going, but: I said earlier in the thread that there really weren't any titles I'd want to suggest... Well, I stand corrected. I don't know if Rare games get the chance appear on the VC, but I'd download Get Force Gemini in an instant.
  18. Only listened to half the "Unwanted" song, but this "most wanted" one is FAR worse. Every part of it is just awful!! MUCH better than either of those. I don't even know what's so funny about that skit, but the song is quite enjoyable. Clearly some part of their experiment has failed...
  19. The link on page something says there could be different end-of-fight-thingies that may or may not be called "Fatalities" (or something like that) There's a much higher chance of me buying this game if Clark Kent is a playable character with a fighting style completely unlike Superman's. A clumsy "I've never been in a fight before in my life" fighting style, where he's constantly pretending to be far weaker than he actually is =D Damn, I just admitted to characters in a game having an influence on my purchasing decisions.... CAN I SINK ANY LOWER??!?!!?
  20. Aren't ALL MK games about the fate of the universe? =p And I agree that the 3D MK games may be slower, but if you're saying they're slower BECAUSE they're 3D... well, that just doesn't make sense. So, the teaser doesn't have me impressed one bit... the physical movement of the characters in free-fall mode looks very unrealistic (in a bad and unpolished way), and I'm afraid that's how it's gonna look when it's done too. But that's just graphics, right? Looking bad doesn't mean it'll play bad, right??? I mean, the teaser really shows NO indication of how it'll play - we have no idea what the players are doing to bring upon those slow-ass moves - they might as well have shown us a cut-scene. All it shows is that at this point, it doesn't look too good. Shoddy trailer production in my opinion. But how will the game itself do??? Who knows!?
  21. Possible solution: shooting a charged shot could momentarily "stun" you for a moment (like all the attacks in Smash Bros), at which point the guitar suddenly appears, fires, and disappears. She could do that classic "jumping with a guitar" pose, so that the animation works for both aerial and ground scenarios (but not for sliding). One set of animations, interesting strategical element for charging - done! Here we go: [Edit] Or even one aerial guitar shot, and one ground guitar shot - that'd only be two copies of the guitar animation (and the Coop's already made the ground version). If it's gonna be fast though, might be better if she doesn't move the guitar (or, only moves it once).
  22. Heh, sorry... I know how hard it is to draw hands, especially hands in a cool pose that are 7 pixels tall - but I'm just saying, the hand looks rather awkward to me on a light background, especially considering it's the focus of the entire sprite. If you don't want suggestions though I can shut up In all honesty, I WOULD like to take a stab at camel-toe-ifying the boots on all the frames and making some other adjustments - call me crazy, but without the details she's just not quite giving me that 4-tan vibe
  23. Yikes, I'm making a Flash game at 15 FPS!! It really lends itself to the art style I chose though, and the fact that there are dozens of enemies and effects on the screen at any one time, and that everything's kind of floaty - I was considering 16 FPS, BUT NO, too high for me! (and my weak computer!) But yes, for a Megaman-X-style game, anything lower than 30 FPS would look pretty choppy. I love the shooting anim, but I'd maybe suggest a fist - the big 4-fingered hand looks kind of... ehh... like a giant balloon hand.
  24. The whole time I'm wondering why everyone's saying it's funny - but now that it's finished, I must say, funny stuff! And LOL at the controller upon beating world 1-1 =D
  25. Mmmm... thingummy *drools* I was going to just quote it, but... you know how much of a hassle it is to quote two different posts on these boards! I've gotta open the thread in another tab and everything - it's so much easier to just hit "Copy Image Location" and be done with it... [Edit] My post there had nothing to do about Brawl... erm..... I once hit an opponent with Dedede's mechanical hammer. KO'd him it did (I think). True story.
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