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Everything posted by avaris

  1. He's usually got a lot of stuff for school to do all the time, that's why he doesn't show up as often as I do. When your comfortable with it throw it up on the boards. I'd want to get a lot of project members thoughts on songs that are near completetion. It's usually the final stages of the song that are the hardest and the most crucial to how good the song really is IMO. But yeah I'll prob be wicked harsh on it if you think it's up for completetion.
  2. Not yet, I know Fishy is almost done with his Shevat mix. Also my buddy Tyler will re-record his piano track using his new gear over spring break. Also Taucer just has to make some final recordings on his. If I actually sat down one whole day I could prob get a 95% finished version of my Aveh mix. Ziwtra's is also movin along really fast too...god I love that mix. I gotta say we got a lot of progess on a lot of the songs though which is friggin awesome IMO.
  3. There are a ton of midis already on vgmusic.com. Since ur samples are def better than the sounds of the game, just do a simple midi rip for your own listening pleasure.
  4. Holy poop! I'll go check that out. Blue Magic and I should have an update out soon for the track we're doin.
  5. there are other soundfont unpackers, just google it i'm sure you'll find something. Also def pick up the ns_kit for drums. Download the 2nd one it's the soundfont, the other is just .wav files. http://www.naturalstudio.co.uk/ns_kit7freedownload.html Before I forget go to kvraudio.com and find the link for a reverb called ambience. It's way better than fl's reverbs IMO. The glaceverb is also another good one.
  6. Thanks guys seems to be working fine now. Good thing I just went from 1 to 2gigs worth of ram last weekend. It's gonna be fun trying to manage the ram correctly now, ain't tweaking fun.
  7. Install and open up Sfark. Then find the packed file (i forget the extension name) it will be in Sfark's main screen. Then click the little button to unpack it. After you have the soundfont (extension .sf2) just copy and paste into the 'soundfonts' directory in FL studio. Here is the filepath on my computer for it. G:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 7\Data\Patches\Soundfonts
  8. In general the composition sounds great. Although if I were doing the mix I'd add in some drynamic variation in the composition to match the tone of the narrator's voice. When the narrator is saying something really serious give the composition more movement, expand it dynamically.
  9. Nice stuff dude. The narration in the beggining are too loud over the background. A cool thing to do might be to double the narration, and on the 2nd part put some delay so it will delay off all those 's' sounds. That could really add some flare. You could start only with the regular channel and as the narration keeps on goin in slowly work in the delayed version. The song as is, is pretty repetative albeit good, so you'll need to include lots of little things to keep the listener's attention. The background strings could be a lil thicker IMO. Def looking forward to an update on this one.
  10. Ironically the project files I am using Kontakt2 on right now are using VSL samples. I tried messing with the envelopes and also the trigger. Come to think of I do have one soundfont running that works fine. Where are the settings for the DFD?
  11. Anyone had any problems with the Kontka 2 update 2.2.1? Whenever I play songs using the VSL samples the sound will randomly cut out now. Like a cello is suppose to hold for 4 beats, but now it randomly cuts out? I'm using the same exact project file and settings and all of that. The only difference is I'm running 2.2.1 instead of 2.2.
  12. Yeah it kinda blew me away when I saw it. I really like what the artist did to texture the armor and the background.
  13. Ooooh right idea with the vocals def worth the wait. Although the first time they come in is a lil loud. On their first entrance IMO they should creap in slowly. The soundscape sounds thicker than before, especially the base and percussion. 2:07 sounds like the vocals appear in the forefront just a second late. Don't know if that's intentional or not. 3:03 was a perfect place for the vocals, that whole section with them sounds awesome. Overall her voice sounds beautiful and the processing fits perfectly with the soundscape. 4:04 the entrance sounds alil off IMO. If I were to change anything it would be in sections where her voice suddenly appears, to have the vocals actually start a lil bit before hand and crescendo up into the main vocal part. Alot of my comments about the timing issues could be due to the fact I've listened to the previous version so many times that anything new or different added to the mix will feel off. One thing I gotta ask is did u play this by ear or did you find a midi of it somewhere? I've been looking everywhere for SotC midis. Thank you for finishing this one.
  14. Holy crap those SotC pics were amazing. Someone posted this at Vampire Hunter Dan's myspace page. Pretty friggin sweet IMO.
  15. Ahh come on this doesn't even compare to your Visions DDR track. I really like this one so far though, keep it up.
  16. Nice stuff dude, that synth that comes in at :40 needs some work. It doesn't fit right at the moment. More som added sonic goodness later on, take those quick hats hits and have two of them goin at the same time. Except on one your doing pitch bends. I recently found this to make for some ridicuosly fat sounding rythms. This is def a sweet style for the source, more updatege please.
  17. Hmmm...I've never heard of this happen. The samples you are putting into the NX-T(i'm assuming) stop working after 10 minutes. I'd say reinstall the program, and when you reinstall it make sure your anti-virus is turned off. Also maybe for reason are you copying and pasting midi information from one intrument to another? You could copying the automation information while you are copying and pasting along with the midi notes. And if by some strange reason you had the volume turned off on one of them that could cause it. Also you sure you activated Reason? Bc all sound in the demo stops working after 20 mins or so.
  18. I def agree it's a great plugin, although in terms of being able to really manipulate it, it has a high learning curve. On the FL Studio website they got a video that goes about showing all the basics of sytrus. That should get you off to a good start, besides that I don't know of any others.
  19. If you google Squidfont you'll easily find a website to download it from. Also the NS Kit7 is great for drums. Also just search for free soundfonts and you'll find websites that have tons of them. If you unpack the the pack there should a soundfont in there. sfArk is a program that can unpack.
  20. search online for soundfonts. You can find many good ones. Go to Darkesword's website he has a bunch of really good ones there. Def check out a soundfont called squidfont, i believe it should have all of the things you are looking for.
  21. In Progress Xenogears - Small Two of Pieces (w/Reforged & Geoffrey Taucer) Xenogears - Aveh the Ancient Dance Xenogears - The One who is Torn Apart (w/ Blue Magic) Mario64 - Powerful Mario Lufia - Fortress of Doom Themes/Lufia1 Sinistral Battle Theme Final Fantasy Adventure - Title Song-Rising Sun (w/Skrypnyk) Secret of Mana - Angel's Fear & Fond Memories (w/Skrynyk) Final Fantasy IV - Cry in Sorrow D.N.Angel - Frozen Flower (Anime Remix) To Do List Chrono Trigger - Schala's Theme (Resub) Xenogears - Lost Broken Shards Chrono Cross - Star Stealing Girl ICO - Melody in the Mist Final Fantasy X - Hymn of Faith (DownTempo/Chillout Style) Final Fantasy IV Shadow of the Colossus Anything by Yoko Kanno (Shadow of Doubt/Go to Rakuen/Myung's Theme)
  22. Hmm the song has a lot of potential. I like alot of the melodies. Alot of the levels are off, in terms of what sounds are dominating the soundscape at a given moment. This is also missing alot of those little things that really add depth to the song. The percussion in general feels pretty thin, did you compress and add a lil overdrive to it? That might help it feel punchier. The lead synth needs an overall, it sound like you got phase on it. Go for some panning elements too, that can add an xtra layer of musical goodness to any song. Work on improving some of the sounds, maybe add in some more orchestral elements to really enhance what you got. Really try to add another layer to rythms instead of just the generic trance rythms. Noppz' mixes are a good example of that.
  23. Lufia...awesome. I actually really like the feel this has going. Even though you don't do slow songs I'd just try to work on this one more and more and see where you can take it. In this version the composition actually sounds better than the original. Def put some more time into this one.
  24. Sorry to get a lil off topic, but i downloaded the izotope demo and damn...you guys aren't kidding. Time to find some way to whore myself out for money that is legal... A lil more on topic, the demo is good. Is this different from the version on IRC? I don't know if it's me or what but the feel of the soundscape seems to be much more cohesive.
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