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Everything posted by Souliarc

  1. Yeah, I was a afraid it followed the source a bit too much, as in reference to the "sound upgrades". I definitely don't want to go through all this trouble recreating my older project and end up in that pile! Finding a melody to go along with the source is a great idea, and the arpeggiating harp after the initial introduction of the source melody does that somewhat, but it's a small piece of a larger whole, and I see what you're saying in that it needs something more... After I get done with the recreation of the project, which seems to be pretty likable already, I'll work more on the ReMix part of it. Regardless, the advice is much appreciated!
  2. I added a link on the first post to a YouTube video of the original song. Sorry about that!
  3. I could not imagine this song to be done in a better way. Before this all I had was bLiNd's 41 second remake. Thank you!
  4. Wow, I really wasn't expecting this much enthusiasm... thank you all very much! Surely with my new set up I'll be able to make this better than ever. As a High Templar states: "My path is set". Man I'm such a nerd. Haha, I was hoping you'd see this! I'll get to work on it right away.
  5. (Final)(Mastered) http://soundcloud.com/souliarc/a-cinematic-heaven Removed all previous links for the sake of finality. If anybody actually wants to hear the progression of the song I can make the other tracks available on my SoundCloud account page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newest post) Major update to ReMix: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (newer post) Entirely, NEW ReMix (still unfinished): The new website I'm using to host (SoundCloud) seems to lower the volume about 10-15%. Along with not wanting to squash the dynamics during mixing to squeeze out more dB's, the volume overall is typically lower, so make sure you all turn it up to get the full effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (oldest post) Here's a ReMix that I started working on WAAAYY back in the day. It was actually created on an older workstation and the Reason project file is forever gone. My goal is to get your opinions on whether or not you think the ReMix is worth revitalizing. It would be a little bit of a pain seeing as though I'd pretty much have to figure it out all over again based on this file , but if the majority of ya's thinks it has potential, I'll go for it! I do realize the poor quality, but bear with me please and look more towards the arrangement part of it Thanks in advance ladies and gents. Unfinished, abruptly stopped ReMix: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Q3GMCPJQM
  6. My girlfriend just beat Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters and I saw your name on the credits for sound design. I was like "Hmm... that name sounds familiar!". Rock on, just thought I'd let you know the game sounded great.

  7. Just beat it I've been telling everybody about it and getting the facial expression "wtf?". I'm happy. Sometimes it's a good step back from next gen games.
  8. I just finished the trial, it was pretty satisfying Satisfying enough to buy it! "dear weedbeater, We are launching an all out attack on your house. -the zombies" Haha.
  9. Keep an eye on this page, as the Elektrostudio Analog Synth 10 pack has temporarily been removed due to a few bugs: http://www.vstcafe.com/2009/05/elektrostudio-analog-pack-vsti.html I first saw a link for these on the cakewalk forums, and then traveled over to KVR to see rave reviews! I got to try a few out myself, and they are excellent (not to mention a smooth GUI)! Apparently he spent 4 years creating them but for some reason ended up not being able to sell them. Stellar, so keep your eye on em!
  10. You got my soul pumpin' with this one son! Production is top notch!
  11. I haven't posted here in a long while. I know it's been over a year because I just saw this headline (OcRemix is always my homepage), and I never knew about it... I can't believe this. It's amazing how close you can come to a person without ever even meeting them, just through their music. Reuben provided one of many pinnacle points in OcRemix that revived my spirit to keep listening. Seeing this has just stopped me cold in my tracks of carrying out my daily tasks today. Even though you are gone from this world, I know you've found your way elsewhere. Thanks for everything, you will be missed.
  12. The Corvette is an extremely satisfying car... I recently read a poll about the C6 Corvette (most recent) about the percentage of people that said they would buy the car again. It was #1 and that's not just excluded to sports cars. It's coupe price is $45k not $50k either. It has a large following and extensive history so Chevy knows people will buy it, and they do. For even more motivation, it's 4.1 0-60 time is quite tempting, and that's JUST the coupe. The Z06 goes 0-60 in 3.5 for $70k, that is around 1/3rd the price of most major cars with its performance stats. Hell, the 2007 Viper has an 8.4l engine with 600 hp, and it can only MATCH the the Vette in specs and it will probably cost around $90k. It's always a matter of preference between luxury and sport, but regardless, a lot of people like the Corvette so obviously, it's price is very reasonable.
  13. Since Mustangs and Camaros are usually equally compared in their shittiness, just thought I'd let you know I got my '99 manual V6 Camaro with 41k miles for $9000. Came in great shape with brand new tires.
  14. I know this is an old thread but I just checked the tour dates again and: THEY'RE COMING TO FRIGGIN LOUISVILLE!!! They'll be playing at the Kentucky Center for the Arts which is attached to the garage I park in for work! Hell yes. k im dun
  15. I was eating at Steak 'n Shake after I watched 300 and my waiter went out of his way to come and say "Hey! You're wearing an OCR t-shirt." Wasn't much conversation after that, but I thought it was pretty cool.
  16. I can definitely say this one site has changed my life in a way. It inspired me to really dive into music and even go to school for it. I really appreciate all that has been done here, but sadly, my interest has waned due to my many endeavors offline. I loved helping out in the ReMixing section to give back to what was once given me, but now, it's simply time to move on. I would probably keep a steady interest here if a larger part of the demographic lived near me and I could go to a meet-up and actually meet the people who I've only interacted with through typography, but that's another sad reality. It's an issue simply of priority and a need for person to person interaction. I just can't stand sitting here either when the weather feels so great outside and there's so many great people to actually meet! I will come back of course, visit the forums every now and then and get music, but for the most part my participation here will be of short duration. I always will have my OCRemix hoodie and tee, and will always sport them though! Though my reasons for "leaving" are different from the original poster, I just wanted to let you all know how much I truly appreciate all that has been done here for me and the rest of the community. Just a few personal shoutouts to zircon, BGC, analoq, SGX, of course djp and to anyone who ever gave me a piece of advice, music related or not. Thank YOU! -Travis p.s.: Let there ALWAYS be more judgehate.
  17. I just installed a cd deck that had an 1/8" input on it Of course that was probably more expensive, so that's pretty cool that you JUST installed a 1/4" jack on it, as that's all I really wanted. I didn't know they had a kit for that.
  18. Souliarc


    Sounds like someone has an inferiority complex and got beat up a lot. It's cool though if they would have rather spent their money on Strawberry Shortcake.
  19. Souliarc


    Pretty awesome flick. We had seats way in the corner so the aural experience wasn't to involving (which takes away a lot for me). I bet the movie would've been an hour shorter if it wasn't for all the slow motion. That pretty much annoyed me, but other than that, it was intense.
  20. Souliarc


    My tickets have already been bought as well. I haven't even seen it yet and I plan on seeing it tonight and Sunday anyway. RAAWWWWWRRRRR!!!
  21. Hey hey hey zirc, is that beginning synth pad a version of the patch you used in example three of your synthesis tutorial? Just curious.
  22. Options -> DFD Or Instrument Options -> DFD & Load for individual buffer sizes. The Options -> DFD buffer is like a main override.
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