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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. You got a nice mention on Nerve.com as well. Amber's diggin' it! http://nerve.com/CS/blogs/61fps/archive/2009/01/19/what-s-in-my-mp3-player-super-metroid-jade-catacombs.aspx
  2. I'd definitely follow the advice of the others in terms of having someone overturn that bullshit bill. With whomever you talk at the hospital's business office, you definitely want to stress that you received absolutely no services. I do have another option you may be interested in, but I'd only explore it if all other options are exhausted, because I believe going forward with an application for charity process means you'd implicitly acknowledge that you were justifiably charged, which you don't want to do. Anyway, most (non-profit) hospitals have an application for charity process, particularly for the uninsured. If said application was approved, the hospital would elect to write off some, most or all of the charges. As far as initiating the process, don't worry if you've received the bill a while ago or recently; don't worry if the bill has gone to collections; just call the hospital and get started with the process. You would need to call the hospital's billing department to ask whether they have the application for charity process and take down the info they give. All in all, you'd need your hospital account #, which should be on the bill, the proper address to mail your application to, as well as the fax # and name of the person in the billing department who handles charity applications. IIRC, they'll send you a paper application where you fill out the required info. You'd also need to provide a few things in a supplemental letter stating your situation, including your name, account # with the hospital, Social Security #, the nature of the charges (and, in your case, that you're disputing them since you received no services), your current/recent employment status, your last year's income (add up your W2s), and your projected income for this year. If you don't have exact figures for your previous year's income handy, provide a guesstimate and note that you're comfortable with them looking into it further in case your dollar figures are off. You'd then fax that letter to the appropriate fax #, also writing ATTN: WHOMEVER on the letter as well. Then you'd periodically call in and check on the status of the application. Usually, they'll decide in at most 2 weeks on what they'll do. If you're approved, you'll either get a new bill mailed to you, or they'll wipe the slate clean.
  3. So where the hell are our ReMixers at? You guys gonna enter? This is co-sponsored by Capcom.
  4. I know about it (http://vgmdb.net/album/927), so we'll get to fixing it in a bit: Thanks for pointing it out. There's other stuff we need to fix as well.
  5. AnSo only works on good games. And if things don't work out for you & Jill, you can always get back in the hunt with The Perfect Match! (Better end this post now, before Jill kills me...)
  6. Amber of Nerve.com was feeling this one: http://nerve.com/CS/blogs/61fps/archive/2009/01/12/what-s-in-my-mp3-player-super-mario-rpg-flubber-mountain.aspx
  7. One a booze connoisseur like djp can truly appreciate! - LT Hi there Dj Pretzel, Long time no see. I hope you are well! Just thought I should submit a new remix that I did some weeks ago. It's quite an original and weird remix, but I hope you like it. You can read all about the song (and how it was made) at my blogg here -> www.tiredtree.se/blogg Exact link is: http://www.morningdewmedia.com/tiredtree/blogg/blog-entry/The+Heineken+Project/90 It was made totally of samples that I did with a single Heineken beer bottle and then I built the instruments in Kontakt 3 out of the samples. My brother Nicklas liked the theme and sent it to a contest (dod.vgmix.com), where the song came nr 7 out of 21. =) Haha, and I had no intention of sending it to anyone. Well so here we are and I thought that since so many people have been asking about the song that I should submit it to OCremix for review. I hope you like this remix better than my previous Zelda remix. Aside from that I'm working on two XBOX 360 titles, one DS title and 2 iPhone games at the moment. It's been a good year for Morningdew Media. Ok, here we go for the submission information: _____________________________________________________________________ My remixer name: Mattias Holmgren Real name: Mattias Holmgren Email: info@morningdewmedia.com Website: www.morningdewmedia.com Name of games: The Legend of Zelda Name of individual songs arranged: The Legend of Zelda - Main Theme (overworld) Original composer: Koji Kondo Comments regarding the mix: The other day while having the friday beer I came up with a weird idea (as always). Why not make a song totally made up of sounds from a Heineken bottle? So later that evening I went into my studio with a beer, sampled it in all kinds of weird ways. Clapping the bottom (makes for a good and solid bass drum sound), hitting the sides with my nails, a screwdriver and some other stuff. Then finally to create a melodic instrument with actual tones I sampled the windy sound of blowing into the bottle with different levels of beer in the can (which obviously gives different pitch). I sampled the beer at 5 different levels and at each level I made 4 different distinct sounds (like hard, light, and sustained-note blow). Then some sounds from the cap hitting a table etc. The sampling sessions gave me 28 samples of Heineken notes (all articulations included) and 25 samples of drum-like sounds from the can, and I was ready to start making some music of it. Well, not yet...actually I had to build the instruments in some sort of sampler and I chose Kontakt 3 since it's my main sampler and I love all it's features. Building the instrument patches took about 2-3 hours and then I arranged a really experimental remix of Zelda with the sounds...creazy stuff! _____________________________________________________________________ Kind regards, Mattias Holmgren Morningdew Media www.morningdewmedia.com --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9425 - Track 3 Hahaha, what the fuck is this? Awesome. The drinking "Ahhh" SFX at :48 was baller. This was nothing but creative and fun. I would have moved more melodic interpretation, but this was nice and expansive, including some solid original sections that pieced together fine with the main theme. The comping style section got kind of hairy, but resolved OK. Great stuff, and a really unique approach that's already an instant classic with me. Really great to see another sub from you after so many years, Mattias. Definitely keep us informed about your professional game music work! YES
  8. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18715 Link to "Musical Portrait" (resub): * Your ReMixer name: Status Kuo * Your real name: Dennis Kuo * Your email address: denkuo@gmail.com Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Final Fantasy IV * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Theme of Love (Ai no Teema) * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): * * This is a re-submission. To the judges: I just wanted to thank you all for taking the time to listen, analyze, and constructively critique my music. I have taken all your reviews very seriously, and have done my best to improve this current submission. Among the improvements are the following: 1. Shortened the song, thus effectively making it less repetitive 2. Added comping with rhythm guitar on certain parts of the song 3. Added comping to the piano melody 4. Completely remaster the mix (turned down the bass) and tried my best to give the sound of the music more depth 5. Quantized the strings to the best of the DAWS program's ability 6. Made the drum beat more dynamic without "fundamentally changing it" 7. MORE COWBELLS ...plus more, but i think those are the major ones... Thanks again, judges! Look forward to hearing from you guys in two months. Dennis Kuo ------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Theme of Love" (ff4-04.spc) Had me going there until the strings came in from 1:59-2:19. WOWZERS, those were some unrealistic string articulations, moreso than last time. They sounded extremely bright, behind the beat and not the slightest bit human. Anyone who could offer tips on that, it'd be appreciated, but either refine that or use a different instrument entirely. They also came in way too loud. Otherwise, the rest of the tweaks with this one were icy hot, and befitting of many a smooth jazz station or weather channel. The ending at 4:38 was a little anti-climactic, but no problem. Overall, strong stuff now. I'll go conditional YES, because the strings are the only thing completely busted about this one. If you can change them to address the issues there, you're good to go. If it can't be done in a satisfactory way, it becomes a NO. Use our WIP & ReMixing forums for help on it, and props on the revisions here! EDIT (4/1): OK, in the interest of expediting a decision, and from the comments of the other NOs on how this won't necessarily be a quick fix, I'll switch to NO, but for God's sake, we do want this on the site. So don't drop it.
  9. Contact: ReMixer Name: Brian Butts Guitar Real Name: Brian Butts Email: Cornholio2020@hotmail.com Website: www.soundclick.com/brianbuttsguitar or www.myspace.com/brianbuttsguitar UserID: 1970 Submission: Game: Final Fantasy IV Tune: Into the Darkness Additional Info: Written by Nobuo. Arranged for full Orchestra. Loss of quality due to lots of compression (to meet submission requirements). --------------------------------------------------------------- You could have easily done a LAME VBR encoding, reached closer to 6.00MB and gotten better sound quality. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Into the Darkness" (ff4-12.spc) Cool buildup. I liked the deliberate pacing. An overall decent sound, although a lack of richness and realism in the brass articulations was exposed once the brass played notes at a faster pace at 1:19. I liked the different mood created by the changeup at 2:10; it worked very nicely compared to the previous section. Overall, I'd say the piece lacks a bit of feeling though, as it dragged from 2:50-on. It's missing something to keep it interesting for the second half, since the overall arrangement ideas where the same as before. You don't have to overhaul anything or change the pacing/mood, but some sort of further variation/development for the second half would help this finish strong. This is about 75% of the way there; I enjoyed it, but it's not realizing it's creative potential. NO (resubmit)
  10. Note, only the J-hosted sub is the actual sub; the "orchestral" take linked below is an alternate version - LT Remixer name: Prince Of Darkness Real name: Tony Dickinson E-mail Address: Basstony4813@yahoo.com Website: www.tonydickinson.net User Id: 24705 Remix song name: Hell March to the Apocalypse Game: Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 Songs: Hell March, Hell March 2 (respectively) Composer: Frank Klepacki System: PC Notes: Entered in DoD for October 2008. The original inspiration behind this song came from watching the Youtube video of Frank Klepacki play Hell March and Hell March 2 with Video Games Live. Instantly I thought, "Wow, that's an awesome idea!". At that time I finally had a new computer which could handle the immense power of several instances of Symphonic Orchestra at once. I preserved many of the riffs and drum parts that came originally, and pretty much wrote an entire orchestra score to compliment the riffs. In case you want to hear, this is the orchestra only version: http://www.tonydickinson.net/media/Prince_Of_Darkness_-_Hell_March_to_the_Apocalypse_(Orchestral_Version).mp3 As cool as it may or may not be by itself, the orchestra is still dependent on the band instruments, and without it, it still resembles the original tunes, but probably not enough. www.tonydickinson.net LT Edit (1/17): "Hell March": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb-gI_pFog0 "HM2": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WqwFhX6Cqg ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Music of Command & Conquer: Red Alert - (01) "Hell March" Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: The Soundtrack - (01) "HM2" Is it me or are the drums brought in at :47 the total weak link of the piece? They've got nothing behind 'em and don't fit with the other instruments. The rest is a go, and it's a great energetic take on the two Hell Marches, but I'm a stickler. The drums don't work. I'm down if you tweak those, otherwise, it's a NO-go. YES (conditional)
  11. I liked the original name, but that shortening of it works very nicely.
  12. Been waiting years for this one - LT Game: Mega Man 3 Source: Magnet Man Stage ReMix: Magnet Missles ReMixers: JigginJonT, ptitteri, zyko Notes: One of my vivid memories from childhood is watching my older brother and his friends play through Mega Man 3 (an experience I'm sure many in this community can relate to). Before I had even started contributing to ocremix, I wanted to arrange the Magnet Man stage music. It's my favorite song off what I believe is one of the strongest soundtracks in the history of the medium. Another thing I had really wanted to do with an ocremix submission was collaborate with my older brother, Pete. Yes, this is the same older brother mentioned earlier. If any of you have enjoyed my psuedojazz arrangements over the years, then you should know that he was the one who sat me down at a piano when I was a kid, and showed me the basics of pop, rock, and jazz. Like me, he also plays a brass instrument. Unlike me, however, he can actually utilize the full range of said instrument, and bend it to his will. He is a fantastic trombone player. As for the ReMix itself, a sad little demo was recorded in the fall 2003, featuring myself on guitar and trumpet. On a whim, I got in touch with a dude who called himself zyko. All I knew about him at the time was that he had done guitar for Relics of the Chozo, and that we once had a pleasant conversation about the Beatles in #ocremix. I asked him to take a shot at recording some guitar tracks. He quickly emailed me a mixdown of roughly 7 guitar parts that left me amazed and somewhat baffled . The final product still remains my favorite zyko performance to date, though I'll admit I'm a little (see: heavily) biased. I've written too much already, so I'll try to move this along. I sucked at recording and mixing in 2003*. Once everything was tracked, there was too much going on for me to create a good mixdown. I gave up on it sometime around 2005. I approached four different people about mixing it for me, but none were able to follow through. History became legend. Legend became myth. In 2009, Danimal Cannon offered to master an old mix of the project, after seeing me gab about in #ocremix. 10 minutes later I had a finished product. Go figure. Anyway, this is a ReMix that should have been submitted 5 years ago. If nothing else, I hope you enjoy the lost JJT/zyko collab, and a chance to hear my big bro shred. In case you're curious JigginJonT - producer/arranger, drum/bass sequencing, keyboard, trumpet ptitteri - trombone zyko - guitars *I still suck at recording and mixing.
  13. URL to remix: Contact info ------------ Nick - Orbik Real name - Osmo Jaakkola Email - orbik@ihme.org UserID - 24839 Submission ---------- Game - Tyrian Song - "Tyrian, The Song" Original soundtrack in LDS format: AdPlug Winamp plugin for playback: http://www.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de/~dyna/adplug/ comments: This isn't really supposed to be a completely original arrangement, but my interpretation of how the song should've sounded like. The biggest change is probably the drum track, which seemed lacking in the original. So I programmed a new one with a semi realistic hard rock feel. And with rock comes naturally guitars and bass. Then there are synths and orchestral strings which follow the original structure and chords, but everything redone to fit the base rock feel. The lead isn't played exactly note for note like original either but there shouldn't be any obvious changes. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for providing a link to the original. Tyrian (Game Rip) - "Tyrian, The Song" I feel what you're going for with this one, it's a badass cover, and it does enhance the original a lot. However, melody, structure, and tempo are basically the same and this doesn't get particularly interpretive. If you explored the theme more, got more melodically interpretive, and added some solos, this would definitely be gold for here, especially because the performance and production aspects were so solid. If you're cool with it staying the more cover-ish route, that's cool; nothing inherently wrong with that, and it's an excellent piece. But if you're willing to take it to that next level, definitely explore the potential here for more interpretation. Looking forward to hearing more from you, whatever it may be. NO (resubmit)
  14. Mp3 Link: Remixer Name: ZeRo-BaSs Real Name: Alex E-mail: alexsacarubba@hotmail.com website: http://zero-bass.newgrounds.com/ User id: 5569 Name of The Game: Ragnarok Online Name Of The Song: Rag all night Long Name of the Remix: Forgotten Aura System:PC Link to the original song: http://it.youtube.com/watch?v=2MkoKWW2UyY Notes: The mix is DnB-based..and i'm not talking about "Noisia" Drum n Bass style but..something more like "Pendulum" Drum n Bass (Blood Sugar by Pendulum for example). The song includes also "Oldskool Rave" (the middle portion) and "Rock" elements. The snare drum is voluntarily "loud" as required in any modern DrumNBass song. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ragnarok Online Soundtrack - (110) "Rag All Night Long" The guitar (:00-:21), keyboard & synth (2:30) sequencing was WAY too mechanical sounding. The overall execution was decent, but pretty sparse-sounding in terms of the texture, despite a lot going on. I really like what you have in place though and hear the Pendulum influence. The drum programming had some punch to it, and I liked the 8-bit elements. Refine the sequencing and flesh this one out and you'd be in much better shape, but you still have a ways to go before you're making fully cohesive music. Definitely some potential here, so stick with it. NO
  15. Contact info: Remixer name is Jabond23. Real name is Joe Nichols. Email address is jabond213@gmail.com Website is http://www.myspace.com/nintenjoe64 UserID is 25151 I'm submitting a rock remixed version of the opening screen theme from Megaman Battle Network for the Gameboy Advance. This was actually a request from a friend and I think this version came out very well. All instruments are played by myself and nothing is sampled from the game itself at all. I took some extra time in the post-production of this song and i think the length of the song as well is very reasonable. Please let me know what ya think! Thanks, Joe ------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.zophar.net/download_file/8211 - (01) "Theme of Rockman EXE" Your leads didn't stand out enough from the supporting guitars, and the tone of the programmed drums was also really weak in comparison. Sloppy notes from :46-:47. The transition to the electronic stuff at 1:15 really exposed the drums; they didn't fill up the space well, and the pattern was boring and basic. Flesh them out and spice up the patterns with more complexity or variation during the verses. The lead synth choices for the electronic parts also sounded flimsy. The lead guitar, though it wasn't loud enough, still sounded much meatier/fuller in comparison. You've gotta make your electronic sound choices more complimentary to the rock half of the mix. Some more melodic variation for the rock portions from section to section would also help. Keep working on it. NO
  16. ReMixer name: Evahn Website: www.myspace.com/evanpu UserID: I have one, but I don't know how to find out what it is, and it's late, and I don't really care, so I'm not going to spend much time looking for it game arranged: Super Mario 64 song arranged: Bowser's Theme arrangement title: Definitely Koopa I almost thought about calling it "Totally Koopa," but that would be too much! Before you listen to this, know that I intended for it to sound ridiculous. I wanted it to sound heavy, dark, even groovy, but definitely ridiculous, which I think turned out pretty well. When I started working on it, I wasn't planning on submitting it here; it was going to be mostly a straight cover, which will be pretty apparent for the first 20 or so seconds. It starts off pretty straightforward, besides the intro. I even aimed for similar sounding drums and bass guitars, because I did want my version to have a similar feel. I tried to make it sound like something Bowser himself might listen to. But then I kept adding to it, until I somehow ended up with a guitar solo, a bass effect 'duel' of sorts, and even vocals. Also know that, with the vocals, they aren't meant to be heard substantially; I actually wanted my singing to fit in with the other instruments as if it were one. It's not exceptionally long. I planned to have a tie-in with the Bowser's Road theme from SM64 also, but I scrapped everything I had for that and focused entirely on this theme instead. I don't know what you'll think of the midi in the melody parts. As you'll hear, I could've definitely done the melody differently. But, like I said, I was aiming for ridiculous, almost humorous, and the midi seemed to fit that part. Also, that midi sound I'm also using for my own songs that I've been writing recently, so I'm kind of into that sound right now. Lastly, on my myspace page you can listen to an early version of this track, if that would interest anyone. Goodnight. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12246 - (30) "Koopa's Theme" Are you ever going to change that drumloop? Just sayin', bro. The drumloop being so simple and nothing else going on left the track sounding too simplistic. Aside from that, the guitar performance was really rough. The notes weren't off, but it should have been tightened up a lot; e.g. :52-1:18 sounded very sloppy and had no meat to it. I liked the effect at 1:27 to add something new as far as the lead, but 1:44 went back to the same formula. Also, I know your SMB3 mix was relatively short and simple, but that one completely altered the mood of the Warp Zone theme and used the dual guitars & effects to occupy the whole soundscape. This one didn't have much interpretation of the source and instruments didn't fill the space enough; the feel wasn't much different beyond adapting this for guitar. Provide more textural depth and more development/interpretation of the source tune to bring this closer to a go. NO
  17. Nice GIF! Good to see it again! Everyone buy Artoon on XBLA for US$5. It's gotten good reviews, and the soundtrack by Mattias is free! http://www.okgamescompany.change-fx.com/games/artoon/ Happy birthday, foo!
  18. I dunno man: http://vgmdb.net/album/7428 Title's kind of close. I'd go for something else myself. I'll check the preview soon.
  19. This has got to be the fourth or fifth time I've seen you ask a question of something that's clearly mentioned in either the song data or the writeup. READ THE WRITEUPS!
  20. You stink like noodles. THERE, I SAID IT!
  21. We should be restocking eStarland before the end of the month. I believe we just put in an order, because all we have left in-store are 2X. Sorry for the drought!
  22. Yeah, you're nerd raging. You're going about this the wrong way. 1. Artists submit what they want from what games they want. 2. The staff does not dictate what games are ReMixed. 3. We didn't rush up any Halo 2 mix up. We don't have any Halo 2 mixes. 4. There are better, more effective ways to evangelize something to be ReMixed than to shit on other games just because the game series you want isn't represented. Provide some YouTubes of tracks and do it in the Requests boards.
  23. There aren't a slew of ReMixes that "used to be on" that disappeared without being accounted for. That said, people labeled (and still label) mixes as "OC ReMix" that never got finished and/or submitted to the site. But regarding that specific mutagene track, it was never posted to OCR in the first place.
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