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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I think from now on, every trance song needs to have a prominent kettle drum. I'd say such a thing is better than both tea kettles and kettle corn COMBINED, so you know i'm not taking this lightly. Awesome builds on the track, A solid beat, and some really nice piano and synth melodic goodness make this an-all around anthem, my favorite kind of tracks. I hope if Virt has a DJ set at next year's Magfest, that he includes this track.
  2. It's a cool arrangement, but the production choices aren't doing it any favors. We all know that JJT is way better now, so the mixing on this one can keep him humble. I certainly feel that way about some of my earlier mixes. The variation on the theme is really nice, though, and the build to the frog croak was pretty sweet as well. It has it's strengths and weaknesses, but overall it's enjoyable to listen to. Also, reading the judges decisions on this one really show that it's not just the mixers who have come a long way; I bet the judges now wish they could get away with a single sentence and then a 'yes' or 'no'.
  3. The filtered arp synth seemed to get a little hot a few times, but the rest was pretty good. Nice textures, but they get a little blurred in some spots. I do like the sunny and cheerful mood this one conveys though, and the mix of flute and synth is unique and cool. Drum samples are weak though. Overall I enjoy the track, but DS has definitely done better.
  4. Pretty straightforward stuff from DD, but Metal Man's theme is a classic, and this is well done, wit some nice counter melody parts. The sounds used are pleasant too. I think it'd be considered too conservative nowadays, but this is still a pretty nice track. The intentionally sequenced delay at the end was a really clever way to close things though, very cool idea.
  5. The vocal performance was pretty good, but the recording and mixing of it wasn't so hot. The solo was cool, and the percussion was well layered. The mixing does hurt the track a little, but it's definitely not un-listenable, unless of course you hate vocal remixes. Cool that is got some discussion going too. I'd like to hear an updated version.
  6. This track is all about the textures, and it's really cool to hear how they all fit in. Definitely check this one with headphones, it's way cooler! i'd suggest maybe even that people should pump up the volume and dance dance when that low brass comes in.
  7. I hear some Floyd vibe here, but maybe more strongly is a Steve Vai ballad. Either way i'm sold. Cain takes his sweet time doing any track, but the end results are almost always worth it in the end. Nice tasteful stuff, and a very good track.
  8. Great vocals and atmosphere, and some nice guitar playing as well. Some good subtle touches, like the strings doubling some of the electric lead parts, and the ethereal backing vocals. Great track by all involved, I love it.
  9. Simple and clean is the way halc is making me feel tonight (with this mix, of course). Nice attention to details and some really well filled out soundscapes. Another halc victory.
  10. The Koan of Drums finally has finally met a worthy adversary to fight for the title of "The Best djpretzel Mix"*. I love the dark and dramatic opening and how it leads into a crazy and cool electronic track with some massive kettle drum hits. Special props for some well-done brass attacks, which sounded like pretty solid sequencing by anyone's measure. The highlight for me though is the huge synth dive at 2:09 followed by a tiny pizzicato plink up top. Super cheeky and cool. The solos were pretty well done too. Excellent stuff here. *all opinion, don't try this at home, kids!
  11. This track has a great groove, excellent textures, and some really nice atmosphere. I love that bass synth, it's absolutely huge, and the performances throughout are top-notch. The trumpet harmonies are subtle but solid, and i love the guitar tone. Everything sits well, and the mood is really uplifting and a great sound to end the album with. I'm certain you won't need my recommendation to pick up this gem.
  12. I don't want to lose teh wimenz n die rofl

  13. Enjoy your pokemonz.

  14. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  15. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  16. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  17. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  18. There was a girl and she look in teh mirror and sed "Imma hav a gud day" and thn the mirror broke and thn her bf left her and thn she had a bad day and thn she died

    if u dnt send this to all of ur frends (or OA, because there is nothing he won't enjoy) thn u will hav teh wosrt luk evar n lose all teh wimenz n die.

  19. Serious Monkey Business is a terrible name. It should be: Monkeys of Betrayal, Bananas of Redemption That increases the pretentiousness level tenfold.
  20. The new singing is a lot better, it doesnt have that really sour note near the end anymore. The old lyrics were really cheesy, but I prefer them to the new. Still a great song, regardless of the version.
  21. This has a very cool intro- I dig it.The sounds and mood are excellent, and the track has a really cool feel. For seeing a really old submission from a soundtrack that isn't really my favorites made me expect the worst, but this was a really nice surprise. Fantastic.
  22. I like to both listen, and party, so this seems to be just what I am looking for.
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