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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Been busy playing a few other games, but this is on my must-buy list. Come next pay day, this is MINE! Glad its being enjoyed by others!
  2. I am currently working with Mr. Joker on getting the album into eval. It isn't an imminent release but it also definitely isn't far off in the horizon. We've got a few more albums in eval at the moment, this one will be added after a few things are taken care of.
  3. I sure hope not, cause then I owe them booze and food! Me and my big mouth.
  4. I was practicing the track again last night. Should have something for you....soon-ish!

  5. I'll grab your finished version when I'm in front of the compy.
  6. Emu, why you no in staffchat?!

  7. I think that that is not anyone's business but Andrew's and the remixer's. Also I think what you said is actually very rude. Edit: also, they personally help people to pass all the time by JUDGING. What else are you expecting?
  8. Mind = blown. You donated twice the asking amount, so you got two copies. And then another one cause you contributed a song. By my math, you got the right amount. Glad you're liking it, mang!
  9. Both of you are terrible. HORRIBLE. DEPLORABLE! GET OUT OF MY FACE! Sorry, those old guy muppets were distracting me. Happy Birthday to two incredibly talented people. Both musically, one humourously, and may you have another awesome year.
  10. Another song I had the pleasure of hearing some bit ago! Jewb, you've been an astute student learning from your mentors, and those combined flavors show with a little spice added from your own. This is a fully-fleshed soundscape with some really cool melody arp bits. I agree, this source tune does need some more love, and you've given it plenty of justice here. Keep up the good stuff.
  11. No lie, definitely my favorite song on the album. This is an amazing source tune, and the sax playing gives this thing more love than I could have imagined. I can just imagine two pokemon in Sepia tone, dancing the night away to an old record player. Great production and attention to detail, smooth flow and a spectacular arrangement supported by a superb lead performance. Great work, man.
  12. I've been using MAME since I got the X-Arcade Tankstick. I absolutely adore this thing. As for running MAME, some games besides NeoGeo DO need bios, but they are found in separate zips/dirs I believe. Since the NeoGeo one is shared by numerous games, it is separated (and I'm fairly sure that's how it works for others). As for what MAME to use, I've found the best looking and most stable builds to be from MAMEMPlus! GUI. Although definitely questionable because they do some extra acceleration I think, it definitely has work the best consistently through my use. That goes without saying that it has a much easier config menu for a gui, and lots of things come preconfigured such as controller type. If you're looking to REALLY set up a cabinet, definitely look into frontends so that you don't need a keyboard tray out every time you want to switch games, pause, or mess with the controls. Since my stick has a trackball, I've been tinkering with Hyperspin from time to time. Only problem with these frontends is that some of them don't support more than the stock MAME flavor as a root program.
  13. Baaaahahaha. Vuvuzelda. Needs a video, it does. Lets ask Proto to do it.

  14. YAY! So much awesome news. Oh by the way, that trailer you saw? You can watch it again now. The trailer has been posted. Check it out below! Edit: Fixed
  15. Kind of. It is somewhat expected of more sucessful people to show a certain degree of philanthropy. Even if he was just "making an example" out of Andy, the fact that one is super rich and the other is not does paint things a bit of a nasty color.
  16. I was lucky to listen to this during the Judge's evaluations. This track was very memorable, and definitely proves that Mystix got some skill with his arrangements. This feels more in line if Spaghetti Westerns had a baby with Beverly Hills Cop. And I love every second of this. Only qualm is that I really wish there were real guitars in. The fret noise is believable but it does sound very close a synth to me. If they WERE real, then kudos to him for confusing me!
  17. OCR provides interpretive works, while giving full credit to the original composers and game creators, distributed for free. So, in fact, it is free advertising and creative arrangements available for no cost to anyone anywhere except the bandwidth, which we pay for via donations. Despite Fair Use's ambiguity, it needs to be as such because there could be billions of cases that are different and not one universal Fair Use clause could cover them. Fifty couldn't. A thousand couldn't. Case in point: the photographer was most likely in his right to sue for use. It sucks, and the guy is definitely a dick who lives in a 72-room mansion, but it was in his legal right most-likely. He'd need a very solid case for not licensing the art if he licensed all the music. If he inquired and the guy said he wouldn't license, it was really stupid to go ahead and do it anyway. It is possible that it just slipped his mind, but this is what happens when you don't cover every angle airtight. He was just unlucky enough to get a huge douchebag who owned the rights. The same way the Westboro Baptist Church shows the worst side of Free Speech, so to does this show the worst abuse of defending copyright against allegations of Fair Use, and without the satisfaction of a trial. Sucks, and yes as I've said, Maisel is a total asshat, but yeah.
  18. "Hey man. Your music is awesome. However, I have come to notice that you use a lot of outdated hardware. Your music sounds like it is coming from, like, an old NES. Have you considered getting better samples?


    Some Ignorant Jerk"

  19. http://lemonsinseries.com/ocrab/?p=637 Episode 61 – BEDODOBEBEDODOBEDOBEBEDODODOBEDO This episode had Cyril and Vilecat on as guests, or not because they show up so much anyway. There was talk of cone dick, crazy bus, and raping box art. ENJOY!
  20. I'm uploading it my damn self. Protodome - A Very Transport Dreadfulness
  21. QFT. We've been in a bit of a recovery period for a little while after finishing all the project tracks, but this is surely going to get us back into action to do more! Thanks again to everyone for their comments!
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