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Everything posted by Rozovian

  1. You can't do that from ocr. Try YouTube. Or Google. Some of them are available from the chiptunes tab in the remix view.
  2. Looking good. Just noticed its absence from among the other tabs and went "whoa, djp forgot to make a review thread". This might be the time to suggest to link game threads to their database pages, in the same style that was done with the reviews.
  3. This is gonna be _so_ complicated... u no bout eq. r u doin it rite? *ahem* ...as in, are you using EQ to separate tracks to make the mix clear, or just boosting the bands you want to have louder for each track?
  4. Summer's approaching fast, the snow's melting away, and some of you have a wip deadline coming up soon. You know who you are. I'll try to remind you anyway. In other news, seikens.com is looking forward to this project's release. That's pretty cool.
  5. You'll need a decent pair of headphones, preferably closed or semi-closed. The in-ear stuff will hardly be good enough, especially since their bass response changes with how hard you press them into your ears. A quick look at an online store shows you should get a half-decent pair of headphones for under 50 dollars, and if you're gonna spend, putting a hundred or two on a good set of headphones is worth it. Piece of advice, tho, visit an audio store and try some headphones, find a pair that you're comfortable with. if you can't hear what you're doing, you'll probably gonna be doing it wrong. As for effects, a decent EQ, decent compressor, decent limiter, basic reverb, a delay, an overdrive, a bitcrusher, and a multiband compressor should be enough to get stuff to sound good enough for ocr (works for me at least). There is no ultimate plugin that's gonna make your stuff sound infinitely better. Yes, convolution reverb is better than your typical gritty and free reverb, but a reverb can't do anything but make a terrible dry track sound terrible in a large fairly realistic space. It's easy to skip the step about getting each track to sound good on its own. Once you get each track to sound good, it shouldn't be hard to mix the tracks together.
  6. it's about time this guy got posted. Nice work Joren, welcome to the ranks of posted remixers. Weren't you supposed to get posted in n00bfl00d? Great that you picked an under-remixed game, and it's certainly got attitude. I'll listen and review more in-depth later, I feel I owe you a good review.
  7. There are a few remixers I haven't heard from in ages, despite having tried to contact them. Their tracks are now going into the sort'a-available list on the first post. Too bad, because I liked what they would have brought to the project. On the other hand, now _you_ can take their tracks, make something awesome out of it. If you're one of the remixers in question, lemme know asap that you're not dead and/or h8ers.
  8. It's one of the things being worked on, could be fixed by the next torrent. Whenever that is. 2011. I have the same problem as you do, Wolfen. Dunno what other tracks are affected, but they work in Quicktime, so if you just want to hear that one, just put it on loop there.
  9. Noticed it in the reviews forum. You guys have got a lot of remixes to tag.
  10. What, someone actually reads my blog? Don't you people have lives? But yep, Gentry is a Five Letter Word is one of my favorites from the album, along with Sweet Dreams, Setting Sail, Go the Distance, Smile and Forgive, Airborne, Desert Nights... argh, so many! Lotta good stuff on this album, and I bet there are tracks that'll grow on me so I'll suddenly realize "hey this is an awesome track too". Great work, everybody involved.
  11. Luke... what? Because macs can't run windows and therefor not FL either? Because there are no free plugins available for mac? Because the big plugin developers don't develop for mac? Because logic and reason don't work on macs? Because macs are made for gaming, not for professional stuff like audio, video, graphics, etc.? Krow, plan ahead. When you have the computer, what's next? Windows for mac? Logic/Reason? An audio interface? Sample library or something else? Also, what else will you need your computer for?
  12. It's both exposed and muddy at the same time. The exposedness can be solved by using reverbs, delays, subtly cutting volume envelope attack, and some EQ work. I recommend you EQ exposedness until you've dealt with the mud issue. The tracks kind'a overlap in frequency, you should use high and low shelf EQ to drop each track's highs and lows so they don't overlap as much - it'll give you a cleaner sound without making it sound too exposed. You need to separate the tracks so they don't blend together. The arrangement is pretty interesting, at least from what I remember of the source. It's definitely worth working on, but you need to work more on the mixing. If you'd sub it in this condition it might not even make it to the panel. Good luck.
  13. Trailer left me with a couple of impressions: young people, future fashion, and flashy visual effects. I'm impressed.
  14. lol, what size of game do you think he's on? Correct me if I'm wrong, pcmus, but the impression I get from what I've read of your posts is that you're on some game some friend of yours is making, got the task because some friend heard some song you've made.
  15. If you need any help with Logic or GB, feel free to contact me. Got my msn and aim on my profile (click my name).
  16. Unless this is a big-budget title (and I somehow doubt that) you should be fine with LE8 or Reason, even GB's got the goods to make decent vgm. Just gotta learn to use it right. You should ahve a run through our Guides&Tutorials forum, and any specific technical questions relating can be asked in the ReMixing forum. I wish you luck.
  17. I suggest you read up on processing and mixing, listen to music (old vgm, new vgm, non-vgm...) a lot and figure out how ppl make their stuff sound a certain way. I also suggest you develop a good idea for the sound the game should have, and keep in contact with the rest of the ppl making the game, making sure your music, both writing and sound, fit the mood and pace of the game. With music, you can turn an empty corridor into a haunting experience, you can make it a safe place and a break from the action, you can make it a place for a moment to reflect on the story of the game... And you can turn a generic battle into something grand, exciting, emotional, morally ambiguous... Don't limit yourself to the sound of half a dozen instruments, but make sure that the dozens of sounds you use fit together. Also, work together with the ppl making the graphics and the level designers so graphics, level layout and music complement each other. Short version: Read, listen, compare, analyze, and figure things out early in the process.
  18. +1 Nice Work Point for the improved Currently post. "Last edited by Palpable; Today at 05:56 PM.. Reason: Update queue" +1 to either or both Larry and Vinnie, then. July '08? Seriously?
  19. Interesting how many are eager to point out boss music that should be remixed but so few actually join the project and want to remix anything.
  20. An idea that I got from this: it'd be easier to see the status of projects if they'd state the project status in the thread title. Like Seiken Densetsu 3 *RECRUITING* Mega Man 4 *ON ICE* FINAL FANTASY IV *ALMOST DONE* SUPER DODGE BALL *1 TRACK OPEN* TIM FOLLIN *RECRUITING* etc...
  21. Was lost in the forum update. It'll probably come back later after someone (djp) takes the time to put it back. It was useful/fun.
  22. You wrote a midi? ...or... You forgot the link to the remix?
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