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Everything posted by Dunther

  1. I think I'll wait for the full game before downloading the soundtrack . A soundtrack by OCR gives me enough interest for playing the game it came from
  2. Yeah, there aren't too much tracks that I remember from the games, but...yes, Crash must be here on OCR soon or after.
  3. Hey if you need a Starcraft remix I know a good one: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/aug07/01tie-Ashane,Zoast,pingosimon-Starcraft-Progcraft-DoD.mp3
  4. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=482122385310 here's the facebook group...
  5. Mario Galaxy's Bowser fights have really good musics too I prefer Live and Learn
  6. Wow, I didn't knew it...
  7. Great final boss music: (MewTwo from Pokémon Stadium)I don't think someone will pick it up, but this could be a good remix.
  8. Really like it. The Extreme needs more remixes...
  9. Never heard them before. Maybe they were old remixes now removed, but I don't think so...
  10. A while ago, I was listening a Mario Paint arrangement and I noticed that it was remembering me something else. The Mii Channel music. Ok I know this can sound a little strange but, I think that some tunes from Mario Paint could really mix well with the Mii Channel theme. There's someone that can imagine that too?
  11. Yeaaaaah it will came on WiiWare!!!
  12. I've always hoped for a Pokémon MMORPG with all the content from the previous ones, but maybe it's to early for it Another interesting thing can be the light type, yes; but it would be fantastic in my opinion to have an alignment of your Pokémon, that can be good or bad. So there can be Dark or Light versions of any Pokémon, with visual changes (ie: a Dark Dragonite could be thin and more aggressive looking), and different patches for the attack learning system... But uhm, yeah...I started dreaming this in the GSC era or so
  13. Wow I never tought about it...I focused on the fact that the characters are 6 and all their names starts with V.
  14. Ehehe and I bought the original soundtrack too, in the archive I found the cover upside-down...strange, isn't it? (and I haven't notice that the idea was from that image, lol )
  15. Well, wiki says that is an RPG...
  16. I know, but it seems to be upside-down
  17. Great work, I loved it since DoD 05-09, even if I don't know the original game, It's obvious that The Trooper was the overall inspiration, and .
  18. Ok I'll try to help you... Definitely Koopa: bass sounds too loud. And I don't really like how the guitar sounds... Thoughts While Drowning: Even if I prefer the rock style arrangements, I think that this is better than the other. Anyway it sounds a little repetetive maybe... I'm not an expert so I don't know if it could be helpful or not...
  19. And what about Fragile and Monster Hunter 3?
  20. Erhh I think that the correct cover is: I found it when I bought the soundtrack...
  21. I like the idea, but dunno how it will be...
  22. Hey, not bad!
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