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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Please mail the Smirnoff Ice to the Georgia Dome, and my peeps will make sure I get it!
  2. Hahaha! For the record, the random naked guy tripped over me and fell on the hardwood floor. With 3 drunk people roaming around, I thankfully saw no butts or nuts.
  3. Brad, stop being a idiot all the time. You don't need to shit on other artists just because some other idiot said something stupid.
  4. OverClocked ReMix Releases Free Fan Tribute Album, Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption July 19, 2009 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA--OverClocked ReMix today released its 14th project album, Final Fantasy IV: Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption. The album consists of 46 arrangements of composer Nobuo Uematsu’s original score to the Square Enix game Final Fantasy IV. The album is available for free download at http://ff4.ocremix.org. Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption is not affiliated with or endorsed by Square Enix. Nearly 40 artists participated in honoring Uematsu in this all-encompassing project which consists of over three hours of music. The three-disc project consists of three acts; Betrayal, Strife, and Redemption. The discs correspond with the drama of the story and the tracks are arranged as a narrative, culminating in the two-part finale of act three. The album is best classified as a rock opera, but a variety of genres are represented in the album, enhancing the breadth of the original score. Andrew Luers, head coordinator and co-creator of the project, states, “It's been a pleasure to work with so many excellent musicians who all share a similar passion for the original soundtrack. This is a fantastic album, and I'm incredibly excited to share our team's hard work, dedication, and most of all talent with the Final Fantasy music fans around the world.” About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation, preservation, and interpretation of video game music. Its primary focus is www.ocremix.org, a website featuring hundreds of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Digg it: http://digg.com/music/Final_Fantasy_IV_Echoes_of_Betrayal_Light_of_Redemption Preview it: Download it: http://ff4.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_IV_-_Echoes_of_Betrayal_Light_of_Redemption.torrent
  5. starla, you smell! (i.e. you smell nice, but "8-bit Eighties" lyrics, we need 'em!)
  6. Very strong stuff. I'd say this is Andrew's most polished piece yet. Everything came together really nicely here. If you had told me Kaijin had worked on this, I'd have believed it.
  7. Which ones? The ones coinciding with the release of the OUS album or the ones pulled from the not-yet-completed OCR project, and thus aren't late? In other words, .
  8. We'll take care of those. We have a other songs in the DB that don't have ReMixes assigned to them, we're fine with that.
  9. I can see what was meant about wanting the length to be extended, but that was never a big deal. It got in, it got out; win. Also, harping on fadeouts regardless of context is one of the dumbest criticisms ever in the community. It was always dumb when Prot did it, and it's dumb now.
  10. Hey, for the Scuba Divers track, what's being said in the background in the line about Tidus from 1:11-1:12?
  11. Seems like you're being way too "serious business". He wasn't going for oneupsmanship, so dial it down.
  12. No worries, I appreciate the quick response. I need to get some sleep, but will finish the tagging and upload the files either tonight or tomorrow.
  13. If you guys know which game characters correspond to the Scuba Divers lyrics, lemme know. Can I get a roll call of the Zeromus choir members, alpha'ed? -------- Those are pretty much the last things I need to finalize the stuff. Also noting now that I changed a few source tune titles to reflect the official English language tracknames, courtesy the US iTunes release, same as we did for VotL.
  14. ReMixer Name: BAMFBassman11 Real name: Bruce Norris Email address: brucenorris11@gmail.com User ID: 28711 Name of game arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Name of song arranged: Midna's Desperate Hour Comments: I recently went out and bought Reason, and this is the culmination of my first attempt at anything electronic. I chose this song only after experimenting with a groove in three, and seeing how 'Midna' fit I immediately began to shape an arrangement around it. I kept the arrangement fairly consistent with the original (with exception to the B section), but added a trance/dnb kind of feel to it that keeps the flow going from beginning to end, and keeps that energy pumping. In retrospect, I suppose a story could be crafted from the audio steps I took; anyone who's played the game knows at what point this song comes in, so I figured a lot of rhythm could be representative of the constant desperate element. The more contemplative sound could be appropriate in the middle to represent how Link begins to ponder the events that just happened. The drum break could represent a surprise attack, maybe...? I don't know. However, I wasn't even thinking about that when I made it. I was just trying to make something that grooved, and others could groove on. Since it is my first submission, I would ask that if there are any ways I could improve upon any aspect that the judges would be open to letting me know so I can improve. I'm all about getting better, and working in the electronic world was a welcome changeup, but I could always use the advice. Thanks, ~Bruce N. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Game Rip) - (70) "Midna's Desperation" The piano part sounded too much like the original, but I'm willing to panel this since the overall package was interpretive. The production definitely needed work. The high end frequencies sounded cut off, and everything sounded lossy and distant, very apparent at :11 and the changeup at 1:17. Nice transition and addition of the pad at 1:39, repeated at 2:01, 2:23 & 2:43. This original section went on too long IMO, but started hinting at the source a bit with the piano after 2:47. 3:04 (finally) changed up into another original section, before (also, finally) bringing back the source at 3:28 (nice SFX usage right before then) with a cut-and-paste of :56's section. 3:49 offered some changes for the lead to at least offer a little variation. Things wound down 4:03 via subtraction which was an effective finish, though the mechanical-sounding piano sequencing was exposed. Going from 1:17-3:28 with just brief hints of the source needs to be trimmed down or modified in some way. It just went on too long without "Midna's Lament" in a significant role and made the arrangement seem too disconnected from the source tune. So in short, I'm liking the overall ideas, but this needs some additional work to realize its potential. This could either use some trimming down of the original section or more integration of the source during that section. The production also needs to be cleaned up, and the Midna's sections bookending the piece could use a little more variation from one another if you think you can make that work. Cool first sub, Bruce, this is already a solid foundation, so I hope we hear more from you on this one. NO (resubmit)
  15. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=20228 ReMixer: Hollidayrain Name: Sreyas Krishnan E-mail: sreyaskr@msn.com Website: www.soundclick.com/hollidayrain ReMix title: "Breakout" ( <---Mp3 can be downloaded from this location) Game: Kirby's Block Ball Song: Level 1 Theme (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/kbb-stage1.mid) Platform: Gameboy I tried to make some appropriate changes. I added another layer to the drums tracks, added another trance bass part at the track got to the meat, changed the melody up in the main section and made it repeat less in the build up, tried to make the 'section #2' melody of the source more obvious (played by both the piano and oboe in the section between 3:05 and 4:00 and again by the square synth at 4:31, added a few lines with one of my vintage vibelike synths, and layered the main lead to make it just a bit less flimsy. Thanks! Sreyas 'Hollidayrain' Krishnan www.soundclick.com/hollidayrain --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/15457 - Track 5 Sounded pretty interesting, though still a bit stock with the instrumentation. The mixing needed some work, as I wasn't getting much high-end and the sounds were mudding together a bit. Less so than the previous version, but still enough to be a significant problem. Once you clean up the soundscape, you may want to add a pad to fill things out in the back. The fullest sections featuring the source verse (e.g. :43-:57, 4:01-4:56) still sounded underwhelming, probably because the clap groove could stand to be meatier. I think you need more power in the groove for those areas; it may simply be a matter of how you're mixing things. Oooh, what are those super fake brass & woodwind samples doing upfront at 5:10? They just made the ending sound awkward, because they're the only audible "organic" instrumentation in the whole song, and for all of, what, 15 seconds? It didn't fit at all, so I'd switch those sounds for something else. (And I did hear that stuff far in the back earlier on; that stuff was OK where it was, when it was quiet.) Dynamically, this had more going on than last time. Arrangement-wise, I generally liked it. There were a lot of good liberal and original sections that pieced together nicely with the source. Definitely some good things here to expand the source tune and add your own spin to it beyond the genre adaptation. Work on making the soundscape sound cleaner and less distant, then see what you can do about boosting up the dynamics with a few tweaks/additions, and I think this could be the one. The core of what's here with the arrangement was solid and doesn't need to be drastically altered. Definitely use the WIP forums on this one, and nag whomever you need for feedback in order to get this where it needs to be. Even if you're not able to get this to a state where we could pass it, you're showing artistic growth and are headed in the right direction. Certainly an improvement; keep it up! NO (resubmit)
  16. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Vandora * Your real name: Suneel Suresh * Your email address: compressor@gmail.com * Your website: www.vandoras-box.com www.myspace.com/vandorasboxx * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: NA Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Unreal * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Ruins * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) Unreal PC game 1998. Everyone knows Unreal, if not then please dont be the judge. Original Composer: Alexander Brandon * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) My Remix: Original: gameInstallDir\music\UTemple.umx Or just run the game->press ~ to get console->type 'open ruins' * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. The Unreal Crypt track is one of my fav tracks in the game. I often listen to it every couple of months, despite it being created 13 years ago. The ambiance and feeling you get matches with the level 'ruins. So i decided to play around with some tunes and one thing lead to another. I did not use any mod data,midi info or samples from the umx file. Content is fresh. Elements recreated by simply listening and setting the notes by trial and error. The flute sound where difficult to reproduce and other world instruments, so had to make a compromise. Time taken was a little over a week. suneel -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember to give your arrangement an original name. Unreal Original Soundtrack - (08) "Ruins" I was scratching my head at :37, when the first seemingly off-key notes were there. That said, there was weird stuff at 1:11 that didn't sound melodious either. These were elements taken from the source, except now they didn't sound melodious, and the textures weren't totally cohesive. Better stuff at 1:43 once the groove was established. Wasn't quite feeling the drums being more exposed at 1:43, but they did have an old school PC tracker soundtrack quality to them. The wind writing on top of the groove at 2:00 was certainly interesting, noting that all the melodic structure was from the source. The track coasted on the same percussion groove for too long with barely any variation (e.g. 2:00-4:00). I ended up not feeling some of the sound choices for your leads, but can live with them. I'd say fix some of the odd notes in the beginning and throw in a little more dynamic contrast by varying up the groove from 2:00-4:00 and this would be pretty golden. I like the overall mood of the piece compared with the original, but the source, as subtle as the dynamic curve was, had more going on dynamically compared to this. I'm not saying go wild with changes, but just refine what's in place. Pretty solid stuff so far, Suneel; hope you tackle some more of the Unreal soundtrack as well! NO (resubmit)
  17. http://www.gameunicon.com http://twitter.com/GameUnicon Facebook event Friday, August 21 - Sunday, August 23, 2009 Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel & Convention Center 181 Boston Post Road West Marlborough, MA 01752 We're headed back to Boston for the end of the summer! Brought to you by Game Universe and Keough Enterprises, Game Unicon is a 24/7 pro gaming tournament, convention, concert series, vendor showcase and insane awesomeness exposition. There's huge console & LAN rooms, tons of tourneys with sizeable payouts and LOTS of panels to attend, including the OCR events. There's D&D and Magic tourneys as well, so on every level of gaming, there's something for everyone. (And since Larry's a pro wrestling fan, classic WWE Diva Sunny and current TNA Knockout Velvet Sky will both be there! Sweeeeet!) The weekend has 3 concerts featuring: Bang Camaro! FreezePop! Powerglove! Konami Kode! The Megas! Jesus Candy! Planetoid! We can't even summarize how STACKED Game Unicon is going to be. And if you don't plan to play in tourneys, or JUST want to come see the concerts, there are special prices for whatever access level you're looking for. Click the "How to Buy Passes" link at the Game Unicon homepage to learn more and grab your tickets now! If you're in the Boston area or anywhere in the Northeast, you NEED to come out and hang with us at Game Unicon! CONFIRMED: djpretzel Liontamer INTERESTED:
  18. Remixer Name: Willrock Real Name: William Harby Email address: will.rock@hotmail.co.uk Game Arranged: Knuckles Chaotix Songs Arranged: Door into Summer Source: Name Of Submission: Door into Chaotix This remix for me is a return to my old sound that I had before I joined ocr. My music used to have more of a chip-tune flavor, and I decided to make a remix in that style, utilizing techniques I learnt from my time at ocr. Basically, this is the result. It may be a little too chip-tune like for ocr, but thats the intention for this mix. Enjoy -------------------------------------------------------------- Fun fact: when I was doing Lockdown 2, Joe Redifer's Knuckles' Chaotix mix of this source was an unofficial cutoff bar of sorts on how conservative/rippish I was willing to allow something to be. (As long as there was some original/additive writing beyond a cover, I was willing to let something that old go.) This one could have sounded a bit more sophisticated with the sounds. Not a fan of all of the instrumentation, but that was just personal preference. The textures worked pretty well regardless, IMO. The textures and arrangement actually had a very old school OCR flavor actually. The intro style alone totally took me back. Fun stuff with Willrock's usual skills. Will's a great example of someone who can arrange a source track relatively conservatively, but not lose sense of personalizing the arrangement and adding new ideas. Looking forward to him improving and become a steady presence on the front page. YES
  19. I'll be tagging up these bad boys this weekend. FUN! Glad this is rolling out soon!
  20. Awesome time! Thanks a lot to Matt (Zeiram) for hooking me up with a quick ride back. I got to stay for the meet-and-greet and get the OCR guitar signed by several composers & developers, plus earlier we had several MAGFest & GSO peeps sign the guitar as well. Of course, the show was fun! I'm planning to be in Atlanta again, so I may head out to the Augusta, GA show in late September. Thanks to Jack Wall for the heads up, so now I've gotta get out there. Glad to see everyone tonight!
  21. Looking good, everyone! I'll organize the entries this weekend so we can all get started on judging them! I haven't listened to a thing yet, so I don't have any opinions yet, but we've had a great turnout. Someone's gonna win big!
  22. Agreed with AnSo's crits, but at the same time, I can live with it. My vote stays with YES, no conditional, though I can understand NOs.
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