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Everything posted by Zephyr

  1. Competitions are good for the deadlines, get it done for the deadline or you miss out, they don't wait up for you.
  2. I think mediafire has a non deleting policy sort of thing, I'll check see if I can find it later.
  3. Well, if you like google pages you could host the soundfonts on something like mediafire.com (1 or 2 gig files IIRC, unlimited bandwidth, free) then just link to the soundfonts from there.
  4. *Sigh* so much banning drama. I'll take a little of each persons side on this one, most people lately have seemed okay with micspam, it's seriously bothered me sometimes, but then I just use client-side mute and there's no problems. As for using it on OCR, yes brushfire did use it fairly often too, and also other third parties. Maybe there should just be a rule of no micspam with over 6/8 people or something, and if anyone complains you have to stop, of course that just blurs the line more. Many people seem to really enjoy it, which I don't personally understand since I just play my own music outside of TF2, but if they wanna keep doing it it's fine with me, I'll just mute them.
  5. Just got this for Christmas, takes some getting used to to program for, especially since each repeating pattern can only be 16 little beats long.
  6. Agreed, plus I've noticed that it only has like 2 or 3 different dust samples and you can notice them loop in a pattern after only a few times through, overall I really don't like it. Sampletanks phonograph effect is really nice actually, too bad it doesn't come as a VST, maybe I'll just sample some of it sometime and run the rest through vinyl's age filter.
  7. You could also try a VST effect by izotope called vinyl.
  8. I'd love to get Audiosurf for $5, but I don't know if it's worth the effort of dealing with their credit card system, I've heard people have trouble with it.
  9. I just pick a random, but simple key so that it's different every time and I accidentally throw in a few out of key, but good sounding chords.
  10. I'd like to see a medley of these thrown together where they played them exactly the same and in the proper keys... that would mean including cheezy horrible and bad-sounding key changes in between every single song, and I don't even want to think of what it would sound like when some songs are played over top of eachother.
  11. Cool, sounds good I like pregame mayhem.
  12. That's great! They've each got so much personality, great job bean!
  13. Nice picture! Have a great holiday season together.
  14. It is controlled by alltalk? Good, only possible bad thing is that you could probably use team death chat so the spy wouldn't even know.
  15. Merry Christmas to all!
  16. Got the Sampletank Retank Group buy and Korg DS-10 Also Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Christmas is good.
  17. Firstly do you OWN a DAW, I know you know how to use FL Studio, but good luck doing an entire orchestral song in one sitting. Buying a DAW is just as important as the samples. Edit: saw it in the gift thread,
  18. C) ratings and reviews Ever played Astro Boy Omega Factor? Simply amazing...
  19. Seriously? Nice job, you must have some quality stuff.
  20. Windows 7 eh? I hope they just take a balance between Vista and XP.
  21. Congrats to my favorite neighborhood chadly! This isn't any excuse to skip out on TF2 though!
  22. Haha, when did I miss out on that round! I love crowbar's kefka laugh. Also, as for the deathchat I'm all for it, no-one would take the time to say anything important or strategic over chat anyways, and we have alltalk on most of the time.
  23. I join my voice with the other "If I had an Iphone" peeps. Looks like a ton of fun though wingless, you should put up the first level in flash game form!
  24. I'm not letting this thread die without another video! I just rewatched the Monstrous turtles one and really liked how you did it. I don't necessarily care what the next one is about because I know you'll choose a good topic, but I think even a basic video of what sort of software you use and your sounds etc. would be very interesting. Also as a side note when playing the monstrous turtles .avi in Windows Media Player the video gets really far behind the audio, it's like it's playing at half speed. Thanks for taking the time!
  25. You must get a lot of emails my friend.
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