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Everything posted by JCvgluvr

  1. I think that's what you meant to say Dhsu.
  2. I think maybe, just maybe, I might try to get into the MMORPG scene. This might be the gateway game I've been waiting for...
  3. You should add extensive customization to that list. Gamers eat that **** up.
  4. My suspicions: Confirmed. One reason I want to rent this is the see the graphics in action. I've heard they're breathtaking.
  5. One of gamer's most hated mission types, the escort mission. And Capcom thought it would be a good idea to make an entire GAME based off that concept?! As much as I liked RE4, I'm gonna keep my guard up on this one.
  6. When they release something worth supporting, I'll gladly provide them with funds. If they can't produce something worthwhile, they deserve to crash and burn. It's that simple. Survival of the fittest, and all that. Hopefully the few individuals with actual talent can find a more rewarding job with a more successful company.
  7. I'm happy to see that people who actually know something about music can see how stupid this lawsuit is. Hopefully, the courts are as intelligent as you guys. Coldplay didn't copy anything, period. Similarity isn't a crime.
  8. He manifested one of his jokes from the point of view of an idiot developer with a bar stuck in his head. Quite intelligent, I must say! Oops, forgot to comment on the Guitar Hero:World Tour review last week: I think he could of given Rock Band much more credit than he did.
  9. Congrats is in order!
  10. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17359 I did the search for you. Dr. Orpheus: NOW THANK MEEE!!!
  11. First Mega Man 7, and now this?
  12. SwordBreaker, have you ever been disappointed with a main Sonic title? I know that the spin-offs don't always hold up well, but have you ever not liked a regular Sonic game? I know I always do. Sonic '06 came the closest to proving me wrong, but that's another story.
  13. Yeah, so do I.
  14. Yeah, I'd take ^that.
  15. If anyone ever deserved to win the internet, it's Rick. Freaking epic!
  16. Fixed for truth.
  17. Someone missed their daily recommended chill pill, am I right? I wasn't really trying to sound arrogant or anything like that. My "moderator" comment might have been spiced a little, but it wasn't anything offensive... No game deserves that kind of worship. All I know is, I must have tried to jump on that beanstalk 50 times before I finally clung to it. Every isometric platformer suffers from this dimensional oversight. Here's the one who deserves the pat on the back! He figured out my name! I've never met a person who's discovered it's meaning. Quite the achievement.
  18. For a split second, I thought this was going to be something important. And you know, there's always MUGEN.
  19. Nice dodge. Whatever, I'll let it slide... I would expect a more informed opinion from a moderator...The Isometric Perspective is a close cousin to true 3D, but it isn't really 3D. It's as you said: With every graphic being a sprite, if you were to somehow turn the entire gameworld sideways, everything would be paper thin (ala Paper Mario). This perspective is a nice trick to look and play 3D, but it isn't true. Not to mention how horrible the IsoPer is for platformers. Don't even think of trying to make a pixel-perfect jump. This is one reason why Super Mario RPG frustrates the crap outta me! I hate the IsoPer, period!
  20. Bleck, if I'm not mistaken, you've mentioned Sonic 3D Blast (in the 3D perspective) before, haven't you? So, is it an ongoing joke to you or a repeated mistake?
  21. Ah yes, false advertising at it's finest...*facepalms anyone who thinks 3D Blast was actually 3D*
  22. I freaking LOVE Powerglove. I have to find out if I can catch them December 8th...Dragonforce it cool, if not a little repetitive...
  23. ^Yeah, I'd go with that.
  24. I've enjoyed both of his latest reviews, but Fable 2 got me to LOL more. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he actually likes Fallout 3 and only thought up negatives for the video's sake...
  25. Too busy to play this, I've got some building to do in Banjo. I'll get around to this soon.
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