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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. it's the default garageband one, and it seriously is a POS IMO ROFL YA RLY. I'll be getting logic in a few months and i'm sure then i'll have a ton of new tools that I'll be able to use I can bug you about then. The help is much appreciated, as always.
  2. I play Etrian Odyssey on the ride to work in the morning and when im listening back on mixes and stuff that I am working on. 100 en is not a ton of cash, or you could just close the DS as well. If you like the old school style dungeon crawlers, this one is about as good as i've played.
  3. Is it better than 6D or Train? This is a very important question, and my purchase depends on it.
  4. ok, several months later, I realize where the disconnect was. I was referring to a multiband compressor, since that's the only compressor I could find, and it made absolutely no sense. It still doesn't make any sense to me, but i've learned to move on and live my life to the fullest, despite my handicap.
  5. The classes can be a little intimidating to power up; basically when you gain a level, you get a point you can use to improve an aspect of the character, and they give you a lot of options. You may want to read up on the skills and such first, because getting certain skills unlocks others; though it doesn't tell you what you need to power up before certain skills get unlocked. The nice thing is that you can have a ton of characters and just switch out party members as needed. I initially had a troubador, but my party wasnt doing enough damage, so I switched her out with a survivalist, and things went a lot better. I still have the troubadour just chilling in case I want to switch back, so though the game is difficult, there is some flexibility. edit: sorry I missed part of your question. The classes are all pretty balanced, though some have certain situations where they are more or less useful. Alchemists are pretty much the heavy damage casters, but they suck up MP like crazy, so during most encounters they will be smacking with their crappy stick for 5 damage. When it comes to FOEs (minibosees) and strata bosses (every 5 floors or so), they are super useful, rocking out 150ish per spell. There is a tank-style warrior who can taunt and has a ton of damage, also very useful for bosses, but not as good for regular fights, though certainly more useful than an alchemist. Of course your party will need a healer, who can't damage either, but you won't make it much past level 15 without one. I've heard of people having 2 groups, one designed for cutting through floors and exploring, and one designed to deal huge damage to a single target. I havn't unlocked either or the extra characters, but I assume they are just like gravy chars; if anyone has either of them and actually knows, i'm curious to know as well.
  6. A lot of the drum sounds and filtering reminded me of the song "Club Thrall" from the Illegal Danish movie. Pretty cool stuff. I'm not a huge fan of the source, perhaps because that game repeatedly kicked my ass, but I think it's just a style thing. It reminds me of metroid music, and Im not huge on that either. Regardless of my personal feelings about the source, this is a very creative mix with a lot of thought put into the production, especially considering the timeframe. Nice work.
  7. I'm surprised to see a Mitsuda + North mix have less than a million comments, but I suppose this is a short mix with not much reinterpretation. Though it follows the original almost completely, it's very well played and the samples are very high quality, and the ending is very classy. Much preferred over a fade out.
  8. The pads are really nice, but the drums seem a little thin, and I'm not sure if the chromatic "circus" line is in the original or not, but if it was, the game sound would totally be turned off. I hate that shit. The piano near the end added a really nice rhythmic element to the backing chords straight up to the end. I would enjoy this much more if it just cut the lead part out and was atmospheric. I realize that this is Malcos's mix, but it is frustrating to me as a listener when there is such a sweet mix with something I dislike so strongly in such a prominent position. Ah well, sorry, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.
  9. There seems to be a good deal of hatin on this one because the means used are obvious. The samples arent fantastic, but they get the job done pretty well. Just because they are obvious to some people..eh It's not like people get all bitchy when Snappleman or Sixto use the same guitar tone every time. Anyways, despite being a very simple mix, this is one that has a certain bit of heart to it, and i've had it on my playlist for years.
  10. ok, now that is a snare.. the snare of a true pimp. The brass is a little weak, but the groove is awesome, and all this needs is Snoop Dogg kickin tha ill flow. The arrangement and development are both pretty subtle here, but I like it; mixing the percussion up throughout also keeps things interesting for a long time. I think the ending was a bit weak, but otherwise this is really some good stuff, and would sound great with an MC over it.
  11. vrooooooooooooooooooom The song itself is very cheerful and fun, though i have to admit the first few times through, the SFX are more distracting than anything to me. After a few listens they become a little more backgroundish and I can approve of that. The filtered snare rolls are teh pwnz, I love that sound.
  12. i actually seem to be making a ton of progress, so i'll be fully painting mine this month
  13. Pretty typical happy-go-lucky techno, this was enjoyable, but didn't blow my mind. The chirpy bubbles grated by the end of the song, but the melody line itself was good.
  14. Easily my favorite song off of the Xenogears OST, I have this song beyond memorized. While the arrangement is limited to a bit of drumset and a few counterpoint lines, the song itself is still fantastic, though I was really hoping to hear some additional material.
  15. A bit of smooth jazz for the afternoon, this has a great lead synth that really makes me want to go for a bike ride on a sunny day. However it takes a turn into bittersweet territory when I remember my bike is totaled. :/ Great piano rhythms and laid back hip hop beats. That lead synth though is gold. A smooth jazz winnar is you!
  16. Not really feelin this, sorry. The samples are pretty low quality and the openess of the mix exposes them even more. The drum patterns are nice as well, but the sounds don't really gel IMO. It gets better after the brass is done, but still seems to be missing something.
  17. chillax for sure, with some cool beats, i've not heard the original so I won't comment on the arrangement, but the production is pretty decent. A little repetitive, but that is one of the cornerstones of being chillax. Nice work
  18. I'm not feeling the delay on the voice, but damn, that's some excellent voice work. The issue I am having with the mix mostly is that it seems to simply be an intro to something; I kept waiting for the song to start and it never happened. The second voice clip would be better off at the song's climax rather than the end, but there really isn't a climax at the moment. Sorry I don't have a ton of good news, but I think it's a little too ambient at the moment, and needs a more defined structure and a more obvious melody.
  19. totally hot, guys awesome work. My suggestion would be to intersperse a bit of the piano throughout the more rocking sections; probably near the end, to help break repetition, but overall, a way sweet mix. Good work everyone.
  20. I think adding a backing pad in a few sections would help fill it out a little. Needs some drum fills as well, maybe a rev cymbal right before the bass comes in strong near the middle. I need to hear the other material as well, right now there is some cool stuff, but it's a bit coverish. I love the source tune; actually I love the whole soundtrack. I've started a mix of one of the songs on this game actually. Good start, just need to fill it up a bit.
  21. Still sounds pretty early; with all the empty space and such, but this has real potential. THe section where the fiddle and whistle are doing counterpoint is fantastic. I'll be keeping an eye on this. Is there any bass? The low end seems a bit sparse. The guitar rhythms seem slightly off when they are move exposed, just the same sturmming patterns; not sure if it is an issue yet, but it might be somehing to keep in check. Cool idea for sure.
  22. Maybe have a "best of" or create a theme that would have a more managable 15-20 tracks? Cross'd be cool, but lets finish this one first.
  23. I wasn't too inspired by last month because the pointing pose is too iconic and that's all I could think of, but you have my solemn promise that I will be rocking something or other for this month.
  24. I have been rocking Etrian Odyssey for the last few weeks and it's pretty refreshing to play a game that has an actual sense of difficulty. I am also digging the turn based nature of it, since I play it while working on mixes. I have a main party all around level 20 or so and i'm on the 6th floor. What really sold me on it was the feature where you can name all your d00dz and pick their classes/portraits. Of course, I made myself and 4 random hunnies (just like real life lolololol)as my party.
  25. Yo, McBullwhip, please update that both of my tracks are done.
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