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Everything posted by relyanCe

  1. While it didn't quite get me to tears, I agree there are certainly some powerfully emotional scenes throughout the game. almost every scene with Sazh and Dahj, for example
  2. His FC3 review was one of the best he's done as a critic IMO.
  3. i'll happily dm a game of pathfinder RPG. every bit of the rules are here and here also, r/dnd has a great intro guide here i'll check out roll20 and see if I'd like dming over it. if not, google docs plus voice chat
  4. So I became an agnostic atheist about a year ago. My discussions with you (and others on this forum) in the years prior played no small roll in my worldview change. Thought you'd enjoy the chance to say "I told you so!"

  5. at times I use the phrase "at times" a little too often. at times.
  6. I played the SHIT out of that when i was a kid
  7. it looks great what are you talking about
  8. The idea is, as I see it, that upon reaching level 60, players are no longer rewarded for further gameplay time they accrue, despite there being a potentially infinite system in place for rewarding players in this way. This concept is nothing new to the RPG experience, but is one of the first times I've seen it deployed in an online setting. It's something you usually see in games like Disgaea, Final Fantasy, and Star Ocean. In each case there is an "endgame" level tier, whereupon class features and special abilities have all been awarded and there is no more advancement in that regard. However, there still exists more potential for "hard stat building through sheer time spent playing" in the form of the typical statistical gains players found in gaining prior levels. This is also one of the first times I've seen this concept given a separate name and actually being a separate part of the experience. I believe the current problem some are having with it stems from this striation. TL;DR Guys calm down, RPG's have been doing this for years. They've just been sneakier about it.
  9. huh. think i'll play again.
  10. Her Q is one the shortest-range skillshots in the game and has absolutely zero effect other than damage and a cooldown reducer (which requires her to either have shittons of mana or be at max mana at all times or lose any gank potential). and the cooldown on her w is comparable to cooldown on Sion's (which is arguably better in every way) and Leona's. the only broken thing on her is her E at higher levels. it needs to have a 20 second cooldown throughout the game. Waaaaaaay too much utility for an assassin.
  11. won't work because gamer audiences won't be able to separate the two very divergent media, and instead project their expectations as gamers onto a cinema. They'll be looking for choices and options and discovery instead of a theatrical experience, and will leave theaters fuming about "WHY DID SHEPARD LOOK LIKE THAT OR DO THAT THING OR FUCK LIARA INSTEAD OF TALI MY SHEPARD DIDNT DO ANY OF THAT ERMAGHERD WHERES TALIS FACE".
  12. Valkyrie Profile: every other time you get a new character for your party.
  13. Bought my PS1 copy... wow... 7 years ago? 8? 60 bucks. Your asking price is fair. HOLY SHIT WHERE IS MY OLD GUIDE MUST FIND AND SELL RIGHT NOW
  14. oh well guess we'll never ever ever ever ever ever ever see it VAPOWARE
  15. gameplay trailers were released earlier this year. can we stop calling it vaporware?
  16. aaaaaand then i watched the trailer. buying a 3ds...
  17. how cool would it have been to have played as that old dude? seriously how many videogame protagonists are elderly?
  18. watch the Let's Play on youtube when someone makes one. Its not as good in any way as playing the game, but it has saved me a collective 800 dollars so far waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to come out while staying up to speed on what the HOLY FUCK WHATS AN UNVERSED XEHANORT AGAIN HOW THE is going on in the universe.
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