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The Mutericator

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Everything posted by The Mutericator

  1. In other words, you didn't like Tooie and therefor dislike anyone who did and wants more? I'm honestly not impressed at all with the trailer, it looks like crap both in art design (how does Banjo look worse on the 360 than he did on the N64?) and in gameplay direction. I think Kotaku said it best... http://kotaku.com/5008967/banjo-kazooie-nuts--bolts-hands+on-impressions
  2. Bloody lagout. Good match, though really the map times should be way shorter. Dustbowl is okay, but meh on the hour-longness.
  3. "You don't want this to become No More Heroes Forever, do you?"
  4. Guess you guys won't be seeing too much of me, then. I'm bored of just about every map Valve has except Goldrush (which I haven't played yet). I recommend at least trying out some of the custom maps before you make a call on them - Crossunder is well-balanced fine, as are several others. What does it matter how easily people find the OCR server? Won't 99% of people be coming from here anyways?
  5. Needs moar custom maps. Crossunder is decent, if a little small for a full-sized (32 player) server, Mach is fun but is a little easy to dominate (i.e. if you're fast enough with Engineer defenses and Scout rushes you can win pretty fast), and I'll add more as I think of them.
  6. This makes me a happy cat.
  7. Whut? Who mentioned the Falcon Punch? I'd pick the Shoryuken just because it would look kinda like a Falcon Punch, which is the most awesome thing any human can do short of creating drills of various sizes to fight with. Giga... Drill... BREEAAAAKKKHAAAAA!
  8. Definitely going on my personal mix. Downright beautiful.
  9. I have encountered, in 70+ hours of playtime, only one or two people I even suspected as aimbotting, and one case where someone built a sentry underneath the level using a glitch (which has long since been fixed). PC version, by far.
  10. Pardon, you're correct. I got it confused with something else.
  11. There are two kinds of irony - literary irony, like in a book, and situational irony, which is very similar to coincidence. It is ironic, in this case.
  12. Oh God I just fell out of my chair laughing.
  13. Hey guys, a couple of months back (maybe longer) someone posted a program capable of creating NES-style sound effects, with all the sliders visible and some presets on one side - "jump," "explosion," "laser," and the like; it was also capable of writing out to .wav. I thought I still had it, but I can't find it for the life of me and can't remember the name of it at all. Can anyone help me out here? I need it for an Interaction Design (Computer Science) project.
  14. You held it over your head and hummed the Zelda "item get" tune before he left, right?
  15. Ah, my mistake then. I apologize and thank you for handling that so graciously.
  16. Illegal != Wrong. The minute we start taking our moral basis from the legal system is the day we've got it all backwards. I hate to play the negative, but part three just plain sucks. Not even the Neo Exdeath track managed to interest me, and Celes/Maria in the opera track sounds like she's 300 lbs or more. This is coming from someone who loved the crap out of the first two.
  17. Yeah, I met one guy online that managed to kick my ass as Yoshi. It's scary, really, he's actually useful now.
  18. I'm glad they're doing this to the disappointment that was IV and not V or VI...
  19. You could easily stack the rows from that data matrix one after another to create a string of blocks, then simply stretch them appropriately to create the barcode (I like the barcode idea). Also how about not basing colors off status? I much prefer the blue one, but obviously as a normal member (read: leech) I would be stuck with the boring gray one. How about changing the symbol or something for each status level?
  20. Personally, I think knowing how the whole thing started and explaining what chiptunes are is a bit more important than trying to blatantly advertise your fellow artists to people who don't even know what a chiptune sounds like.
  21. $1.00 for a Nintendo bobblehead? Oh, man, it's times like this that make me wish I had an eBay account.
  22. I wonder who you could be talking about... Don't worry, that'll pass. Very quickly. "Oh, it's nothing..."
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