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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. poo on you you're missing a damned good game with that attitude
  2. that is a relic from the Nice Era so yes, basically
  3. well, people's gamertags are already readily available in their profiles so a dedicated thread is kind of redundany BUT, clicking on the tag from a post (like I just tried to do) 404s so yeah
  4. I came into this thread seeing Coop posted, and was expecting this I am not disappointed
  5. Got mine last month when Best Buy gave me a $60 gift card for purchasing one. I guess most of them have OLED problems. Mine is kind of streaky and has blotches that show up on black screens. Reading online, I figure that just getting another one won't really help, so what I did was buy the two-year extended protection plan with accidental on PSN and I'll exchange it in three years when the tech is smoothed out a bit. I absolutely adore Gravity Rush. If you have a Vita and have not yet gotten Gravity Rush, you are doing yourself a great disservice. I actually got my first platinum PSN trophy tonight for 100%ing it, that's how much I love it.
  6. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=40600
  7. So I was checking my collection just now and somehow episodes 5 and 6 were absent. Man, I'm really glad he still has them up on his server. also macronecrobump
  8. this is a far better post than the one I was going to make
  9. Secret Agent I also had a massive demo CD of a bunch of different games called CD Funhouse v3.0 never did find any of the other collections and have no idea where the disc came from
  10. well are you linking to the mp3 files or to the mix number? afaik, Mr. Pretzel doesn't like direct linking to the mp3s
  11. that link doesn't work if someone doesn't have the same pagination settings as you do click on the number of the post on the top right of the post on the bar ex: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=861343#post861343
  12. you might consider taking that "Sent from my phone." thing off of your phone

    it's kind of silly

    y'know, just saying

  13. You know what, just ignore me. Getting into arguments on the internet isn't good for my blood pressure and certainly isn't worth your time. I have a tendency to shoot my mouth off where it doesn't belong. Carry on, folks; sorry for the interruption. I'll go be pissy somewhere else.
  14. 'Trolling' is a word that has completely lost any meaning whatsoever as it has been constantly applied to the entire gamut of posting styles ranging from simple disagreement to outright antagonism. If you never use the word again, you will have made the world a better place. I just get tired of people saying that you shouldn't remix this or that into a given genre. You can't know that nobody would be able to pull it off. Perhaps it's not my place to say this since I don't have the killer studio chops necessary to make even the most basic mix, but someone whose musical abilities are a complete unknown to me coming into the thread and holding certain tunes as sacred/untouchable just because they say so comes off as extremely grating and close-minded.
  15. enjoyment of any given thing isn't necessarily strictly rational so telling someone he's not being rational about some facet of enjoyment is kind of silly (not that I'm disagreeing with you, of course)
  16. Hah, I like it a lot. I don't have anything constructive to say, but figured I owed something for listening to it.
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