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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Fuck. Birthday Thread! You guys are full of win, particularly gario who made the thread 3 hours early. Drinking laws in the UK are that you can drink when you are 18 but are asked for ID if you look under 21. Also going to take this time to wish metalsnakejuice and flik happy birthdays as well - tut tut at you guys for forgetting them Btw, did I mention I now have komplete? Thanks for the birthday wishes dudes, I've had an awesome day ^-^
  2. Really nice chillout music. Could fall asleep to this. Source is harder to hear in the first half than the second but its there... have to know what your listening for to hear it, and I thought I heard a slight variation of zelda's lullaby in the intro. Production is pretty great - only crit I have is that the mid highs on the vibes need bringing down slightly, gets slightly much at the loudest velocities. Great remix however, Strongly recommended for zelda fans and fans of chillout music.
  3. This is a good point... I'm actually not sure what the happens with titles regarding this match... neblix told me that you retain your titles but if I win for example (won't happen ) I get known as the "guy that beat the champion" and if you win then you just stay the champion. Seems a bit unusual if thats the case imo, Darke, could you clarify?
  4. I heard from neblix he hadn't started an entry when the deadline hit Kinda a shame if he doesn't submit an entry, getting this far will be pretty anticlimactic otherwise.
  5. About time this beast was posted. Protodome, you are just nuts. This theme can't get any better than this. Also, this is probably the "purist" chiptune mix i've heard on this site. When I say that I mean lack of effects and what not... nice work there ^-^
  6. OBJECTION! To answer any queries posted by people in this thread - No, the synth solo is sequenced (all my solos are), No, I wasn't born in the 80's but i'm probably the only guy who liked the big hair in the era who wasn't around in it, and yes, gap company, but this is the last remix I've used that patch in up to this point
  7. Pretty cool thread idea This would be mine -
  8. So... its been 2 weeks since the deadline... when you posting the tracks darke?
  9. If Protodome and Fishy don't get their remaining tracks in, I will see to it that they die very violent and painful deaths. That is all.
  10. I have only one thing to say about this remix. Great Job! oh yeah... I went there.
  11. Nice source choice and good style to do it in Ok, when I listened to this I found that the drums were the biggest problem here. First of all i'd say the drums are a little too hard hitting. With the drums you have i'd expect to see alot of crazy distorted synths in there. Not to say the approach of your drums is bad but I don't think they quite mesh with the rest of the soundscape you have. Seems to me would would be better off trying to find some drums with less punch. However if you were to add some distortion elements to your track with the backing I think it would suit the soundscape more. Also, if you really want to go with the pendulum drum style, turn down the snare and boost the kick. At the moment the snare is cutting through everything and is too upfront compared to the rest of the drum kit. Mostly, the sound design is pretty impressive. Good leads, and bass However you do have the odd bland poly synth in there The production seems kind of boxed in... I think you need a to try and mess with reverb and delay a little, improve the dynamic range a little by doing that, and also add a stereo imager. Source is obvious, I'd need to check with the source more but i'm not sure you'd have quite enough variation for ocr. Also, i'd remove the metal man section... It doesn't quite fit with the rest of mix... like you ran out of ideas and threw it in as an afterthought. Overall as this stands, I think you are very close to a potential posted mix, and you certainly have the talent to pull it off, but I think this one still needs that little bit more work to get it to its best potential Good luck man. Btw, sorry if others have mentioned the same thing before me, but I haven't read through the thread
  12. yeah projects.... blaaaaaaaah

  13. wow look at that pimp

    wassup nabeel


  15. Are you basically calling every remixer thats not on this project crap? Jokes aside, looks very promising, good remixers and a good tracklist. Good luck with this one OA, will be looking forward to hearing what comes out of this
  16. Seconded. Lets jut hope DJP reads this and is awesome
  17. When it comes down to it I never have anything clever to say about birthdays. So for now, I'll just say happy birthday and hope you have a great day.
  18. lol you want chip damage then, not me I'm more electronic than rock and definitely not black metal
  19. Accepted... very happy with my source... very very happy
  20. hang on. Favorite threads are a no no, but un-favorite threads are a-ok? Probably will cause the same offense or worse than favorite threads if you ask me That said, no new albums so far that have disappointed me but I tend to look at more vintage stuff music wise
  21. Have to say, this is a good example of what ocremix stands for imo. Taking a great source tune, and throwing it in a great and unexpected direction. Probably the best remix i've seen from ocr this year. Btw, Led zeppelin is one of those bands that you really can't get away with sounding like and hoping no one notices The part at 0:40 is basically stairway to heaven with metal mans melody over the top I'm not criticizing btw, I think the fact you took metal man and was able to make it sound like led zeppelin of all things is one of the coolest things i've seen anyone do on this site
  22. ...


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