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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. woah gario, thats some in depth stuff right there But whatever, I got the jizt of what you where saying however. I think with a matters like this, its dependent on the listener whether something like this is a good or a bad thing. I can see what your saying gario, I don't have a problem with the parallel fifths in this case here. I am personally a big fan of using dissonant chords like that and vig disliked one of my chords in a sub of mine a while back whereas the other judges (apparently) didn't have a problem with it. I think in this case, the best thing to do is for rozo to decide for himself. Dissonance is an unusual concept that different people react to in different ways. If Rozo likes it, I say he should keep it.
  2. My dad also has a large collection of vinyl records, always used to play queen, bryan adams and the top gun soundtrack on it Good times.
  3. I have project choas, and I haven't heard this... :S its awesome, i'm going to dl it
  4. I have a youtube channel which I put all my remixes on (click on my sig)
  5. Well, video game music as a whole is a good listen as the majority of it is based on a strong and memorable melody which has a knack of sticking in your head when you hear it. Also the simplicity of it makes it easy on the ears on my opinion. I have actually tried to compose with in 8-bit in the past, and its a very different way of composing, as you have to make do with such limited hardware. You don't have to worry to much about mixing so all your energy I find goes into the arrangement. Anyway off-topic... Another underrated soundtrack http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1u0fh2doG4 Edit: I just have to say that the spider music is awesome
  6. here's another one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBM-m82Za_0
  7. One thing I have noticed with video game music is that only certain video game franchises are recognized as having great music (mega man, final fantasy etc) Basically, what games do you guys have with great soundtracks that you feel didn't get the attention they deserved? I'll start by saying silver surfer for the nes - the game was way too hard, but the music was one of the best soundtracks the nes had to offer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHdnG_c598U
  8. I have recently discovered the music for this game, and its absolutely incredible. There is only one remix from this game on the site T_T. Mega man and final fantasy can wait where remixing is concerned with me, cause people don't need any more remixes of them this is a remix of multiple themes from this game. Not sure my style transition works... but whatever. Heres the MP3: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/svac And here are my sources: Intro: Title Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uQwrwcB6RY Stage 1 Theme: Enjoy.
  9. I would choose e (Gameboy advance) I had plenty of games on my gameboy that I loved - Loz, Pokemon, Double Dragon, Mario etc, and I would personally rather pay the money to get them back than get a new console.
  10. Yie-Ar Kung Fu - Mists of Yie-Ar - Rimco
  11. Ok, now I have listened to it properly, i'm going to crit Great intro, I'm really feeling the organ and the flute over the top Interesting choice of sound for a bass, the drums are awesome as well, very energetic. I like the dissonance in some of the sections the distorted sax sample sounds a little unusual. The notes bleed into each other, which isn't a good thing with distortion in this case :S You have a nice synth lead, and use of the sine wave is a nice touch in the piano section at 4.15, listening in my headphones, I think I can hear a few audiable pops/static in the background, it is very faint tho... anyone else hear it or am i going insane ;/ Well, its great. Good enough for me to download imo Very enjoyable, plenty of little details and variation to keep the listener interested in the track. Nice job man
  12. Are you the guy who did the silver surfer/TMNT remix? Cause if you are, you have GREAT taste in video game music I like this, sounds awesome. I'm hearing a strong yes influence, sounds like yours is no disgrace arrangement is bloody fantastic When this is done, if you can compress it enough, sub it to ocr, I bet it would get posted, and if not, give me a copy, cause this in my honest opinion is complete Epic win Well, I don't know what others think of this version, but you've won me over man well done
  13. Nice intro I thought A somewhat misleading intro. I love the chunky rhythm guitar sound The bass is lost in the mix tho, I can hear it, but I have to listen very hard. I liked the panning on the leads, however, the lead sound didn't seem to quite fit with the sound, it sounded somewhat exposed imo :S I love the source btw, its def suited to the style your working in. I didn't think the drums flowed very well. You had plenty of variation in your drum patterns, but you didn't use fills to introduce the changes. They went from one pattern to the other without warning and it threw me off a little. I don't know the source, but I liked the arrangement. Not perfect, but an enjoyable track, and worth the download Nice work
  14. This has a nice groove The backing is awesome, really calm, laid back atmosphere. I love the little details you put in there as well, it really makes the track I'm a little unsure about the lead tho... sounds a like it doesn't quite fit the style and feel you were going for. also not a fan of the fade out ending I don't know the source so I can't comment on that. Still, nice work its well mixed and mastered imo, and worth the download
  15. Ivy from soul calibur 3. Never was able to play as her, but shes damn hard to beat
  16. I must say, a very enjoyable mix. Well arranged, and no production crits I can think of currently. Nice job man
  17. I actually managed to get on to tindeck yesterday I guess they are updating it more now but yikes - the change is BIG layout wise.
  18. Lol, thats a cool source, sounds like something off rayman 2 Hopefully will have time to remix this Edit - Well, what d'ya know. Finished remix already. Here's the link http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=2085d2b85b577ae0b94117dade8fc2950a60ccf5709d83d15be6ba49b5870170 BTW, deadline says 15th of january. Dang I missed it Oh well theres always next compo
  19. I was bored, and I love the original so I made this for a bit of fun. Enjoy
  20. I remember the first time I saw this. Good stuff, his other videos are also impressive.
  21. Haha thats sick, I'm downloading that
  22. First off, guitar sample sounds very.. um.. strange lol. Not sure I like it. Sounds very midi like, dry, and realistic. The drums don't sound brilliant either, but ok. Theres a lot of reverb on that snare. I like the use of the nes sounds Wow at 1.23 onwards tho. The arpeggiated synth is awesome, and the lead guitar sequencing is a LOT better, I like the legato bends on that. Then back to the source Well. I like the arrangement, no problems there. The problem is the sound samples at the moment, work on your guitar sequencing Other than that, great, but I wouldn't submit it in its current form personally.
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