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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Okay, I was talking with Prophet of Mephisto and it dawned on me that since a lot of people are coming from in/around the Baltimore, MD area, that a carpool would be sensible. As of right now, I believe the current plan is for Avaris to ride down towards my place, with Jewbei in tow (I may be wrong on who he is bringing, but I know he's bringing someone) and we're heading to MAG from my area. If all goes well, everyone will be heading there Thursday for the New Years party, though since I'm apparently the only one in our group confirmed to be going to the party that might change. Also, I plan on attending Brushfire's BBQ after MAG, regardless of if I have to carpool people back to my house first and then head to his place or not. The BBQ's on Monday after the convention ends, right? So, who else is coming from Baltimore (Xerol, DrumUltima, Vimk, I'm looking at you!) that would want to arrange a carpool, saving gas and making the trip shorter by not being a car-hermit? Edit: oh, and overcoat, you know what MAGfest means?
  2. I will have to check this stuff out on my way home or while doing laundry tonight, I am very excited to hear it!
  3. I saw you have a birthday today...and that nobody has left you a visitor message yet. So, I kill two birds with one rock, yes?

    Happri basuday!

  4. Luke, I have a book for you: It's called "The Five Steps to NOT getting Smacked Upside the Head and Good Remixing". Here's my summary for you: 1. Stop pretending to troll. 2. Accept the fact there will be lols and it's out of your control. 3. Go fix your guitar... 4. Now play your guitar once it's fixed. 5. Record what you're playing. If your guitar isn't fixed by the time we have the meetup at Taucer's place, let me know. We might be able to arrange...something...to get you back into productivity. Edit: optional step to assist with step 1 - give the F5 key a rest. Every time you press F5, a real internet troll is born.
  5. Hey, thanks Dj Mokram! I reminisce about NiGHTs, as well as other things, all too often. I will do my best to make sure the project is done right, and thanks for the support.
  6. haha not necessary, because December 1st is the deadline for 1st WIPs. This project has a reeeeeaaaally long timeline, but thanks. What are you, his secretary?!
  7. Your visitor wall looked very lonely so I decided to fix it up a little for you...

    Level 99 hereby proclaims this space officially open!

  8. I can never spell your name right.

  9. Double-posting because news has happened: another song has been taken, only two songs left open. bLiNd has picked up D'Force Master, and will no doubt do something ridiculous with it, as is par for the course for him. We welcome him aboard! Incredible..simply incredible how many people have decided to try and take part in this project. I'm looking forward to December 1st a lot more now! Edit: And HOLY CRAP! No sooner did I make this post that Escariot asked if her could have E-LE-KI Sparkle! So, now we only have one track left, which I could do without mixing (I know its short and probably hard to arrange but I'll still leave it open if someone wants it). Let's see what he does with it! Looks like active recruiting is nearly done.
  10. Started checking songs around my freshy-soffy year of college, actually registered when I subbed my first mix (rejected, absolutely gave me reason to improve). I've only been a really active poster this year, started last year after M6 when I was told about FF4 project. Honestly, I can't complain about too much without being unjustified or sounding like I'm simply whining, so I'll just nod my hat to DJP and the site-workforce and say keep it up. After all, I definitely couldn't do any better if I were in their shoes... ...mmm, muffins...
  11. So...just any-ol' remix, eve non-accepted OCR stuff, just as long as it's lossless? You may get a flooooooood of material from lots of people, but I'll assume you're sifting through the quality of mixes yourself. I might have one or two, like the one from the Aborted Animal Crossing, that I can both mix down to FLAC and would be comfortable with the quality of the song itself. Regardless, I'll say this is quite ambitious and I hope you have enough storage space for all this FLAC (pun intended).
  12. I wont be going this year. Just kidding, I wouldn't miss this for the world. Best four days of the year. I might be bringing a friend or two, but you can expect me and my antics to be in full swing.
  13. YOU!!!! You made good stuff thing.


  14. Nah, doesn't have XLR on the PODxt, but the effects of it are versatile and maleable enough for some unique vocal processing. Before I got the Lexicon Lambda (which has 2 XLR w/phantom power, 2 Line in, 2 Line out, MIDI in/out, and instrument direct in), I had a mic going through a preamp with an XLR-to-1/4" cable going into the PODxt. A little complex but it worked quite well. Also, since the PODxt has that cool USB interface, you can record in various ways: you can record the signal as you hear it, you can record the signal direct and have the PODxt live-process it, and there's one other way that I can't remember. Anyway, if you're a guitarist and can afford it, it is a great recording tool. Epitaph: PODxt will last you longer and give you more options, only go pocketpod if you're really strapped for cash and wont be able to make any other purchases like that for a while. That, or if you're going somewhere that your POD might get damaged and don't want to chance it
  15. I support PODxt usage 110%. If you're on a budget, I think the pocketpod does acceptable quality (someone confirm this if they have one, please). Also, the Lexicon Lambda I've found is quite good for the price. Not a lot of bells-and-whistles, but extremely functional, stable, and covers a lot of bases.
  16. This meme has become so widespread so fast that I think there should be a law about it: Everybody gets one. Anyways, yeah, I really enjoyed a lot of the songs I listened to last night...people took stuff places I didn't imagine them to. That little acoustic-guitar doggie would have crapped his pants.
  17. Though I do need some feedback. Here's the one from the compo. I have a list of things I'm going to do to it already, but if there's anything I can add to it, I'd like to knock out the revising of this to one session: - variate drums more, smoothe out some transitions - EQ gutiars a little more - Redo vocals now that I have a pop-filter. Keep autotune or no? - fix timing of guitars a tad - Remove the limiter-breaks on the bass and vocal tracks - possibly change a word or two so some lines don't sound repetative Anyways, here goes: http://compo.thasauce.net/files/Level99_-_Such_is_the_nature_of_time(OHC052).mp3
  18. RAR!

    RAR! RAR! RAR!

    You are hereby dubbed a knight in the royal order of remixer hugging. Wear your title with pride.

  19. http://izismile.com/2009/09/17/kanye_west_i_the_biggest_douchebag_of_all_time_33_pics.html
  20. Happy birthday, Hemophiliac. I promise I haven't forgotten what I need to do, heh. Hope you have a fantastically-awesome birthday!

  21. This just made my day that much more depressing...JoeCam, when I messaged you the other day my intent was to see how things were going with this but I didn't want to be a bother. It is good to see that so much work did go into this and that it was not in vein, but it pains me to see so much of "what it could have been". I'm sorry, I know I'm saying how you feel about it too, but just letting you know that it hurts here too, brotha. Rocking that crossing, indeed.
  22. THIS is why we OCR is so open and trusting. A shining example. I mean, how could ANYONE not trust someone who says this stuff? nice-work-sarcasm Rock on, Meteo.
  23. I wanted to congratulate you again on the arrival of your second little tyke! Now you and OA need to start arranging playdates.

  24. So I might be going to the UK next spring on a family vacation. My brother is studying abroad and we're talking about taking a trip after he finishes to go and see the sights and then bring him home...

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