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Everything posted by MechaFone

  1. Seeing the Neverending Story as a child was a special treat for me. I remember waking up one day, I went to my parents room to say hello. They told me they had a special surprise in the VCR downstairs. Once I got past the HELL of turning everything on (I was a techno-n00b-still am) I whooped and hollared and danced 'cause my FAVORITE movie of all time was playing. Yeah. It's like that. I still haven't read the book itself. I don't know where to find it, 'cause if I could I'd definitely read it. I've come to the conclusion that remaking a series or movie won't destroy the original. It certainly can be stupid and completely unwarrented, but sometimes remakes can produce favorable or even better results than the original. Occassionally. This idea could turn into something huge and epic, or become a travesty that will be scorned by people everywhere. Personally, it's something I'll be looking forwards to.
  2. Man, this is awesome, a rare gem that stands above the others in originality and quality. You can hear bits and snippets of the original melody here and there, but then right after the middle section there it is. Awesome stuff, you two!
  3. This is surprisingly fun to listen to! It's like there's a party in my pants, and- ...I don't sleep with this remix, whatchu talkn' about?
  4. I love the Frappe Snowland song from MK64, and this is a fine remix of it. Awesome 'Ratpack' sound to it. I'll probably play this at the next Christmas party I attend
  5. Whoops! I meant to review this song ten listens ago. Guess I got lost in it. I've been nodding my head for the last ten minutes and I couldn't figure out why until I realized I was listening to this song. Fantastic trance.
  6. I love this remix. The percussion when it starts at 00:30 reminds me of mixes long past. Those percussions I miss. I like the mostly relaxed feeling of this mix, while at the same time it jams and keeps my interest.
  7. Epic, just epic. I've never played the game, but listening to this makes me want to. Fantastic!
  8. haha yes...After listening to this remix a couple times, I have decided that it is made of awesome. Eggshakers, I guess they're called? Fine addition to this song, it does add an ample degree to this. It may turn into one of those songs that I can listen to over and over and over again and still won't get old.
  9. Red Rum, I love the SOR soundtrack and I always jump at a chance to listen to remixes of that soundtrack. Your links keep ending up in dead ends, can you repost this? So I can give it lovin'?
  10. I'm attracted to remixes like this. The kind that doesn't go so far as try to be a hundred different things. Some remixes work out like that, but I much prefer a remix that knows what it is and doesn't try to be something else. This remix speaks to me Txai, and I like what it says.
  11. Holy crap. What? Wha- What is this? I cannot comprehend. Oh wait. So that's what it is...FREAKIN' AWESOME.
  12. I dunno. Mine worked for a few months until my computer crashed. I think I reinstalled...I'll have to try that one more time.
  13. Hrm. I had it working before. But perhaps I'll just have to go that route, Luke.
  14. Well, I've got the Nintendo USB wireless router. The little light is flashing, I've granted permission to connect, I don't know what I'm missing.
  15. Guys, I need your help, 'cause I'm going crazy over here. My computer crashed a while back, and since then I've been unable to setup my wii wifi.I've got my computer back, no prob. I remember it took me forever to figure it out the first time. I don't remember how I did it last time, and it's really driving me crazy! Can someone help me?
  16. lmao. Keanu from his role in Constantine. Now that was a role he could really get into. I actually read some of the comics. Sick stuff. He was perfect for that role. That photoshop work is horrible, but you can almost see Spike in that picture. I think at least in looks he could pull it off, but I am worried about his ability to act the part. I think Keanu is a pretty good actor (when it comes to being himself-he doesn't have much range) but maybe he'll be able to land it. Like many others, I'm more worried about other aspects of this film. The music is most important to me. It's my fave of all anime sountracks out there, or ever will be most likely. This movie won't ruin things for me. Shouldn't ruin things for anyone, if they don't let it. We'll just have to wait for some trailers. I might go to see this movie just to laugh at it.
  17. This remix is awesome! The squeaks here and there throughout the song and the style in general makes me think this could have been remade for a Paper Mario game, which is a good thing in my book. Kudos, Mazedude.
  18. Wow, this mix really has a lot going on for it. I love any song that can pull off a genuine 80's feel to it, and this song does just that.
  19. Ugh...why? Why must Hollywood ruin so many excellent stories in transition? Did Akira actually hand over permission to scew his story so bad?
  20. According to cheat code central, you just plant any of those combinations right next to each other, and wait for three days to pass (hell, I just skip ahead to the same time the next day, water, and skip some more, that's how I got the black roses.) I'd love to come and play, but my Nintendo USB thing doesn't work anymore since my computer crashed
  21. Guys, I need some help. For anyone who's a fan of the Animal Crossing series, especially City Folk, this one's for you. I've managed to create black roses, but I can't make any other kinds of flower by crossbreeding. Now, this list is just to show you what I've been going on. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong, and/or what I need to do to make these flowers come true. Pink Cosmos = Red Cosmos + White Cosmos Orange Cosmos = Red Cosmos + Yellow Cosmos Black Cosmos = Red Cosmos + Red Cosmos Orange Pansies = Red Pansies + Yellow Pansies Purple Pansies = Red Pansies + Red Pansies Blue Pansies = White Pansies + White Pansies Pink Tulips = Red Tulips + White Tulips Purple Tulips = Red Tulips + Yellow Tulips Black Tulips = Red Tulips + Red Tulips OR Yellow Tulips + Yellow Tulips Pink Roses = Red Roses + White Roses Orange Roses = Red Roses + Yellow Roses Purple Roses = White Roses + White Roses Black Roses = Red Roses + Red Roses Blue Roses = Black Roses + Purple Roses Gold Roses = water wilting/withering Black Roses with the Golden Watering Can
  22. Haha. I tried that the other night. I previewed it on my computer, but I didn't use it. Mario can only call out a few basic names, and he can't say my wife's name (Nectaria/Taria isn't all that common a name) Still, it was amusing to hear Mario talk about stuff you want for Christmas.
  23. Uh...yeah...I liked the trailer from earlier this year. That at least had some dignity to it. This seems like they're actually trying to do dumb the series down in every way possible. Please don't release this to the public, please don't release this to the public...maybe if I say it enough it won't happen ><
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