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Everything posted by Broken

  1. I definitely need to snatch this up when it hits. I haven't gotten to see the show yet, either.
  2. That's a very nice mix. I agree with pretty much everything you wrote there. Edit: I <3 that Punch-out mix, too.
  3. There is most likely going to be one at Magfest if you're planning on going to that.
  4. lol @ irony
  5. This is nice and all but when the heck is RPG World going to end? It's been what, three years since that guy released his last episode? That was easily my favorite online comic.
  6. So, I played this for the first time yesterday. It was pretty fun. I had no idea what I was doing, so I just ended up wandering around the first little space station and shooting at inatimate objects. Playing this game made me realize how much the Wii controller and I aren't in synch. I suppose I just need to play Wii games more (and maybe I need to adjust the controls or something,) but I didn't really get the feeling that I was playing on the "best fps controls ever." Just my two cents.
  7. I'm still amazed at how my friend manages to do vertical knees straight DOWN. The knee is his falcon's foward air. He uses it like it's the freaking Isai stomp. Then again, he's pretty much mashing down on the joystick the entire match because he crouch cancels everything (including my Peach's d-smash, lol.)
  8. G-Reg is the man. He lives near me I think, so I want to play him sometime. Edit: I love tap-reset, up-throws.
  9. I hereby ressurect this thread to GET HYPE! Evo world's are over, and I can't wait until there is some footage available. Apparently it was one of the best in recent history. New games were introduced (see: SSBM,) Crazy MM's ensued (Wong Vs. Choi, I belive,) and then there were of cousre upsets all over the place. So, I suggest stopping by shoryuken.com for more info. And for those of you who are too lazy to visit the page and find it for yoursleves: The Next Evo Moment Anyone on the forums go? CatPhysician, I'm looking at you.
  10. Excellent piano peice. I'm very seldom moved or even interested in piano re-arrangements but this is a very pleasant exception. It doesn't hurt that I love the wind theme, but the style you remixed it in is refreshing and captivating. This sounds extremely professional. I suppose the amazing samples helped in that respect, but the arrangement is so solid on its own that I can't say that the samples are a crutch. Keep up the great work.
  11. Wow, what a cool project! I love Capoeira, even if I can't spell it correctly. That website is pretty sexy too. I can't wait to listen to the music, Mazedude.
  12. Broken


    I agree with just about everything on this list. The only groups that I can't reccomend are those which I'm not familiar with (Stoneface & Terminal, Randy Boyer, Stylophonic.) I suggest cheking them out anyway. Other than that, check out OverCoat's free music thread. You're bound to find lots of techno, trance, D&B, and more melodic music there.
  13. Meanwhile, we finally migrated to vB.
  14. Here's that team footage with Jigglypuff that I was referring to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXrxu_403Tc
  15. I'm glad you mentioned that. I actually have some footage of my friend and I getting crushed by a team of two jigglypuffs. It's pretty comical. Let me find it, so I can host it on youtube.
  16. One of my favorite melee vids, easily.
  17. Spoilerz!........... Finally finished the book and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I then immediately read this thread just to witness the lulz that I'd been missing out on. Good death lists. I wil probably use them for reference later. I agree that the some of the deaths seemed gratuitus, but I mean they were mostly minor characters. I mean, Mad-Eye spent his entire life trying to fight dark magic and survive attacks. He was bound to bite it sooner or later. Hedwig made me lol. At first I was like "Oh, SNA..." then he exploded and I was like, "was that really necessary" Even though Dobby's death was entirely called for (should have been more graphic, tho,) I can't help feeling sorry for him. I liked the back-story more than what was going on in the present, I think. Learning about the past kind of brought things full circle, I guess. Case in point, right before Harry's "final" duel with Voldermort where he keeps whining about his lasts moments. I was just like "you're not going to die, and if you do, hurry up!" But, all-in-all a good closing to the series, epilogue and all. PS. Who else thought Hugo is a random name for a wizard kid?
  18. Yeah, Peach is back! I was pretty sure she was still around but official confirmation is comforting. I wonder if they messed with any of her glitches. If they did, that's fine, but I wouldn't mind still being able to float cancel and stuff with her either. I certainly wouldn't mind them changing her random foward smash, though. I can't stand having three different lengths on that.
  19. What can I say, I take it however I can get it, HOWEVER I CAN GET IT, HEHE! [/uncle Earl]
  20. I love the laid back style of this mix and the vocal/ string duet at the end. This is very enjoybale to listen to overall. It's the most relaxing remix that I can recall listening to in quite a while.
  21. Interesting matches. Consider it commented.
  22. Another interesting assist trophy. Kind of poke-floats-esque with the stage moving from right under your feet. Well, I finally got some gameplay footage up on youtube. It took me WAY to long to get my capture card to do what I wanted and then finding the right file type to encode the movie in was a pain. Virtual Dub basically failed me, so I ended up using Windows Movie Maker of all things. I certainly wasn't expecting it to work as well as it did, but it's capture function was actually better than VDub's. Or at least it was simple enough for me to do what I wanted. Link: The General (me) and Graham vs. Scotty and Icey. Feel free to critique. You won't hurt my feelings.
  23. Wow, crazy update. You know someone is going to go wild with this character and make an amazing combo video. Can't wait to see that (,but I probably will because this looks like one of the more complicated characters to learn.)
  24. Tool assisted or not, that speed run was a thing of beauty. Those movement glitches were amazing to watch.
  25. If it's the one I think it is, then it's actually not that practical of a mod. I used to have it for a little while, but I ended up deleting it. I think I found it through Stepmania's official website if that helps at all, though.
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