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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. Can You Fly Sister? was taken and is now free. The remixer didn't have time for it. Everyone, this project is gonna start rolling in summer gear soon, so get ready. I want this project finished and done well. I know everybody's got school and stuff so I won't hold that against you, but once we're in June that doesn't work anymore. I'll update the first post when I have time. Probably in June.
  2. You could also find others using those through the Remixing tab from the first page... which isn't there. D'oh. You could also find others using those through the Workshop tab from the first page. Logic and Pro Tools users are listed in their respective links.
  3. Thanks for reviving something fairly old. It's subbed, an updated version. I cleaned my server space a bit, must have taken this version down. You'll just have to wait until 2011 when it's finally posted. Cut the filename from the url, see what versions I've got in my remixes directory. Don't need any more crits on this, tho I don't mind feedback.
  4. Logic, both Express and the big badass Pro version comes with EXS24 where you can load multi-sampled instruments and manipulate them far more than the virtual instrument settings in GB. You can also load one or several samples and map them any way you want - I did that recently with a sfark drum kit that wouldn't work. sf2 works in EXS24 tho. With LE and LP, you also get Ultrabeat, a drum synth, basically a customizeable drum kit with all kinds of cool effects; and samples for it. There's a bunch of samples that come with Logic Express, but if you get Logic Pro you get all the Jam Packs (not ewqlso but not bad). They're dry, but Logic Pro also comes with convolution reverb and a bunch of other good effects that can give you a natural-sounding reverb. Get Pro. LE will be a big step up from GB, but you'll soon want more samples, better effects, etc.. Get Pro. Big awesome samples in little GarageBand isn't such a good idea either. As for evaluating samples, it's just a practice/experience thing. You need to know both bad samples and good ones to tell the difference, but most can be made to sound passable with the right processing. See Yoozer's post.
  5. Looks interesting. I've actually been playing Starcraft this spring. I'm interested, but can't promise anything. Too many projects, not enough time. How soon do you expect everything else to be done?
  6. Downloading... If this is all like the tracks you've shown here, it'll be great.
  7. Lycka till. Meddela om du vill ha min hjälp med nåt. :D

  8. Svenska? Här? Okej, får se hur länge det dröjer innan nån klagar på att de inte förstår. :D

    Jag har en från Aeropolis, F-Zero GX, i To Be Posted-listan, men annat än det... nej. Hörde av Willrock lite om dina planer. De där två är de enda jag har just nu. Det är inte det enda spelet jag vill remixa från. ;)

  9. The source is beautiful, we all know that. Too bad the sounds you've used here don't do it justice. The arrangement is pretty cool, I don't see why it wouldn't work, there's personal touches, original ideas, lots of good stuff and it fits together well. It just doesn't sound good enough. I'm a little pressed for time atm, but I'll try to have another listen to this later, give you some suggestions for improvement, not just complain about the sound.
  10. Not familiar with the source so I won't comment on that. The sound is good for most part, but the high pass-filtered harpsicord-like synth backing during the first half isn't that pleasant, needs some work to not be too shrill or contrast the more subdued section it's in. Why not finish it yourself? Even if all the sounds you've used are presets, you've got good taste in soundscaping.
  11. This sounds promising. I'd complain about the drums but if they're placeholders there's not much point in that. The minimalism half way through might not work on ocr, idunno, but I think it sounds good. Gives the track something of a reflective sound without a lot of other stuff getting in the way. A 3 minute bridge? Whoa.
  12. Alex, it might be because he actually played it, not clicked it note by note. Yeah, sub it. It's beautiful, and SMG needs remixes.
  13. I assume this is supposed to sound like an orchestra. The biggest problem I hear with that is how dry the samples are and how a mixed dry/wet signal isn't really giving them a realistic hall sound. Then again, nothing short of wet-recorded samples and/or expensive high-quality reverbs is gonna fix it. Unless you can take the track to a concert hall and record it with speakers on stage. I suggest you either get yourself more passable hall-sounding music tools (or collabbing with someone who's got the tools for it), or to change your approach to something easier to do. Then again, the santoor and percussion are the biggest offenders here, fixing those might be enough to make it a passable fake orchestra. Transition at 0:43 is kind'a hard too, you might want to rewrite that part a bit. Hope this helps.
  14. Hihats sound completely out of control, sometimes they're loud enough, sometimes not. Guitar could use some reverb/delay stuff to give it a less dry sound, just don't give them too much. You might also want to add some backing harmonies, be that a synth pad, piano, or whatever. This has something of a live feel, probably because it's not all in synch. The drums keep some of the parts together when they play... which isn't always. The bass sounded especially flimsy around 2:00, a lot of fingering noise. And of course, nothing wrong making the whole thing tighter by re-recording parts. Overall, not bad. Dunno source so can't comment on that. You should take it to #ocrwip, there are a lot of guitar remixers there. You might also want to change the thread name to include "guitar remix" or "rock" or something, it tends to attract guitar remixers like SnappleMan, Tensei-San, and Nekofrog. They could give you much better guitar feedback than I can.
  15. Sounds a lot like the game in the intro. Then when it finally explodes into into something else it's... weak. Dude, get some hard staccato brass and strings sounds to use there, even if you tone it down for the 1:16 part. needs more power when it breaks from the intro. Long intro, too. Snare needs to be louder. You need better drums. Red Brinstar is always as recognizeable, but the statue room thing seemed sampled straight from source (until :40 or so, then followed by something original). The Red Brinstar modified version around 3:00 is pretty cool, and unlike a lot of your usual melodies this sounds intelligently adapted and personalized. Nice work on that. The 1:16 part also has a clear and cohesive melody. Transition at 1:43 feels completely arbitrary, tho. Nice work on the 2:44 atmosphere. Sound needs work. Aside from a few arrangement fixes the writing sounds fine to me. Nice work bro.
  16. About time this was posted. Not having heard the original, it's always interesting to see what parts I recognize from the other remixes. This undeniably Willrock stuff, and it's not hard to hear it's relatively old Willrock stuff. it's by no meanunenjoyable - this is refreshing. I had managed to forget this track tho. I tried to remember it, but ended up remembering your Windfish remix instead. I'm not the only one to confuse the two, apparently. Kind'a messy and could use more EQ separation, but that's already been said. The piano sound feels compressed or something, something weird about it. That's all the negative I can think of. Nice work, bro. 80's vibe, lots of synth melodies and solos, arpeggio effects, and it has an undoubtedly video game music flavor to it. What's not to like?
  17. I suggest taking Projects and the Feedback forums and putting them in their own group of forums. There's too many subforums in Workshop, this would leave 3 of them - a much more manageable number, and reduce the Community subforums to 3 as well. The suggested group could probably house Workshop and its remaining subforums as well. And if there is then a shortage of subforums, Album Comments/Reviews could be a subforum under ReMix Comments/Reviews. Clears up the forum page to make room for the suggestion above. The obscure location and name of the WIP board isn't helping. The name Feedback: Workshop ReMixes is kind'a weird, it implies they are ocr ReMixes. Then there's the occasional confusions about whether a post there is a wip or a release, and the name doesn't really help clear that up (or even suggest there's both wips and releases there). I know I've previously suggested splitting them into two forums to more distinguish between them but that's another matter. With the most useful feedback coming from regulars, not from first-time visitors who come via the ocr front page, burying the forum seems counter-productive. edit: ppl are apparently confused, this thread was in the FL forum, not Feedback: Workspace ReMixes. Suggestion for Darke.
  18. I got an idea for a rock/metal version of Song of Storms from Ocarina of Time just by playing guitar one day. I got some arrangement ideas for a remix of one of the Boss songs from Super Metroid from playing with time signatures. I have an F-Zero GX remix to be posted that was a test to see if I could make something using synths and only synths. My posted remix of F-Zero's Red Canyon was based on the source's bassline and developed from there into what it is now. That's where some ideas have come from. A lot of time the source track draws you in one direction and your idea draws you in another, and the result is somewhere neither of them would go on their own. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't you just have to scratch that version and redo it... or just forget about it and make another song instead. OCR has some guides and stuff... somewhere, and the net is full of getting started pages and how-to material. Do a bit of research into it. Ultimately, it's all about making music. Just because it has video game music themes in it doesn't mean it's any easier. btw, some copy-paste stuff from the midi, some don't use the midi files at all. remixing isn't just taking a midi file, changing the instruments and adding drums.
  19. As far from James and his music as this has gone now, it might as well be locked. Last even remotely music-related post here was Aizen's, tho it seems more of a trolling attempt and an attack on constructive criticism. The other posts have been about James' attitude to feedback and a disagreement concerning sound quality... and escalating ridicule. No need to reiterate stuff that much. Sadly, SnappleMan is right about what this leads to.
  20. The problem in this screenshot is having to scroll down just to see the new posts. There's a nav bar with logo and mascot and a search box, location info, followed by forum controls, more location info, five subforums, new thread button, more location info, and then comes the stickied threads. new posts are quite far down, making it necessary to scroll down each time I open either of the forums with multiple subforums. In this screenshot it's more a matter of where the eyes are drawn, which is the large forums, not the subforums. The subforum lists blend into the forum descriptions. Requests, which have been moved up, will probably get a little more attention, Workshop and Site Issues probably less. Come to think of it, Workshop might get more than before, but the workshop subforums far less. Translation to Judgish: The design is good but the arrangement needs work. The arrangement is cluttered, it'd work better if things were separated better. It seems like some of the lead forums are in the background while backing forums get the attention of the viewer. The header is a bit too long, taking up most of the window. The updated forum doesn't work well on small screens. It takes too long for the page to get to the threads. NO (refine/resub).
  21. Posting this here as well... Yeah, the latest wip posts are on the front page, which Darke was quick to point out, but not everyone go there regularly. Also, this change looks terrible on my laptop. There's already a thick nav bar, the lists of subforums don't really make it any better. (the links are screenshots, and offtopic isn't even there)
  22. Apparently, my feedback post was eaten by the Workshop move. Oh well, I basically said you got a nice groove here, might use a congas rhythm or something in the intro, give you snare some more highs, get rid of the (last part of the remix) kick just before the snare since it screws with the groove (or you can change the groove to fit). Also, the guitar/piano ostinato could still use some work. Using both at the same time might not be wise, why not use piano all the way, just move it up an octave when it comes to the part where the piano now comes in. (ie move the stuff before then down an octave, it's already pretty high) Trumpet either needs to be more foreground or more background in the first section it's in, and it should be foreground in that last section, the stuff after the calm section. Not gonna dig up the file to check the times but you get which parts I mean, right? The last section is also a bit cluttery and the melodies feel a bit arbitrary, cleaning up either of those problems should tell if the other one needs fixing also, and the trumpets could use some work anyway so start with that. This makes sense, for most part. You're getting there, man. One day you'll be posted. Keep at it.
  23. I'm not sure I'll like this. With this many subforums it gets cluttered, and I'm not sure making Feedback: ReMixes a subforum is gonna give it any more attention than it got before. Besides, won't there be confusion now between feedback: ReMixes and the Reviews forum? Workshop outside of Workspace?
  24. I don't think everything played by an orchestra (or using orchestral samples) qualify as classical music, likewise not all classical music makes use of a full orchestra. Orchestral describes this better imo.
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