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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Maybe it would be a better idea to use the checklist as a guideline for critiquing, without copy and pasting the checklist itself. So you are writing everything in your own words, and going through the checklist as you critique, mentioning the parts that don't meet criteria and praising parts that do. I don't know about other people on that critique here, but on the rare occasion that I do it, I don't use the checklist as a guide, I write down what I can think of. Using the checklist makes you listen out for the things that matter in the piece that may improve your feedback, and there is no reason not to write it all in your own words. It may help improve the quality of critiquing in this forum. I'll use it as a guideline for later crits of wips (but not copy and paste it to replies as suggested by the judges). I suggest other people do the same, and see if your critiques improve because of it
  2. This is approaching completion now... I have sent it to fishy to have a quick look at it before I sub. Any thought at this point would be great, good and bad. Thanks dudes http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/n/nsnm-Waking%20The%20Fish%20Edit.mp3
  3. I don't know... It depends on the FAQ I guess. I have read some of the Tutorials on here about remixing and have personally found them useful. They are not easy to find though. I think it is a good idea but I think that more people would read FAQs/tutorials on remixing if it was more easily accessible (I would )
  4. And if its not there, then it will either be here or here luckily, there aren't that many tetris remixes on the site, so you shouldn't have too much trouble finding it if its here.
  5. True my ice cap has had 7 votes to my knowledge though, so it would take a while if some judges vote less than others, which is a fact. but thats nothing compared to the wait of a yes'd mix being posted. Have a look at the queue, some have been there since 2007. Thus, waiting for things on this site is a fact of life .
  6. Remix of the ballad of the wind fish off links awakening. Enjoy. Now available for download! Old - http://www.tindeck.com/audio/fileshack/n/nsnm-Waking%20The%20Fish%20Edit.mp3 New - Waking The Fish
  7. Ah ok. Maybe I could try and do a remix of the song of storms with a 7/8 time sig... maybe not
  8. I agree with rozo, this is too close to the source. You need some variation in your piece other than instrumentation. (BTW work on putting transitions between sections) Not sure I like the bass either, its sounds distorted and doesn't fit with the texture of the piece. The whole track instrumentally cept the bass is pretty laid back, then you have this BIG bass sound and it doesn't quite mesh together well. For variation, simply mess around with the source tune a little, change the chord sequence, hell, you could even try switching the time sig to 4/4, but I think thats already been done. Not sure. you did have this cool swirling effect in-between sections in the middle though, that was cool. Keep workin' on it
  9. That was awesome dude. The only complaint I can come up with is that the piano was slightly out of tune... Not your fault though, so its cool Great work dude, post another one sometime
  10. Afraid I don't. Tracked em down on youtube. Have I missed any? And yeah, that transition is to sudden. Rework it. As for the guitar, I don't think you need to re-record it, it justs needs mixing better. I'm not sure that the Nes square synth is a good lead though. I think it works for the intro, but you need a MUCH better synth for your lead instrument. It sounds weak compared to the other instruments and is drowned out by the guitar (most of the instruments are)
  11. Ok, I'm liking the arrangement. Could you post a link to the source? Then I can comment on the arrangement I'm not sure using 8-bit synths is a good idea. I would personally replace them with high quality synth. The intro sounds a little like POTC with Nes synths It sounds a little muddy. The guitars take up a large part of the sound and the strings and synth are occupying similar frequencys. EQ them a little try and make each instrument defined. The bass also gets lost in the mix. Also the drums aren't prominant enough enough. I can barely hear them though the majority of the track. The transition to the section with that change of tempo is very sudden. Not well executed IMO. I would re-work it, it even throws me off when I am expecting it :S The arrangement is great - Post the source, and ;ll comment more thoroughly on it Great work, hope to see this updated soon. BTW, 9 MBs is a large filesize. If you submit this in some way or form at some point, it can't be over 6 MB
  12. Hmm... About two months ago. Its weird actually, because one that I subbed in june hasn't reached a decision yet (although according to fishy, its in the process of being judged)
  13. Its cool man, I asked for your feedback and you provided it. You that, I thank you However the criticisms you state I am already aware of and stated them myself in my first post. Do take into account that these were my first remixes and I was learning the basics then. My original intention wasn't for the tracks to be arrangements anyway. Sorry if you feel that you had to comment and point out the flaws, I was just a little put out that no one had any feedback at all. Of course, IMO bad feedback is better than no feedback.
  14. Ok guys, I subbed to the panel and it got a NO. shtyjdgfgt's lol. Seriously, the judges say that it has potential so I'm happy for now Anyway, I'm going to re-sub, seeing as BGCs seems to be blackmailing me on the matter so yeah. I'm going to sort out the issues that the judges mentioned, here is a link to the decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19087 If anyone has any crits, now is the time to do it What a weird day - after months of waiting, everything comes at once - I found out I also have my mountain of dreams mix in the to be posted section today Moving on... Lets get this even better then!
  15. Same here, the entirety of the final fantasy, chrono trigger games, some of the LoZ, etc, I first heard as remixes. Its like - whenever I hear TMNT's sewer surfin, (is it even called that lol) I think of sixto's remix, and terra theme, I always think of Terra in black etc... But then again, thats what this site does, introduces you to great music that you can download for free. God I love this site
  16. Not that I review that much, but when I do, I always speak my mind - I have done negative reviews in the past, but generally, my positive reviews outweigh the negatives, since, like most people, I can't be bothered. Not to mention that to do an effective review, you have to know the song/piece of music you are reviewing pretty well, and if you dislike it, your not going to listen to it enough. The only exception with that is the judges, who seem to hate 90% of the music they review (Just kidding) Seriously though, these forums need a sarcasm smiley or something so people don't take a joke you say seriously.
  17. Ok, here is a link to all my first remixes. These remixes are old, and not made for OCR, and therefore the production and arrangment are not up to OCR standards. Some are not even arrangements and are remixes, but there are some rearrangements in there, so do take these things into account when you listen to these tracks. However, the tracks all have original names, and do not state the original song, or the game, but the games remixed here include games from the Sonic, Mario, LoZ, Castlevania, and street fighter series. Some of these have been on the WIP and have been uploaded to various sites, so you may already know a few tracks Comments and feedback are welcome, but like I said before, do take into account that these remixes are finished works and will not be revised. Thanks, here is the link. http://www.last.fm/music/Willrock07/Retro+Remixes Make sure to add me as an artist in your last.fm profiles, and download any tracks you like, they are all free
  18. Ok, I've had a listen to the arrangement and at the track seems a little bit too close to the source at the mo. I suggest varying the main section a little in repeats - variations in chord sequence, melody, try a breakdown, guitar licks in between phases, counter melodys, anything that you can think of basically. The judges look for stuff like that. Just make sure that the original section/source ratio is 50/50 and they shouldn't have any problems with arrangement. I'm not an authority on the standards thou, so don't quote me on that
  19. That game had a really unique idea that made every level different. That game had something for everyone IMO. The Medieval level owned
  20. Ok, i'll start off by saying that its good to know that you have an idea of your problems in the mix, which is half the battle Ok, the buzzing guitars - I am no expert on this matter, so don't quote me on this stuff - Dodgy leads can be a problem although if you have had this problem for a while, I am guessing you have tried buying new leads. One thing I have been told is that buzzing in amps can happen when there is a large amount of turned on electrical devices in the same room. 15 year old equipment can't help though, I must say. Moving on... Mixing - not bad, not sure I agree with the extreme panned lead guitars though. Also, the lead guitars are drowned out by the rhythm guitars, volume adjustment and EQ should help you settle that. The playing is ace - I love the guitar solo. If you have a link to the source, it would be handy - I can comment on your arrangement then Till the next update 8D
  21. First of all, two things that annoy me - 1. which one is the metal gear solid theme? I am unfamiliar with that games music, and I'm not sure by the titles. 2. Myspace. Find a better host site for your music, myspace compresses the audio, and you have to sign up to be able to download. I use tindeck if you want a suggestion of a site to upload your music too. That said, your music is awesome. I'm not sure how much you have changed the theme, or production, due to myspace's compression, but what i'm hearing is good, you seem to be using reason very professionally (I use it for my mixes as well - its a great tool ) Upload this to a different host and tell us the name of your track, you have something special here. I'll critique on your track then.
  22. Hmm... definitely james bond like, maybe a little bit too much like you said... You have very good samples IMO though, production seems pretty good. I'm not familiar with the source, but I recognize it. Um... not much to say, I'll comment further on it when/if you post an update. BTW, the file is large considering the length of the file, try and change that, OCR don't accept files over 8MB last I checked.
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