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Everything posted by Cecilff2

  1. I actually agree with friendlyHunter's interpretation. Good story though.
  2. Argh, I'll be on vacation for an entire week starting on the day before the 22nd. Guess I'll have to wait.
  3. I wouldn't mind doing one if you guys want some of those others done.
  4. Hold on, I'll start up my copy of My Life as a French Revolutionist.
  5. This reminds me to update my backloggery to a more current playlist. Mainly SW Battlefront II currently, with some MK:Wii and Pokemon Pearl
  6. No vegeta, this is DB not DBZ
  7. I don't know who you are, but thank you for arousing me. -Beruga from Terranigma.
  8. "Han old buddy...(Wait about a minute or so)...don't let me down." -Lando, Rogue Squadron 2
  9. A WINNER IS YOU -Pro Wrestling I AM ERROR. -Legend of Zelda II (I have no greeting) -The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion I don't remember using a teleportation spell but there I was. Alone. Naked. -The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.
  10. Took me about 38 hours to beat Okami, and I still have a bit I can more I could do(That last blockhead is REALLY annoying[8 points]). Got the blossom tree for three of my totals. I think I missed on enemies defeated and demon fangs.
  11. You could go to valley fair, it's pretty close. If you've got the money and all that.
  12. Those auras only appear in a team mode. If the aura is the same color as your team it won't hurt you if you hit it.
  13. I have no troubles with the slash or the moon. Just make a backwards C for the moon. You don't have to be that elaborate. Also make sure you're looking at the sky. As for the slash, I just learned to draw it quick(like an actual slash) and that helped. By spoiler the time I made it to the second Orochi I cut every head without missing once./spoiler. Trying to draw the sun sometimes gets mistaken as wind though. That and bloom.
  14. Is it a movie? I had heard it would probably be a comic.
  15. Wish granted...in 22 days. I must say, Billy Bob Thornton's Voice for the monk in Princess Mononoke was a perfect fit.
  16. Just read his Marune: Alastor 933 book last month and it was pretty good. Recently finished Roadmarks by Roger Zelazny, which was pretty cool though somewhat confusing. The story is extremely nonlinear due to the nature of the book, and is split into two different chapters throughout the book(It switches from 1 to 2 then to 2 then to 1 again, in seemingly random order). According to the wiki, "Roger Zelazny figured out the order of the "Two" by stapling the pages of each chapter two together, then throwing them all in the air and the order he picked them up was the order he printed them. He said he was fairly pleased by the result."
  17. I'm guessing Samus teams up with Duke. Actually that would be entertaining.
  18. Was it simply Metroid? I remember them saying something like that but I wasn't sure if it was the Prime series or just Metroid altogether.
  19. Considering this site has given me almost 30 albums worth of music, I'll be donatin later tonight. Expect about $40-50 for your awesomeness. Edit: Had some time at lunch, and the deed is done.
  20. Agh I don't know which I want. If I got the 1st one I'd probably not put it in the case and keep it more like a poster sorta thing since it isn't really gamesleevish. But the other one looks pretty cool too.
  21. PS, don't get fleetfoot. It's pretty worthless. It rarely dodges the way you want it to, unless you want to go backwards.
  22. You need to time it well. If you don't just attack rapidly you can continously hit. Though I still have trouble getting the 4 hit reflector combo perfect(usually only make it to 3). If you attack like crazy you seem to lose the ability to do so for a few seconds.
  23. Its been at least ten years since I played it. I remember killing the giant baby and the hedgemaze level and thats it. I also remember it being very hard.
  24. Thought I'd bump this. Okami for Wii is out tomorrow and I'll probably go pick it up and see how it does on the Wii. Also while lookin up a little more information about it I saw that apparently Sadness isn't dead. Seeing as it was supposed to be released last year, and I hadn't heard anything about it, I thought it died. Some new pics showed up. It'd be nice to have another M game for the Wii.
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