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Everything posted by BlackPanther

  1. Ok I'm tryin to get back into using FL Studio. And I'm challenging myself by making my first comeback song, a remix, using Reason in conjunction with FL Studio. My question is when using the midi out channels to use Reason sounds, why isn't there an FX option to route the midi through one of the channels in the mixer? Is that not possible or what? I was wanting to use FL plugins to tweak the sounds that I was using in Reason is there another way to do that or am I stuck using Reason effects with Reason sounds? Hope that makes sense. Edit: My next question is double posted.
  2. Duude you're waaayy to damn modest. I need to see your setup, your music's too good to not post anything even if you just have a normal desktop setup I want to see somethin lol.
  3. Great piece. Not really familiar with the original but I have a feeling you did it justice. Very nice and relaxing feel I could go to sleep to that maybe that's what I'll start using to go to sleep lol. Good stuff =).
  4. Yeah not my favorite from Rozo but this is cool. I don't really have much to say about this one. It's really neat, I like the nice calm groove and feeling of this with the touch of sarias song in there. Almost missed the windmill theme but I found it after listenin to it a second time lol. Good shit Rozo.
  5. Dude! You are such an amazing piano player. You and Ronald Jenkees are the reason I decided to try my hand at the piano and I'm not gonna give up as long as you guys continue to make sweet as shit with this piece being a perfect example from you, Shnabubula. The whole time I'm just like shakin my head, snickerin, and sayin, "OH MY GOD" from the secksiness and execution of this piece. Thank you for makin me do that lol xD.
  6. I was expectin this to be wylin out with straight up metal but that wasn't the case I think I have the meaning of metal mixed up lol xD. Sweet remix, honestly I'm not familiar with the FFVIII soundtrack but I though this was tight. I like that abrupt ending to the slower section that was cool definitely wasn't expectin that lol. Good shit man.
  7. Great job guys, I've been to a few big band jazz concerts and everything about this felt the same way I did at those concerts. Solos were great, wasn't really feelin the drum one though. I've been wantin to get into creating jazz pieces and I'll be using you guys for reference. Great remix guys!
  8. While I recognize the FFVI in here, this has a Zelda feel to it, but that is in no way a bad thing. This arrangement is crazy and beautiful nice job =).
  9. Dude this is soo sweet as hell. I'm diggin the frick out of this no complaints man great stuff.
  10. Yeah I've noticed lol great job guys. Ok so then here's another question: So when you say there's still a bit of work to getting a remix prepped for OCR, what kind of work? Do you mean like changing the name and stuff or more technical things as well?
  11. Well i have one and you can probably see where this is goin lol. How long, after a mix has been ok'ed by the judges, does it take to get posted to OCR? Is it a random selection or based on themes happening at the time? This may have been asked before I may have even asked but I'm an absent minded mofo and I'm too lazy to search lol.
  12. Oooo sweet thanks for the link. I do my mixing and whatnot on my headphones, so that plugin will definitely come in handy. I'm glad I checked out this thread lol.
  13. This is hella sweet man. That's really all I have to say. Nothin stood out as bothersome and I'm not a picky person, it was a fun jazzy piece and I loved every bit of it, kudos.
  14. I was working on on a dnb remix of that song but I put it on hold so I could better myself and come back and make it extra good lol. I think there's a Kirby album in the works and there may be a Marx battle remix in there somewhere I'm not 100% on that though.
  15. Edit: Nevermind my computer is fully functional again. Don't know what I did but it works so whatever lol.
  16. Vagrance pretty much hit the nail on the head. Not nearly as detailed as Vagrance but here are a few more: Mos Def Pharaoh Monch Talib Kwali Atmosphere I don't know who produce their songs or albums but it sounds like you're lookin for those guys rather than the rappers themselves. I'm definitely quite interested in how you're goin to go about this seein as how I grew up with hip hop I need to do more hip hop stuff lol xD.
  17. Yeah good luck man, shit's bangin lol.
  18. Yeah no kiddin lol the piece you did is pretty sweet. Good shit mane =).
  19. I saw Kirby Super Star so I had to check it out. This sounds sweet man can't wait to hear this with the vocals lol.
  20. 3.5? What kind of headphones are those? From the sound of it, looks like you're gonna have to buy a 3.5 -> 1/4 in adapter which looks like this. Then you would have to buy a spliter that goes from one female to two male, somethin like this
  21. Daaamn so far I like, can't wait to hear the finished product.
  22. This is pretty sweet. My biggest thing was that long ass note towards the middle. No variation whatsoever so I'm just like when is this gonna stop. If you're gonna hold it that long, put some variation in there or turn it into a melody of some sorts. The bassline sounds pretty cool because of the grit that's on top gives it that nice house sound. You do that long note thing again towards the end of the song as well put some variation on it and it'll become less unbearable not to say that in a disrespectful way it'll be more interesting, that sounds better lol. But yeah pretty sparse feedback but I suck at critiquing peoples work so I apologize for that. Other than that great stuff man I really don't see why this wouldn't be posted on ocr after a few more tweeks because it sounds pretty good production wise there's nothin that sticks out like this was produced bad or below the average line so you have a good thing goin.
  23. Pretty much the same issues everyone else had. The piano sounds way too distant, like I'm tryin to listen to you down the other end of a long hallway or somethin. The arrangement is tight as hell though, I love this. Fix the issues that everyone had problems with and I don't see why this wouldn't pass because this is goooood.
  24. Yeah I tested the violin one, haven't gotten a chance to test the cello one. The violin one is nice though I'll probably use it for some of my stuff. Thanks!
  25. Oh you bastard lol. I was gonna remix one of the power ranger levels, I think the music is great. Haven't listened to your remix yet, I just saw a thread for a Power Rangers and I was like FUUUCK lol. I'll critique later.
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