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Sole Signal

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Everything posted by Sole Signal

  1. I really really wish I had never heard it. The theme is ruined for me forever.
  2. +1 Been using this for years, very useful. Only problem is that is it has a tendency to remain active and cloud your entire track if you don't automate the effect to turn off when you're done using it in the pattern.
  3. Awesome work, bro. Really love this mix. The source fits perfectly and your arrangement is fantastic.
  4. Merry Christmas from Chicago, Baghdad (some cool scenes there), Rochester Hills, Colorado Springs, and Valparaiso! (otherwise known as "Christmas Epic" music video - watch in high quality)
  5. This is great stuff! Quality across the board; I can sense the amount of work that went into each piece. Great job capturing all the different styles. Now all you need is an OCRemixer to tackle one of the tracks.
  6. Got a few IMs, but still need more! (esp international) So far, for sure: Valparaiso, IN (duh) Chicago, IL Colorado Springs, CO Amherst, MA Pittsburgh, PA Pensacola Beach, FL Hopefully: Perth, Australia Baghdad, Iraq (buddy stationed down there) I only need about 15-20 sec of "good" footage to edit down for each location. It doesn't have to be superb quality video, just unique enough to make it interesting to watch. Also, first and last bump.
  7. Awesome guys. You'll take the music world by storm. Congrats!
  8. Man, that's terrible news. The Timesplitters series was AWESOME and I really wanted to see 4 finished.
  9. Sup guys, I graduated on Sunday and now want to finish a video that I've had an idea about for some time. I'll be using my Christmas Epic track for the background music, and the basic premise is going to be showing how Christmas is celebrated all over the world (hopefully I can get some international participants). I went downtown Chicago the other weekend and got a bunch of great footage, and I'm hoping to get a wide variety of locales from any of you who might be interested. I'll be heavily promoing the video (on my somewhat popular youtube account) and am hoping to make this a bit of a viral hit. I would like to release this as close to Christmas as possible, so there is urgency involved. Basically, I'm looking for video footage of decorations, Christmas lights, downtown areas, really anything similar in as many different towns or cities that I can."Unique" things especially, and international participation would be awesome! Contact me through PM or AIM at mchawk19 if you want to help! I'll certainly credit you in the video by name or however you would like. Thanks!
  10. Awesome, will be checking these out tonight. Spiffy looking site too; nice job StarZander.
  11. Congrats, man. Wish you guys the best.
  12. hahaha First I've seen this, longest so far is 8 m.
  13. There are quite a few "professional" folks around here, probably all with slightly different advice. As for me personally, it was just getting the first big break: Because of that video and the corresponding testimonial on my website, I've received probably five or six requests from high school, college, or semi-professional teams. People just want that affirmation that you've done good work for others, that you can produce a track in time, and that you're easy to work with. I envy your ability to play guitar. I can't tell you how many times some good guitar work would complement a track that I've been working on, and being able to just play it myself would be so much easier. Much ad music today involves guitar work of some sort, so you've already got that going for you. You'll want to develop your production and sequencer skills, which will be a great complement to your guitar and bass ability. Going the musical route in college studies would certainly help with making network connections, learning new techniques, and benefiting from being immersed in it, but in the end people just want to know if you can make good music and can meet their needs.
  14. Very little. I'd never ask anyone to go through that many battles just to come across myself once or twice. You just submit and hope for the the best songs to rise to the top. I think it's a tribute to the quality of musicians here at OCR that we consistently have many tracks make quarters.
  15. Mike Shinoda's stuff is amazing. Several of the Linkin Park instrumentals he did a few years back are fantastic, too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9UI-m-Qd8s Huge fan of Pendulum, too. I was hooked ever since I heard the interplay of orchestral work and big beats in Slam, and the guitar work in Girl in the Fire. Also gotta love Hybrid's mix of orchestral and breaks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z0CiLbUvi0
  16. 20 Currently winning the losing game in this thread.
  17. Well, you "can" vote; it's just that with 428 current entries in Club/Dance, coming across Blind's track once after even 100 battles would be quite a feat. The trick is entering a track in new genres; last month the German category had 21 songs in it. That means every track in that genre made it to the quarters except one.
  18. Sweet, Fan'd and Friend'ed. Just an FYI, though. There really isn't much to "vote" for yet until the end of the month. Odds are WAY against coming across Blind's track in a random Club/Dance battle. I wouldn't worry though; with his skills he'll be up in the rankings in no time.
  19. EDIT: Zircon beat me to it. I'm using a basic $20 antenna I picked up at K-Mart with my HDTV, and can get most of the national networks in HD without cable (NBC, CBS, FOX, ABC), as well as a bunch of local stations too (WGN Chicago, UPN, etc).
  20. Just went through a few genres. Going through the categories at this point goes by very quickly (only 45 battles per genre, and you only have to listen to each song once). Only 5 hours left! OCR still could use some help.
  21. Congrats to all the remixers on the project! Hopefully this opens up all sorts of possibilities.
  22. It was sitting at 8th for about half the month until it dropped drastically in the past week. Next month!
  23. Thanks Blake, I'm definitely happy with how it turned out. Anyway, OCR's letting me down? Not possible. Nah, I realize this is a bit of a shot in the dark. Another Promo for my Facebook musician page: - I'll be posting the University of Virginia tracks there pretty soon.
  24. Hey guys, I was recently contacted to produce the University of Virginia's men's and women's starting lineups tracks. I would like to create a video similar to my Valparaiso University one: Is anyone in the area or (ideally) a student there? I'm looking for someone who could videorecord the intro of both the men's and women's basketball games at the University of Virginia (in Charlottesville, VA). Contact my AIM at mchawk19 or PM me here if someone could help me out with this. Men's Schedule Women's Schedule Of course, I would be happy to reimburse for the ticket prices but I really can't go beyond that (I assume a student there would get in free). I'll try to post previews here pretty soon of the two tracks. EDIT: Also, I just put up my Facebook musician page: add me if you get the chance. I'll be adding the Virginia intros there pretty soon. Thanks!
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